RailLine, Volume 11 – Issue 17

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Comité de négociation du CN

Dear Members,

Unifor Local 100 and Council 4000 bargaining committees have officially opened negotiations with CN Rail this week. 

These initial discussions mark the beginning of a critical bargaining process for over 3600 members across the country.

Our committees are committed to ensuring that the employer understands the need for real improvements to wages, benefits, and pensions—some of which have gone unchanged for over 20 years—while also protecting work ownership for our members in an era where advancing technology threatens to eliminate jobs. We are also fighting for improvements in work-life balance to ensure a better quality of life for our members. 

Bargaining will continue over the next few weeks, and we will keep you informed as talks progress. 

For official updates and further information, please visit unifor.org/cnbargaining2024. You can also read the full media release on the opening of bargaining here.

As always, we ask members to refrain from engaging in rumours or unofficial updates from the employer. Your bargaining committees will provide accurate information as frequently as possible.

We appreciate your continued support as we fight for a fair and equitable contract that honours the value of your contributions to CN Rail.

In solidarity,

Unifor Local 100 and Council 4000 Master Bargaining Committees