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Striking bus drivers hold information pickets at schools

Striking school bus drivers conducted information pickets at two Bowmanville schools this morning to provide information and engage directly with parents and students impacted by the work action.

“Parents and other community members are incredibly supportive when they hear that the drivers are on strike because First Student refuses to pay for all of the time spent driving the bus,” said Unifor Ontario Director Naureen Rizvi. “Many are shocked to learn that the person they entrust to transport their kids to school safely is expected to work for free.” 

Pallister bungling continues at Manitoba Hydro

March 21, 2018

WINNIPEG—Unifor says that mass resignation of the Manitoba Hydro board of directors is another signal that Premier Brian Pallister cannot achieve results that benefit the province.

“The Premier is causing chaos in the management of public services and Crown corporations,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Front line public sector workers do great work for Manitobans, but we can’t say the same for Brian Pallister’s performance.”

Help save media jobs now

Unifor members who work in the media sector are urging the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to stop the...

Nova Scotia Health Care Workers to take strike vote

After little progress with a conciliator, the Nova Scotia Council of Health Care Unions is proceeding with a province wide strike vote for health care workers.

The joint union bargaining committee, made up of members from four different unions including Unifor, NSGEU, CUPE, and NSNU, is frustrated with the slow pace of talks for acute care workers, after seven more days at the table with a conciliator. Talks initially began in October of 2016.

School bus drivers forced out on strike

TORONTO – Unifor Local 4268 says school bus drivers at First Student Bowmanville have been forced out on strike as of at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday March 21.

"For some time now Unifor has led the discussion regarding the unfair treatment of workers who are tasked with carrying our children to and from school,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “To expect that people should only be paid while children are on board the bus is an absurd structure and we will fight to fix it." 

Pallister bungling continues at Manitoba Hydro

Unifor says that mass resignation of the Manitoba Hydro board of directors is another signal that Premier Brian Pallister cannot achieve results that benefit the province.

“The Premier is causing chaos in the management of public services and Crown corporations,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Front line public sector workers do great work for Manitobans, but we can’t say the same for Brian Pallister’s performance.”

N.S. budget fails to re-invest in long term care

March 20, 2018

HALIFAX - The Nova Scotia government has failed to re-invest in key priorities such as long-term care, where wait lists are long and previous cuts have reduced the quality of care.
“Once again the McNeil government has let down Nova Scotia seniors, their families and the overworked long-term care providers with a failure to invest in the sector,” said Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director.

School bus strike deadline approaches

To view this press release on the web please click here.

TORONTO – Unifor Local 4268 is negotiating with First Student Bowmanville as school bus drivers in the Durham and the Kawartha regions approach a strike deadline at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday March 21.

Unifor condemns new U.S. forestry tariffs

March 16, 2018

OTTAWA - Unifor is calling on the federal government to intervene immediately to stop new anti-dumping duties imposed by the U.S. on pulp and paper mills in Newfoundland and British Columbia.

“Unfair tariffs aren’t just political theatre, they’re reckless policies that will close down mills and throw hundreds of Canadians out of work,” said Jerry Dias, National President. “This is completely unacceptable and Ottawa needs to push back hard against these heavy-handed tactics.”

Unifor supports Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct

March 12, 2018

Dear David:

Unifor is pleased to support the work of the Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct to Prevent and Respond to Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Violence. We applaud the collaboration and leadership shown by ACTRA and others including our local Nabet 700M to create this new Code.

Unifor supports all efforts to create safe and respectful workplaces free of harassment including sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence.

Pallister budget gets failing grade from Unifor

March 12, 2018

WINNIPEG—The 2018 Manitoba budget fails to address some of the province’s most urgent problems, especially in the north, says Unifor.

“Premier Brian Pallister is failing Manitoba’s most vulnerable,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “There is a stunning indifference to the struggles of Manitobans who are falling farther and farther behind.”

Unifor submission to Ontario student transportation review

On behalf of school bus drivers Unifor continues to lobby the government to address the precariousness and poor working conditions that are rampant in the industry. As part of Ontario’s review of the student transportation system the union has submitted its concerns and recommendations in “A New Vision for Student Transportation”.  Read the full submission here

Tariff exclusion a stay of execution: Unifor

March 8, 2018
TORONTO – Unifor says the exclusion of tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum exports to the U.S. is simply a stay of execution.“This isn’t a victory, it’s a threat,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “The U.S. is now holding tariffs over Canada’s head at the NAFTA table ahead of the next round, which uncoincidentally will take place in Washington.”

Unifor members gather to lobby B.C. government

March 6, 2018

VICTORIA—Unifor activists will present policy proposals on workplace health and safety reforms, economic security for women, and progressive labour law amendments during meetings this week in Victoria.

“Last spring, British Columbians voted for change. There is no time to waste when it comes to making workplaces safer and restoring workers’ basic rights,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Trump holds Canadian steel and aluminum as NAFTA hostage

MEXICO CITY –Unifor, Canada’s largest union in the private sector, says that President Trump has made it clear that Canada’s steel and aluminum industries are being held hostage to extort a NAFTA deal.

“Trump plainly stated that tariffs will only come off if Canada signs a NAFTA agreement to his liking,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “The question now is whether the Canadian government is going to submit to trade blackmail.”

Without tariff exemption Canada must withdraw from NAFTA: Unifor

March 2, 2018 

TORONTO – Unifor says if Canada fails to obtain an exemption from unjust and punitive tariffs on steel and aluminum exports to U.S. then the Canadian government has no choice but to withdraw from NAFTA renegotiations.

“If America imposes duties on steel and aluminum and Canada doesn’t walk away from NAFTA immediately then make no mistake we will no longer be negotiating, we’ll be capitulating,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

School bus strike averted

March 1, 2018

PORT ELGIN- Unifor, the union representing school bus drivers at First Student Canada in Owen Sound/Wiarton and Port Elgin/Kincardine has reached a tentative agreement with the company, averting a strike set to begin Thursday morning.

"This is good news for drivers, and good news for parents," said Debbie Montgomery, President of Unifor Local 4268. "Despite a difficult round of bargaining, the bargaining committees have secured a deal that improves wages and working conditions.”