Rail line Volume 9, Issue 14

Main Image
CP train in the snowy mountain region

Unifor/CP Bargaining Update

Dear Members,

On September 14, 2022, Unifor and CP opened contract negotiations. At the opening of contract talks your bargaining committee made it clear to the employer that its heavy-handed disciplinary actions must immediately stop and our members are expecting improvements in wages and benefits.

This week, your bargaining committee met with the employer in Calgary to continue contract talks. To date, we feel as a committee that this week’s talks were productive and we are hopeful in working towards a new collective agreement that values and respects our members.

The parties are set to meet again the week of October 31 to November 4 in Calgary.

This newsletter and unifor.org/cpbargaining are your best source for up-to-date information.

The union does not bargain in public, but we will use these tools to update you as often as possible. We would ask all members to not listen to the Employer for updates, or entertain rumours that may come up during the bargaining process.

We would like to thank the membership for their continuing support.

Please reach out to your local union representatives for additional information or with questions. Your continued support will be pivotal in achieving the next collective agreement.

In solidarity,

Local 101R Bargaining Committee.