Media Advisory: Windsor Star media worker cuts hurt local news

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Unifor and CWA Canada locals and members in Windsor are protesting Postmedia’s decision to eliminate editorial and inserter positions, and outsource printing of the Windsor Star, cutting the jobs of over 75 people.

“These latest cuts to the media landscape in Canada are serious and very concerning. A robust, independent free press is crucial to the democratic fabric of our country and it is currently being diminished and is at risk,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “This latest round of cost-cutting will no doubt have a negative impact on local news in the community of Windsor and beyond.”

CWA Canada President Martin O’Hanlon said the cuts are bad not just for the employees, but also for the community.

“Toronto-based Postmedia has chosen to move more than 75 jobs out of Windsor to save a few bucks, regardless of the hardship it will create for so many families, and the economic blow to the community. We urge them to reconsider and look at options to keep the jobs in Windsor.”

The printing work of Unifor members at the Windsor Starway Production Plant is being transferred to a Toronto printer, the papers will then be shipped hundreds of kilometers to the local Windsor market. The inserting work is going to a plant in London.

Unifor and CWA representatives became aware of Postmedia’s planned restructuring and cuts on Jan. 24 during a meeting with Postmedia executives following the town hall meeting. Official notice of the plant closure was received Jan. 27.

News media are invited to a press conference to hear how workers are affected in this plant closure.

What:                   Press conference by Unifor Local 517-G
When:                  Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 11 a.m. 
Who:                    Julie Kotsis, Unifor Media Council Chair, 
                             Randy Kitt, Unifor Media Director, 
                             Colin Brian, Unifor Local 517-G President, 
                             Shawn Bussey, CWA Canada Local 30553 Chapel Chairperson
Where:                1855 Turner Rd., Windsor Ont.

“The Windsor Star has been proudly serving the community as a daily since 1918, after it began as the weekly Windsor Record in 1888,” says Julie Kotsis, Unifor Media Council Chair. “This is a newspaper that has roots in Windsor and Essex county for 135 years, including generations of families who work at the paper and the printing plant. This is a huge loss for the affected workers and their families, to the community who will access far less local news and to democracy.”

The affected job titles in Postmedia’s layoff notice include building maintenance, crew leader, electrician, engraver, load dock helper, millwright, press operator and press operator apprentice. The union is still waiting for specifics on editorial jobs cuts.

For more information, please contact:

Unifor National Communications Representative Jenny Yuen at @email or (416) 938-6157.

CWA Canada President Martin O’Hanlon: @email.

Media Contact

Jenny Yuen

National Communications Representative