Unifor helping to advance dialogue on Just Transition


During October 22–23 in Edmonton, Unifor sponsored the third annual Alberta conference on Just Transition hosted by Blue-Green Canada.

Blue Green Canada is an alliance between Canadian labour unions, environmental NGOs, and other civil society organizations to find solutions to environmental issues that have positive employment and economic impacts.

The 2018 conference placed an emphasis on analyzing the ongoing coal transition in Alberta and heard from coal workers directly impacted by the process. Participants also discussed how to defend gains made by the current government in the face of the provincial election in 2019.

“No other provincial government in Canada has worked as cooperatively with workers and communities on Just Transition as the Rachel Notley government,” said Joie Warnock, Unifor Western Regional Director.

Unifor represents thousands of members in the energy sector in Alberta, including the Oilsands. Unifor participated in the Notley government’s Climate Change Advisory Panel and continues to work with the Premier’s office on coal transition and other energy files.

Joie Warnock with the Unifor delegation to the third annual Alberta conference on Just Transition hosted by Blue-Green Canada.