Crown workers back at work

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Three unifor members hold flags and signs.

October 7, 2019

REGINA—5,000 striking Crown workers will be back at work on Tuesday after Premier Scott Moe left the province in the middle of the largest strike action in decades.

“Premier Moe caused the strike, and now he has fled the province and his responsibilities” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor retains the legal right to resume picket lines if necessary. 

Some Crown bargaining committees have been at the table with the employer for two years or longer, offering creative alternatives to the government’s wage mandate.

Unfortunately, Unifor’s various offers to find a resolution have all been rebuffed by the provincial government, leaving the union with no other option than to strike.

“Scott Moe gave himself a raise with taxpayers money, while creating a major service disruption across the province. At the first sign of trouble he promptly left for a trade junket to Asia,” said Dias. Dias added “Real leaders accept responsibility for their actions, roll up their sleeves, and actively work to find a solution.”

On October 6 at 12:01 a.m. nearly 5,000 workers at SaskTel, SaskEnergy, SaskPower, SaskWater, DirectWest, SecurTek, and the Water Security Agency began legal strike action.

For more information, please contact Unifor Communications Representative Ian Boyko at @email or 778-903-6549 (cell). 

Download clean footage of the Coronach strike action here