Unifor supports the Annual Easter Seals Telethon


Unifor group at the Easter Seals Telethon in Toronto, ON
A sea of Unifor red took over the phones in Toronto, Peterborough and Windsor at the Annual Easter Seals Telethon on April 10th. Unifor members volunteered their time to answer calls and accept donations to help make a difference in the lives of over 20,000 children and youth with physical disabilities in Ontario.  

During the Toronto broadcast Ontario Regional Director Katha Fortier presented a cheque in the amount of $40,000 on behalf of Unifor, a feature supporter of the telethon.

“It’s inspiring to see so many members volunteer to work the phones and so many members call to donate,” said Fortier. “Their generosity will help provide greater mobility, opportunity and independence for kids with disabilities.”   

Funds raised provide financial assistance for equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers and communication devices. Donations also provide kids with incredible summer camp experiences at Easter Seals’ barrier-free facilities.