Keep Hydro Public to rally at Hydro One Shareholder Meeting

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Keep Hydro Public

On May 31 the shareholders of Hydro One will meet to discuss profits made at the expense of taxpayers. The majority of hydro is still owned by the people.  It’s not too late to stop privatization.

 Let the government know the remaining shares belong to you and to future generations. While the Hydro One Annual Shareholder Meeting takes place inside the MaRS building we will be outside to say we still own hydro. 

Join the rally to Keep Hydro Public! Be part of the hydro twitterstorm. Take a selfie with a “I’m a shareholder too” sign and tweet it out to tell @Kathleen_Wynne to #KeepHydroPublic.


WHAT:                        Keep Hydro Public Rally & Hydro Twitterstorm

WHERE:                     MaRS Building, 101 College St. Toronto, ON M5G 1L7

WHEN:                        09:00 a.m. Tuesday May 31

WHO:                          Andrea Horwath, Leader, Ontario NDP

                        Chris Buckley, President, OFL

                        Smokey Thomas, President, OPSEU

                         Alejandra Ruiz Vargas, ACORN

                         Brenda Thompson, Board Chair, TTCriders

                         Katha Fortier, Ontario Regional Director, Unifor  

                        Fred Hahn, President, CUPE Ontario

                        Rajean Hoilett, Chair, CFS Ontario

The Keep Hydro Public campaign is supported by more than 20 community, labour, environment, anti-poverty and student organizations. Find out more about the campaign at