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Striking miners thank Goderich community

In appreciation of the Goderich and surrounding community’s support for the nearly 350 workers on strike at Compass Minerals, Unifor hosted a free...

Trump’s border policy damages our shared humanity

Over the past couple of weeks, Donald Trump has truly shown us the depth of his cruelty, at least I hope he has.

Trump’s administration has been separating children – including babies and toddlers – from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border on the flimsy excuse that the parents have committed a crime by trying to escape the violence at home and provide a better and safer life for their families.

D-J lockout enters week 80 in Gander

As the shameful lockout of Local 597 members enters week 80 in Gander N.L., Unifor is intensifying its campaign to fix outdated provincial labour laws

Compass mine blockaded by striking workers

Miners represented by Unifor, frustrated by the company’s continued use of replacement workers at the world’s largest salt mine, have blockaded access to the road used during shift change.

“Crossing a picket line is shameful behaviour that cannot be tolerated,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “No job is worth stealing food from another worker’s family.” 

Unifor launches ‘I Shop Canada’ campaign

June 28, 2018

TORONTO – In support of workers and good paying jobs, Unifor has launched a national

‘I Shop Canada’ campaign to promote and increase the purchase of made-in-Canada products and services.

I Shop Canada is about making a choice at the cash register to use our collective consumer purchasing power to aid workers in our communities and across the country,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor members at CAE vote to strike

In a union meeting held on June 22, members of Unifor Local 522, voted 93% against the latest offer from the employer and immediately walked off...

Unifor holds People’s Trade Town Hall in Windsor

June 26, 2018

WINDSOR – Unifor invites community members to a People’s Trade Town Hall in Windsor, Ontario on Wednesday June 27, 2018.

“Trade is an issue that impacts all of us – every worker, and every community. This is especially evident as the U.S. escalates a trade war with attacks on Canadian industries including auto, steel and aluminum,”said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

WHAT: Unifor People’s Trade Town Hall

Nova Scotia hospital closures leave many unanswered questions

June 25, 2018

SYDNEY – Today’s government announcement that two acute care hospitals will close and be replaced by community health centres in Cape Breton has caused much concern for residents and Unifor members in Nova Scotia.

“While Unifor welcomes any changes that would improve health services in Cape Breton, we are cautious with this announcement as the history of health care reform by this liberal government hasn’t been exactly positive,” said Unifor Atlantic Regional Director Lana Payne.

Unifor members ratify collective agreements with Bombardier

June 24, 2018

TORONTO – Members of two Unifor locals working at Bombardier Aerospace in Downsview ratified collective agreements, strengthening their pensions and job security.

“Unifor members at both locals 112 and 673 identified job security as their key priority for this round of bargaining,” said Jerry Dias Unifor National President. “By strengthening job commitment language, this contract will provide members with greater job security for the future. ” 

Unifor locals reach tentative agreements with Bombardier

June 23, 2018

TORONTO – Two Unifor locals representing workers at the Bombardier Aerospace plant in Downsview have reached tentative agreements. Both agreements are scheduled for ratification on Sunday.

“This was a tough round of negotiations and I'm very proud of the skill shown by our bargaining committees in securing these tentative agreements,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias, who began his career at the plant and was active in the negotiations.

We need to listen, and act, as political times change

The challenge ahead for the labour movement and progressive voters is great.

Doug Ford’s election as premier of Ontario marked a significant change in the politics of the province, and the country. Ford stands for policies that are opposed by the labour movement and by progressive voters across the Canada.

Here is no downplaying the challenge of trying to pursue progressive policies while the Ford Conservatives are in power.

We have been here before, however. We know how to do this.

New tentative agreement reached at Halifax Shipyard

June 20, 2019

HALIFAX – Unifor MWF 1 has reached a new tentative agreement with Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax.

No details will be disclosed about this new tentative agreement until the union has had an opportunity to present the agreement to the membership.

Unifor Local MWF 1 represents more than 800 members who proudly build vessels for the Royal Canadian Navy.

Out of respect for the collective bargaining process, the union will have no further comment until members have voted on this agreement.

Unifor calls on Trump to end “zero tolerance” migration policy

Calls to end "zero tolerance" migration policy that has resulted in the separation of migrant children and parents at the southern United States border continue to grow. Unifor supports the call to end the “zero tolerance” migration policy and urges the Canadian government to lend its voice to the condemnation of a practice that places children in danger and at serious risk of permanent and irreversible harm.