Rail line Volume 9, Issue 12

Main Image
CP train in the snowy mountain region

Unifor opens Negotiations with CP Rail

Dear Members,

Today Unifor National Secretary Treasurer Len Poirier, alongside Unifor Local 101R President Rick Raso and his bargaining committee opened negotiations with Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) for a new collective agreement this morning in Calgary.

The current collective agreement is set to expire on December 31, 2022.Although this is the official opening, your bargaining committee raised numerous issues that are affecting members, including the heavy handed disciplinary actions from the employer, wages, pensions, benefits, job security, contracting out and working conditions.

Unifor 101R President made his intention for this round of bargaining clear, “We look forward to this round of negotiations with CP. We will seek a contract that will assist our members in tackling inflation, recognize the hard work our members put in every day to goods moving across this county, and address the Company’s unfair and heavy-handed discipline once and for all”.

“Our members are frustrated by heavy-handed, unreasonable discipline that breeds distrust on a daily basis, and creates financial hardship and stress for families,” said Len Poirier, Unifor National Secretary Treasurer.”

We encourage members to sign up to receive Rail Line, which will provide Unifor members with current information on the progress of negotiations. Members can also access unifor.org/cpbargaining for bargaining updates; these two tools are your best source for up-to-date information.

The union does not bargain publicly, but we will update you as often as possible with these tools. We would ask all members not to listen to the Employer for updates or entertain rumors that may come up during the bargaining process.

Please get in touch with your local union representatives for additional information or questions. Your continued support will be pivotal in achieving our next collective agreement.

In solidarity,

Local 101R Bargaining Committee.

Media Contact

Hamid Osman

National Communications Representative