Gaps in emergency income measures must be closed

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Unifor is urging federal ministers to close the gaps in new emergency income programs, so that no worker is left behind.

“Canada’s workers need access to emergency benefits. The programs put forward show a commitment to support unemployed workers, but still leaves too many questions unanswered,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “This system must be fully universal and leave no worker worse off, as they grapple with the long-term financial challenge of this viral pandemic.”

In a letter sent on April 3 to Minister Carla Qualtrough, the union requested assurances that workers can receive Supplementary Unemployment Benefits under Employment Insurance rules and that seasonal workers qualify for emergency benefits, among other asks.

“Millions of workers have applied for financial support from the federal government in the past two weeks. This is because they need those funds to provide the necessities to survive,” said Renaud Gagné, Unifor Quebec Director.

Unifor sought assurances that new CERB and EI rules would expand eligibility for students, newcomers and people facing injury or disability, workers caring for those who are immunocompromised, and ensure a seamless transition to regular EI benefits, once the emergency benefits expire, with no waiting period or other claw back.

On April 6, the Prime Minister announced that the government is looking at broadening CERB access, specifically for those working less hours than expected or earning less than the benefit in their current job. Two days later the government announced temporary changes to the Canada Summer Jobs program to help employers hire summer staff, designed to create jobs for youth between 15 and 30 years of age.

Unifor has produced this Fact Sheet on the CERB and has posted revised information about the union’s response to the pandemic, as well as resources for members at