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Bargaining Update #1

Unifor Members:

As you are aware, we are set to enter into negotiations to renew our collective agreements across the Detroit 3. We will provide regular updates to you as the bargaining process unfolds over the coming months.
This initial communication provides answers to many of the questions we have been receiving on the shop floor. Please be sure to visit for regular updates.  

Unifor releases Road Map for a Fair, Inclusive and Resilient Economic Recovery

June 24, 2020

OTTAWA – Unifor calls on governments to #BuildBackBetter and reveal a detailed plan to rebuild the economy in a virtual news conference live on Facebook.  

“Tomorrow’s economy cannot look like the one that we left behind, where essential workers could barely get by on low wages, could not access sick pay, and where the social safety net failed them,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Eventually this crisis will end and we want to ensure that a more fair, inclusive, and resilient economy takes shape on the other side.”

Croven Crystals members on strike

Unifor Local 1090 members at Croven Crystals began strike action on June 18, 2020 after negotiations for a new collective agreement broke down.

Refinery workers ratify tentative agreement with Co-op

June 22, 2020 REGINA—Unifor Local 594 members have ratified a tentative agreement with Co-op Refinery, ending a six-month lockout of 730 workers by Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL). “Our members and their bargaining committee held firm throughout a difficult, protracted and often bitter negotiation process,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor welcomes cancellation of proposal to end statutory holidays

June 19, 2020

TORONTO – Unifor welcomes the decision by the Ontario government to cancel its proposal to eliminate all but three statutory holidays for retail workers.

“We are pleased that the Ford government has changed its mind on this issue. Retail workers have been a vital part of getting our communities through the pandemic, and have been working incredibly hard to keep food on our tables,” Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

Refinery workers reach tentative agreement with Co-op

The bargaining committee of Unifor Local 594 has reached a tentative agreement with the employer at the Co-op Refinery, 197 days after Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) locked out 730 workers.

W Hotel Toronto delay will not affect unionized jobs

This week’s announcement that Marriott International will delay plans to complete renovations and re-open its Yorkville location as a W Hotel citing the COVID-19 pandemic will not affect unionized jobs, Unifor has ascertained.

Grocers wrong to cut pandemic pay

Unifor opposes the decision by Canada’s leading grocery chains to end pandemic pay for their workers at retail outlets across Canada.

Grocers need to explain pandemic pay cuts

Unifor stands in support of requiring the heads of Canada’s largest grocery chains to testify before a House of Commons committee about why they are all cutting pandemic pay on the same day.

Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith put forward a motion at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry to summon major grocery executives to explain why they are cutting their workers’ pay. The motion will be voted on Thursday.

Investigation into the Oversight of Long-Term Care Homes

June 7,2020

Sent by email: @email

Paul Dubé
Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario
483 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5G2C9


Dear Ombudsman Dubé,

Unifor welcomes your decision to investigate the Ministry of Long-Term Care and the Ministry of Health on their oversight of long-term care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Open Letter: To Sarah Davis, President of Loblaw Companies Limited, on removal of pandemic pay for frontline workers

Dear Ms. Davis,

I am writing to share my concerns about your memo to Loblaw employees, including thousands of Unifor members, on June 12.

Let me begin by saying that I am astounded by your expression of shock, dismay and disappointment regarding the negative attention Loblaw received in recent days, after ending its essential pay premium program for employees.


Employers coalition seeks to dodge responsibilities to infected workers

VANCOUVER—Unifor is calling on the provincial government to resist calls from employers to water down proposed changes to workers’ compensation that would see employers help to cover the costs associated with saving the lives of workers who contracted COVID-19 at work.

“These are the same forces that resisted responsibility for lung cancer and asbestos poisoning,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “COVID-19 is the latest in a long line of occupational diseases that employers wish to pretend has nothing to do with the workplace.”

Quinte West’s 140-year forestry legacy ends today

Workers at the Sonoco paper mill in Quinte West are spending their last day on the job today after the company decided earlier this year to shutter the mill and focus operations in South Carolina.

Closure of Mackenzie mill threatens entire community

VANCOUVER— Unifor is warning of dire consequences for Mackenzie, B.C., as the Paper Excellence mill in the forestry town goes into indefinite curtailment. “The federal and provincial governments have failed forestry workers in Mackenzie and all across B.C.,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “This shutdown comes after a lengthy battle from both the workers and the owner to address fibre access issues and develop a sustainable plan for the province’s forestry sector.