Kruger Trois-Rivières members go on strike

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a group of people scattered marching around a picket line holding up place cards

TROIS-RIVIERES - Unifor announces that 298 members of Locals 136, 234, 234 cp and 265 working for the Kruger Trois-Rivières S.E.C. plant went on strike last night. This follows the overwhelming rejection of an offer from the employer.

After months of fruitless negotiations on monetary issues, the members voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action to express their dissatisfaction and their determination to obtain a fair collective agreement.

 “Our members have clearly expressed their rejection of the employer's offer. Their commitment to a fair and equitable collective agreement is unwavering. This situation is all the more surprising given the problems of recruiting and retaining workers in the region. With the imminent development of the battery industry, Kruger will have to remain competitive if it wants to keep its skilled workforce,” said Steeve St-Pierre, Unifor National Representative. 

“‘This strike shows the determination of our members to fight for their rights. We have the overwhelming support of our members and we are ready to continue the fight until we obtain fair and equitable working conditions,” added Joël Vigeant, Unifor forestry sector coordinator for Quebec.

Unifor calls on the employer to return to the bargaining table with serious proposals that respect the needs of workers.

About Unifor

Unifor is Canada's largest union in the private sector and represents 320,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

For further information: Véronique Figliuzzi, Communications Officer, Unifor-Québec, @email

Media Contact

Véronique Figliuzzi

Communications Representative - Québec