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BC Regional Council mobilizes against scab labour

The ninth Unifor B.C. Regional Council opened with remarks from Alec Dan from the Musqueum band. His family, the Wolf Pack dancers, performed a welcome song and Dan described the history of the territory on which the Council was being held.

Unifor working around the clock to avoid a St. Lawrence Seaway strike

MONTREAL  -Unifor is willing to continue negotiations with the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation after the scheduled bargaining dates to attempt to reach an agreement before a strike would shut down all operations along the Seaway at 11:59 p.m., Saturday, October 21.

“Unifor is committed to getting a collective agreement but at this moment the employer is not,”  said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “.” We are staring down a strike deadline and it’s time for St. Lawrence Seaway to get serious.” 

Unifor to march and rally in support of anti-scab legislation

VANCOUVER—Unifor members from across British Columbia will march in downtown Vancouver to demand the federal Liberal government make good on its promise to ban scabs from labour disputes.

“Scabs have no place in Canadian workplaces,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “In order to ensure workers can bargain for a better standard of living, we need anti-scab legislation now. Workers have waited for the Liberals long enough.”

What: March and rally to demand federal anti-scab legislation

Unifor releases union cards to Amazon facilities in Metro Vancouver

VANCOUVER—After a four-month campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of forming a union, Unifor has started signing cards at multiple Amazon facilities in Metro Vancouver.

“Help is on the way,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Amazon workers in Metro Vancouver can sign a union card as the next step on their journey to forming a strong union to negotiate wages, schedules, and benefits.”

ECE Appreciation Day Interview with Unifor member Lisa Gentile

The following is an interview with Early Childhood Educator Lisa Gentile about the state of child care and what motivates her in her work. Lisa is a longtime worker at Town Day Care in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia and a member of Unifor Local 4600.

Unifor thanks Lisa and every Early Childhood Educator for the work they do to care for and educate children, and to enable more parents to work outside the home.

Unifor: What has it been like for you to see the roll-out of the Federal Early Learning and Child Care plan in Nova Scotia?

St. Lawrence Seaway workers issue strike notice

MONTREAL-Unifor members working for the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation are ready to strike as of midnight on Saturday, October 21, 2023, which would effectively shut down transit through the Seaway. This drastic decision follows the issuance of a 72-hour strike warning to the employer, underscoring the depth of dissatisfaction and the imperative for a swift resolution to the ongoing disputes.

Unifor outlines its priorities for the next Manitoba government

WINNIPEG—Stronger employment law to level the playing field between workers and their employers must be an important part of Premier Wab Kinew’s legislative agenda, says Unifor.

“Working families lost ground under the Pallister and Stefanson government. The Wab Kinew government should take swift action to restore balance in labour law,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “When working people have robust rights at work, good jobs flourish.”

Porter Ottawa aviation workers join Unifor

Unifor extends a warm welcome to 38 new Porter Airlines employees based out of Ottawa International Airport (YOW).

“At a time when Canada’s aviation sector needs more workers, not fewer, I am thrilled to have Unifor fighting on behalf of these new members,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President.

“These workers are concerned about job security, wages, and decent work – the same issues in aviation Unifor has been consistently vocal about. We are ready to fight for them.”

Unifor members at Bell Sales ratify new collective agreement

A total of 220 Unifor members representing Local 6000 and 6001 in Quebec and Local 6007 in Ontario have voted in favour of a new collective agreement. This marks the conclusion of months of rigorous negotiations with Bell.

Negotiations commenced in the autumn of 2022 and reached an impasse, necessitating the support of a federal conciliation officer. The result of this mediation was a tentative agreement, which members voted to ratify on October 11, 2023.

Unifor Climate Impact Survey: We need your voice!

Canada’s industries are undoubtedly facing transformations. Working people stand on the front lines of many changes to come, as this country determines how to address the challenges posed by climate change.

Our union has been calling for a vision that transforms all of Canada’s industries while leaving no worker behind. Achieving our vision for economic development and good jobs that puts working people at the centre will not come easy: it will require bold action from governments at all levels, as well as employers.

