The Council of Health Care Unions is recommending its members ratify a proposed agreement with the Nova Scotia Health Authority and IWK.
Yesterday, all bargaining committee members met and voted to recommend ratification of the proposal to its members.
If ratified the agreement provides a mediation arbitration process that will conclude collective agreements for all four bargaining committees in Health Care, Nursing, Support Services, and Administrative Professionals.
The Council of Unions is made up of NSGEU, NSNU, CUPE and Unifor and each Union will conduct information sessions to provide details and answer questions to its members.
Members will then participate in a ratification vote which will take place in the coming weeks.
The Council of Unions will be under a media black out until members have the opportunity to see and vote on the proposal.
For more information contact:
Jamie Pollock (President Unifor 4600) at @email or call 902-578-1564
Susan Gill (Unifor servicing representative) at @email or call 902-562-3857