Members of Local 4005 at the Discovery Centre in Halifax ratified a new collective agreement with strengthened language, a new evening shift premium, and wage increases.
“The unity among Discovery Centre workers in standing up for each other and fighting for respect from their employer is inspiring,” said Jennifer Murray, Unifor Atlantic Regional Director. “I send my congratulations to the bargaining committee for the hard work they’ve done during this challenging round of negotiations.”
The three-year agreement, effective July 2022 through July 2025, will see annual base rate wage increases of 4%, 3% and 3.5%, and a $0.75 hourly premium for time worked after 5:30 p.m. The agreement covers 14 full-time workers at the science centre who work as Staff Scientists, Science Educators, and Front Desk Staff, among other roles.
“Every step forward we make is important because we know the quality education and service we provide at the Discovery Centre and we know our own value as workers,” said Japna Sidhu-Brar, Unit Chair at the Discovery Centre and member of the Unifor Atlantic Regional Council Executive.
The committee was able to secure a standing labour-management meeting agenda item on equity that uses language from the union’s Racial Justice Advocate and Women’s Advocate programs.
This is only the second agreement for this unit, after the workers first organized in 2019.