Have Your Say in Unifor’s Next Steps

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

On October 17th, Unifor will observe the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty—a day when we stand in solidarity with all those affected by the scourge of poverty and income inequality. 

Unifor members at General Motors ratify pattern agreement

TORONTO— Unifor members at General Motors (GM) have voted to ratify the pattern agreement by 80.5%.

“I am proud of our members at General Motors for their solidarity throughout their brief but decisive strike action and for ratifying this contract that contains life-changing improvements,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “This agreement reflects true collective bargaining. Our goal was to bring more fairness and equity to auto workplaces and to lift everyone up. We did that.” 

St. Lawrence Seaway workers deliver overwhelming strike mandate

MONTREAL- Members of Unifor Local 4212 and Local 4323 in Ontario and 4320 in Quebec working for the St. Lawrence Seaway Corporation voted 99% in favour of a strike should negotiations not result in a deal by the October 21, 2023 strike deadline.

Unifor sets up in the Battery Valley in Bécancour, Quebec

Unifor celebrated the inauguration of its new union office in the town of Bécancour on October 5. The strategic location was chosen to reinforce Unifor's presence close to the future GM-POSCO and Ford battery production plants, which will be built in the Bécancour industrial park and is anticipated to start production in 2025.

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with General Motors

TORONTO— Unifor and General Motors have reached a tentative agreement following strike action at Oshawa Assembly Plant, St. Catharines Powertrain Plant and Woodstock Parts Distribution Centre. 

Unifor members on strike at General Motors

TORONTO—Unifor members began strike action at General Motors at midnight. 

“This strike is about General Motors stubbornly refusing to meet the pattern agreement. The company knows our members will never let GM break our pattern: not today, not ever,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The company continues to fall short on our pension demands, income supports for retired workers, and meaningful steps to transition temporary workers into permanent, full-time jobs.” 

Time for BoC to hold fire on interest rates

Op-ed originally published in the Toronto Star on Oct. 4, 2023

Lana Payne and Rob Wildeboer

The Bank of Canada has raised the interest rate 10 times in 18 months. It’s the steepest rate hiking campaign in modern history. It’s time to hold fire.

The fact is inflation has come down quite dramatically in that time period from 8.1% in June of last year to 4% this August. Remove mortgage interest and volatile energy costs from the data and recent inflation is tracking at about 2.3% - let’s face it, the battle is pretty much over.

Halifax science centre workers deliver unanimous strike mandate

Members of Unifor Local 4005 at the Discovery Centre in Halifax voted unanimously to strike, giving full support to the bargaining committee currently in conciliation with the employer.

“This unit is unbreakable, and they have again shown their strength and solidarity with this unanimous strike vote,” said Jennifer Murray, Unifor Atlantic Regional Director. “Discovery Centre workers are fighting for recognition of their knowledge and expertise and the union will stand with them to win a fair deal.”

Day of action for MMIWG2S

October 4 serves to commemorate the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirited persons (MMIWG2S), and to extend our heartfelt solidarity to their families. 

Today Unifor renews support for the families calling on the Government of Manitoba to prioritize the immediate search of the Winnipeg landfill for the bodies of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. 

Unifor members at Salvation Army ratify contract after 44-day strike

After 44 days of picketing and unwavering determination, 35 members of Unifor Local 114 at the Salvation Army in Langley, BC, have successfully ratified a new collective agreement.

The members, consisting of Truck Drivers, Assistant Truck Drivers, Dock Workers, and Sorters, took to the picket line in pursuit of fair wages and better working conditions. Their determination and solidarity paid off as they achieved substantial wage increases, with workers seeing their wages rise by as much as $4.50 per hour over the course of the four-year agreement.

Unifor celebrates rejection of “heartless” PC government

WINNIPEG—By electing Wab Kinew premier to lead a Manitoba NDP government, voters have rejected a “heartless” government that was increasingly out of touch with working people, says Unifor.  

“Wab Kinew and his team presented a positive and optimistic vision for the province and for workers, one that gave Manitobans the chance to move past the cuts and chaos of the Pallister-Stefanson years,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “We look forward to working with Premier Kinew to strengthen bargaining rights and grow good jobs in Manitoba.”