Unifor members pitch in to help NDP win byelection


A campaign sign for Yens Pendersen is seen on the lawn of a home where two Unifor members are canvasing door-to-door.

The NDP continues to gain ground on the ruling conservatives in Saskatchewan after a byelection win on September 12. The byelection in Regina North East was the third since 2016 in which a Sask Party seat went to the NDP.

Unifor Western Regional Director Joie Warnock says Unifor is playing a role in building to the next general election, expected in 2020.

“Campaigning and building a progressive movement doesn’t stop between elections,” said Warnock. “Big money drives the conservatives, and grassroots mobilizing is what sustains our movement.”

Unifor’s member-to-member campaign in Regina North East was led by members Lorne Hill, Bill Lawson, and Dave Lyons-Morgan. Unifor organized a canvassing blitz during advanced voting and conducted a phone bank. In all, nearly 500 Unifor members were contacted during the campaign.
