Hitachi members gain wage increase and improved benefits in new collective agreement


Hitachi members in Guelph, Ontario have ratified a new collective agreement that includes wage increases, improved life insurance, and dental and vision benefits.

“There were concerns about job security but in this round of bargaining the company made it clear that they are committed to the plant and as a result a 3-year collective agreement was secured,” said Jerry Escott, President of Local 1917 and Plant Chairperson of Hitachi. 

Skilled Trades wages will increase from $33.00 to $35.00 by the end of the agreement, the contract also includes an extra $1.00 when welding, a $0.25 increase on the Defined Benefit pension (over $100,000.00 value) and reduced waiting time for short-term disability. 

“We have a long history with Hitachi and our contract language is quite mature,” said Escott. “So in this latest contract we were able to keep all the old language intact in the event that the company needs to hire in the future.”

Women's Advocate Language and company support of the Unifor Social Justice Fund were also achieved.