Union Solidarity

Unifor applauds court decision that City of Ottawa ‘abandoned’ taxi drivers by giving into Uber

OTTAWA– Unifor applauds yesterday’s Ontario Superior Court ruling that the City of Ottawa was negligent in enforcing its taxi bylaw when it allowed Uber to illegally operate in 2014 for two years, effectively harming the taxi industry – many of whom are Unifor members.

“Hard-working, established taxi drivers in Ottawa finally have some justice after being abandoned by their city, who succumbed to the whims of multinational tech giants,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Critical EV battery investment helps secure Canada’s auto future

TORONTO – Critical multi-government investment for new Honda Canada electric vehicle, battery and battery material facilities will further bolster Canada’s auto sector and help secure and grow jobs across the value chain. 

The projected $15 billion investment to assemble new electric vehicles, build a new battery cell plant in Alliston, Ontario alongside additional joint venture battery component and material facilities in Ontario is expected to create an estimated 1,000 new, direct jobs. 

Unifor protests to demand $10 million in monies owed to Wescast workers

WINGHAM—Today, Unifor members rallied outside the Wescast plant in Wingham, Ontario. The protest is in response to Wescast Industries continued refusal to pay approximately $10 million in severance and termination pay owed to workers who were laid off in 2023 following the Company’s decision to cease foundry operations. 

Unifor welcomes federal support for a national food program

Unifor applauds the federal government’s announcement that the upcoming budget will include a $1 billion investment to help provide healthy meals for children and assist families during the affordability crisis.

“With high grocery costs and a surge in food bank usage across the country – with one-third of them being children – we need a structured national school nutrition program now,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Bell terminates workers on virtual group meetings

TORONTO – Hundreds of Unifor Bell telecommunications members are being terminated on virtual group meetings today, just a day after Unifor rallied in Ottawa to call out Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. (BCE) for cutting thousands of jobs across the country while continuing to rake in profits and increase payouts to shareholders. 

Forestry Workers’ Summit unites workers in effort to strengthen sector

VICTORIA—Rank-and-file forestry workers, union leaders, policymakers, and researchers gathered to hash out solutions to the crisis facing British Columbia’s forestry industry during a policy summit on March 12 in Victoria.

The summit, jointly hosted by Unifor, the United Steelworkers union (USW), and the Public and Private Workers of Canada (PPWC), was an unprecedented gathering of workers who have experienced firsthand the many mill closures and related job losses in an industry that was once world-renowned.