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Unifor blasts Nova Scotia Environment decision as an “irresponsible” delay

HALIFAX - Unifor is deeply concerned about the high likelihood of widespread job loss across rural Nova Scotia following the Minister of Environment’s request for yet another series of studies on the Northern Pulp effluent treatment facility (ETF) project leading up to the Boat Harbour deadline.

Unifor encouraged by CUSMA improvements

December 10, 2019 TORONTO – Unifor is encouraged by announced amendments to the CUSMA, which clear the path to ratification of a deal to replace the damaging NAFTA trade agreement. “NAFTA has been a train-wreck of a trade deal for 25 years, causing great harm to Canada’s manufacturing industries and the rights of workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The new CUSMA, while far from perfect, provides a road map to implement necessary changes in trade policy to benefit workers.

Unifor disappointed by Regina Police Service siding with Co-op Refinery to push through picket lines

December 10, 2019

REGINA—The Regina Police Service (RPS) has supported Co-op Refinery’s anti-union mandate by escorting vehicles through legal picket lines late Monday night, says Unifor.

“By intervening without a court order, RPS has shown not only highly questionable judgement, but also contempt for the highly-skilled workers fighting back against the company’s aggressive demand for concessions,” says Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Unifor members have kept the picket lines rock solid and respectful.”

VIA Rail Bargaining Update # 3

Dear Members,

The Unifor Council 4000 VIA bargaining committee met with VIA Rail December 3-5 in Montreal to continue negotiations on the renewal of Collective Agreements No. 1 and 2.

Talks focused on part-time workers, including the Union’s position that the Corporation is misusing the intent of part-time provisions in the collective agreements.

Bargaining for Council 4000 will recommence sometime in late January or early February. You will be notified of future dates once those are agreed upon with the Company.

Unifor Ontario Regional Council joins in solidarity with education worker unions

December 07, 2019 TORONTO – In a show of solidarity for education workers, Harvey Bischof, OSSTF President, Sam Hammond, ETFO President, Liz Stuart, OECTA President and Smokey Thomas, OPSEU President joined Unifor National President Jerry Dias at Unifor’s Ontario Regional Council today. “Together we’re sending a message to Doug Ford that when he picks a fight with one of us, he picks a fight with all of us,” said Dias. “This is personal. It’s personal when they attack our kids.” Hammond echoed the call for workers and unions to join forces.

Locked out Co-op Refinery workers to hold rally

December 5, 2019

REGINA—Members of Unifor Local 594 and their supporters will send a strong message to Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) and the Co-op Refinery Complex (CRC) to stop the attack on hard-earned pension plans.

“A refinery clearing $3 million a day in profit can easily afford to meet pension obligations to a highly skilled workforce,” said Scott Doherty, lead Unifor negotiator and Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President.

Ontario Regional Council delegates mobilize against Ford cuts

December 05, 2019 TORONTO – Delegates representing Locals from across the province will mobilize against Doug Ford cuts during Unifor’s Ontario Regional Council, taking place December 6-7, 2019 at the Sheraton Centre, 123 Queen St. W Toronto. On December 6, delegates will commemorate the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women with a march and vigil at Queen’s Park to protest funding cuts to women’s shelters and programs.

Progress and regression 30 years later

When I think back 30 years this week, I think about where we were and the casual sexism and misogyny that seemed to be all around us back in December of 1989.

It’s bewildering to think about how men would cat call the women they worked with or even strangers on the street, egging each other on as if it was some sort of game.

What’s even more astonishing, however, is how little has changed, and how in some ways it has gotten worse.

No Cuts to Education. Unifor supports OSSTF

Unifor’s 168,000 members in Ontario are united behind the support staff and teachers of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) on their one-day strike action, and in their sustained campaign for a fair contract.

Unifor marks National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women 2019

On December 6 we mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. This day is marked every year in Canada to remember the 14 women who were killed at École Polytechnique in Montreal on December 6, 1989, and to recognize the continuing struggle for societal equality between women and men.

This year, Unifor commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre by taking time to reflect on the gender-based violence and harassment that unacceptably continues in our society and to commit to individual and collective actions to make change.

What Unifor members should know about Nothern Pulp

Unifor represents more than 200 workers at Northern Pulp as members of Unifor Local 440. This Kraft pulp mill supports thousands of families across the province as part of a network of intricately inter-dependent forestry jobs.

Unifor will not attend Alberta government’s sham “consultation”

November 29, 2019

EDMONTON –Unifor will not participate in a meeting hosted by Alberta’s deputy labour minster tomorrow, calling it a disingenuous attempt at consultation.

“If Jason Kenney thinks Unifor will legitimize this sham process, he is out of touch. His intentions are clear and we will not stand for any attempt to silence the independent voice of workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.