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Health care workers demand end to wage restraint

TORONTO, July 18, 2014 /CNW/ - Health care workers in several regions of Ontario are fighting long-standing wage freezes. Today, talks with multinational nursing home operator Extendicare as well as a number of northern Ontario public hospitals broke off.

"It's about the economy, stupid": Unifor files for a judicial review to stop Northern Gateway

OTTAWA, July 15, 2014 /CNW/ - The Northern Gateway pipeline will do more harm than good to the economy, according to Canada's largest union in the private sector. Arguing that the National Energy Board presented a deeply flawed report to federal cabinet, Unifor will join multiple First Nations and environmental organizations using legal grounds to stop the unpopular pipeline from being built.

Bombardier strike underway

TORONTO, July 14, 2014 /CNW/ - Workers at the Bombardier plant in Thunder Bay began strike action today to stand up for good-paying jobs in Ontario.

"We all need to work together to ensure that good jobs survive in this province," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias, who is at the contract negotiations in Thunder Bay.

Navistar pension ruling expanding workers' rights welcomed

TORONTO, July 14, 2014 /CNW/ - A ruling by the Ontario Financial Services Tribunal on a long-standing pension dispute at Navistar not only upholds a previous decision on the workers' pension rights, but expands them, Canada's largest union in the private sector says.

"This decision shows that companies cannot just arbitrarily take away people's hard-earned pensions," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

Collective bargaining begins for Northern Ontario hospitals

TORONTO, July 11, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor National President Jerry Dias will be in Thunder Bay on Monday, July 14, to launch bargaining for a new collective agreement covering 2,500 workers at hospitals across Northern Ontario.

Bombardier talks continue ahead of deadline

TORONTO, July 11, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor, which represents workers at Bombardier in Thunder Bay building commuter trains and streetcars, will be working through the weekend to reach a deal ahead of a strike deadline Monday afternoon.

"We are prepared to meet around the clock to reach a fair collective agreement," said Dominic Pasqualino, president of Unifor Local 1075.

More Open Than You

Union members control how the money is spent through established and transparent democratic processes: local meetings, councils and conventions...

Unions can regain lost ground

Our research has uncovered a new generation of Canadians willing to sign up to the new union project...

CAW, CEP to merge for super union

“With this new union we are sending out a clear message that labour is ready to do what is necessary to take on governments and employers..."

Big Canadian Unions Vote to Merge

Canadian union officials said the new union will be better equipped to battle the sorts of wage reductions and curbs on union practices seen in the U.S.

WTO finds Green Energy Act contrary to GATT

“This decision aims to destroy the kind of inventive, creative job creation policies that are absolutely necessary to put our economy on the right foot ...”

Phase 3 of Let’s Talk TV: A Conversation with Canadians (BNOC 2014-190)

On June 27, Unifor submitted an intervention to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regarding its review of the conventional television system in Canada (popularly referred to as ‘Let’s Talk TV’). The union offers a series of recommendations it feels will help strengthen the television system now and for the future, with specific emphasis on local programming and Canadian content.

Unifor to keep pushing Ontario government

TORONTO, July 3, 2014 /CNW/ - Today's Speech from the Throne in Ontario makes a lot of promises for change, and Unifor will be watching closely to make sure those changes happen, Unifor National President Jerry Dias says.