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Transportation – Transit and Truck Drivers License Renewals

House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Dear Minister Garneau:

RE: Automatic licence renewals and medicals for transit and commercial truck drivers

I am writing to you today on behalf of the nearly 22,000 road transportation workers across the country represented by Unifor, Canada’s largest union in the private sector.

Revised: COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 is a pandemic illness. Public health agencies are monitoring the outbreak of this illness
and providing public health and infection control guidance. That guidance is evolving rapidly. In
the meantime, many workplace issues are developing about COVID-19. FAQ revised on March 19 to reflect recent government announcements.

Download the full FAQ document here

Unifor demands income protection for auto workers as Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler suspend operations

March 18, 2020

TORONTO—Unifor demands income protection for auto workers as Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler suspend operations across North America, throwing thousands of Canadian Unifor members out of work. 

“We understand that this pandemic requires an extraordinary response but Canadian auto workers must not bear the brunt of this crisis. Workers must be protected from this virus and from financial hardship as a result of this pandemic,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Action needed to ensure Indigenous communities have safe water

This year the annual United Nations’ World Water Day comes at a pivotal moment for Canada. Defending freshwater resources has been a growing concern for Indigenous communities—and for good reason. Safe drinking water is a human right, but it is far from something that many remote First Nations can take for granted.

There are at least 61 long-term and dozens more short-term drinking water advisories in effect for Indigenous communities across Canada. Some communities haven’t had access to safe drinking water for decades.

Update: Unifor is fighting to protect workers from COVID-19

We are living in unprecedented times. The window to flatten the curve is closing fast, and so is the opportunity to minimize the economic fallout of a pandemic. COVID-19 has created an uncertain and challenging situation for all working people, including Unifor members across Canada.

Governments must protect Aviation workers as Sunwing suspends operations

March 17, 2020

TORONTO —Today Sunwing Airlines announced it will suspend operations after March 23, 2020 and all pilots, approximately 470 in total, will be laid off on April 8, 2020.

“We will not accept any situation where workers are left to fend for themselves, not at Sunwing, not anywhere,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “That’s why we’ve called on all levels of government to confront this unprecedented pandemic with unprecedented action to protect the livelihoods of workers affected by this crisis.”

COVID-19 Resources for Local Unions

To Local Union Presidents, In the past five days, the situation regarding COVID-19 had moved quickly and created an unprecedented situation...

Letter: COVID-19 Resources for Local Unions

To Local Union Presidents,

In the past five days, the situation regarding COVID-19 had moved quickly and created an unprecedented situation for many working people and Unifor members in Canada.

Unifor has adopted an all hands on deck approach to supporting members during these challenging and uncertain times. We have worked every day to answer questions, communicate with employers, and call on governments to flatten the curve and respect working people in this time of crisis.

Doug Ford’s COVID-19 strategy fails to protect Ontarians

March 16, 2020

TORONTO— The Government of Ontario’s legislative response to the COVID-19 pandemic fails to institute paid sick days that will enable workers to protect themselves and others from exposure to the virus.

In the midst of pandemic, bold action is required

We are living in unprecedented times, and the window to flatten the curve is closing fast, and so is the opportunity to minimize the economic fallout of a pandemic.

The Covid-19 pandemic presents a tremendous challenge – both to human health and to the economy.

The solution to protecting our health, by closing the border and asking Canadians to stay home, is a wise move to prevent the spread, but it will have a swift and devastating effect on businesses who will be forced to issue massive layoffs or reduce hours.

President’s Message: In the midst of pandemic, bold action is required

By Jerry Dias

We are living in unprecedented times.

The Covid-19 pandemic exposes the strengths and weaknesses of public health systems around the world. The necessary responses to that pandemic are testing broader social safety nets, many of which have been damaged by years of austerity. As many economies fall into likely recession, governments are demonstrating their capacity, or lack thereof, to respond to this tremendous challenge.


Unifor calls for income and benefit protection during casino shutdown

TORONTO – Unifor calls for bold and immediate action from government and employers to protect casino workers impacted by today’s announcement from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation to temporarily shut down all Ontario casinos in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Government and employers are acting now to protect the health and safety of casino workers and patrons,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The result of that decision cannot leave workers vulnerable to the economic impact that this will have on their lives.” 

Do’s and Don’ts for employers during COVID-19 pandemic

March 13, 2020

TORONTO – Unifor is urging employers across every sector of the Canadian economy to protect workers from COVID-19 exposure and assist in slowing the spread of the pandemic to ease the impact on the health care system.

Air Navigation Specialists ratify collective agreement

March 13, 2020

OTTAWA— Unifor Local 1016 members who work as Canadian Air Navigation Specialists have voted 97 per cent in favour of ratifying a new four-year collective agreement with Nav Canada.