RailLine, Volume 11 – Issue 15

Main Image
A red and black CNTL semi-truck with a long white trailer parked in an open area.

CNTL ratifies 4 year agreement

Dear Members,

We are pleased to announce that Unifor members working for CN Transportation Ltd. (CNTL) have successfully ratified a new four-year collective agreement. This achievement reflects our commitment to securing improved working conditions and fair compensation for all members.

This challenging round of bargaining has resulted in an agreement that sets a new standard for equitable labour practices in our sector. 

Key highlights of the agreement include:

  • Increased safety bonus

  • Signing bonus enhancements

  • Enhanced all-inclusive per diem

  • Increased tractor paint allowance

  • Improved highway cut-offs and wait-time compensation

  • Substantial increases to customer and terminal waiting times

  • Improved zone and mileage rates each year

  • Continuation of the fuel subsidy to cover a substantial portion of fuel costs

This agreement underscores the power of collective bargaining and highlights the importance of collaboration and support.

We thank you for your solidarity and support during these negotiations. Together, we have achieved a significant victory for CNTL workers, ensuring a better and more secure future for all.

In solidarity,

Unifor CNTL Bargaining Committee