Unifor hosts historic joint meetings to boost Telco workers' collective power

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A large group of men standing behind desks posing for a photo in front of a TV where a man joins via Zoom.

For the first time in nearly three decades, Unifor hosted joint strategy meetings at its national offices in Toronto and Montreal, on Sept. 12 and 14, bringing together members from Ontario and Quebec Bell Canada Craft, Bell Technical Services and Expertech.

The members discussed new ways of pooling expertise and resources to build impactful bargaining approaches with the aim to better serve Unifor’s collective membership.

“When we come together like this, this is when big things happen,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “This is just the tip of the iceberg of the strategy that will be deployed with Bell Canada going forward.”

There was a palpable sense of engagement and focus as all participants demonstrated a deep commitment to forging a path toward improved post-retirement benefits, fair wages, and enhanced job security. The strategy sessions allowed for open and productive discussions, laying the foundation for a new bargaining approach in the telecommunications sector.

Unifor National Secretary-Treasurer Len Poirier articulated the important role that interconnected bargaining units play in forging long-term bargaining success.

“These meetings mark a pivotal moment in Unifor's ongoing efforts to bring members together to benefit and learn from each others’ experiences,” he said.

"The spirit of collaboration and shared purpose that permeated these gatherings will undoubtedly pave the way for more fruitful negotiations, furthering the cause of telecommunication workers across Canada.”

In Montreal, Unifor Quebec Director Daniel Cloutier supported this sentiment, reinforcing that the significance of these joint meetings cannot be overstated.

“We need to work together on the elements that unite us, not the ones that divide us,” he said. “Because the truth is, together, we can achieve the impossible.”

These sessions mark the first of many more joint meetings to come, symbolizing a significant step forward in advancing bargaining in the telecommunications sector in the future.

A large group of people pose for a photo in an bright space.