Public consultations on the Northern Pulp Focus Report stage of their environmental assessment closes on November 8 and Unifor members at Local 440 are urgently in need of your support to defend their jobs.
“The company is proposing a brand new, state-of-the-art effluent treatment facility that would see all process water treated on the mill’s property – this is an important step forward for the whole community and should be approved by Nova Scotia Environment,” said Jerry Dias, National President. “Without approval of this $130 million investment, Nova Scotia stands to lose 2,700 good jobs, and a large portion of its forestry sector. We can’t let that happen.”
This consultation stage marks the latest in a years-long journey to close the current wastewater treatment facility in Boat Harbour, adjacent to the Pictou Landing First Nation.
“There is a complicated history with this mill and its previous owners, and previous governments,” said Linda MacNeil, Atlantic Regional Director. “Our union has consistently advocated for a solution that will support these good jobs, protect the environment and respect First Nations. We believe this project meets all these criteria.”
Prior to parent company Paper Excellence purchasing the Kraft pulp mill in 2011, the mill was in need of updates and repairs. Since taking ownership, Paper Excellence has invested tens of millions of dollars switching from dirty bunker C fuel to natural gas, installing a new precipitator to improve air quality, and reducing water usage.
“We’re hopeful our members, particularly our forestry sector members, will support this project by submitting comments to Nova Scotia Environment,” said MacNeil. “At the end of the day, we have to trust the data and the science. The third-party science in this Focus Report repeatedly says this project falls well within Nova Scotia and Canada’s strict emissions and environmental guidelines.”
Northern Pulp is one of 89 pulp and paper mills across Canada and plans to install an effluent treatment facility similar to several others currently in use.
Read Unifor’s Member Guide to Submitting Comments and send your support now.