Trans Day of Remembrance


Unifor unites with a growing movement around the world in acknowledging November 20 as the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR). November 20 is a day of mourning, as our union comes together to recognize those whose lives have been taken due to anti-trans violence.

We mourn the lives lost and stand alongside trans members and their families as they seek to live with the dignity, safety and freedom that we all need and deserve.

Trans rights are human rights. No person should be subject to discrimination, intimidation or violence because of their gender expression or identity.

Violence against trans and gender non-binary people anywhere is a threat to human rights everywhere. Unifor condemns recent attempts by the US government to erase trans identity. In Ontario, Unifor expresses grave concern following a vote by members of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party voicing support for the removal of gender identity from Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum, and the actions of the Ford Government to repeal comprehensive sex education.

Threats to remove a definition cannot erase trans people’s authentic experiences including ongoing discrimination. However, taking action to end this violence is our shared responsibility.

Unifor encourages members to participate in the following three ways: 

  1. Attend a vigil on November 20. Learn the names and stories of those whose lives were cut short.  Many TDOR vigils include the reading of the names of people lost to anti-trans violence. This is an important memorial to victims around the world.
  2. Include a moment of silence for murdered transgender people at your next union event or meeting. Take time to pause and recognize those that have been taken by this violence, and commit to continue to work against transphobia as a union.
  3. Support trans people in your union and community. Print and share the “6 ways you can be an ally” poster. Read and follow the steps to end hate and stop transphobia.

Now is not the time for quiet support.

Unifor invites all trans and gender non-binary members to become involved in their locals and union. Reach out to Sarah McCue, 2SLGBTQI+ Staff Liaison at @email.

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