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UE and Unifor Launch Solidarity Project

August 29, 2019

Leaders of the U.S. union United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) and Unifor signed a cooperation agreement to change and renew the North American labor movement, based on shared values and commitment to aggressive struggle, equity and political independence.


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Chemours closure will cost 33 good jobs

January 25, 2018 Maitland—The closure of the Suva Division of ‎Chemours Canada Company at the Maitland Site, resulting in 33 people losing their livelihoods, is another blow to the Brockville area. “It’s terrible news for Chemours workers and it’s terrible news for the community,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “When good high-paying jobs disappear, the community suffers.” Four divisions operating at the Maitland Site have closed since 2004, draining hundreds of good high-paying jobs from the small Ontario community.

Third Torex Gold strike related murder in Mexico

TORONTO – Unifor is outraged at the murder of a third worker related to the strike against Canadian owned Torex Gold Resources in Mexico.

“Workers are being murdered for opposing Torex Gold and nothing is being done about it,” said National President Jerry Dias. “How many must die before corporations and corrupt Mexican unions are held accountable?”

Unifor March for a Better NAFTA

January 22, 2018

Montreal – Unifor invites its members and the general public to join the March for a Better NAFTA to demand an agreement that protects good jobs, and respects labour, environmental, and democratic rights.

WHAT:    March for a Better NAFTA

WHERE: Rallying point at Dorchester Square (on Metcalfe north of René-Lévesque Blvd.)

WHEN:   Tuesday, January 23, 2018 11:00 a.m. ET

Unifor welcoming hotel workers

Unifor is welcoming hundreds of hotel workers from across Toronto and Mississauga who are making the decision to leave their U.S. union, UNITE HERE, and preserve their autonomy and workers’ democratic rights as part of Unifor. “Unifor will not stand by and allow the heavy-handed tactics of American unions to continue to trample on the rights of Canadian workers,” Unifor National President Jerry Dias said. The American union of UNITE HERE organized a takeover of its Canadian unit Local 75 that represents hotel and food service workers throughout the GTA.

Solidarity Forever

By Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director

Solidarity is what we build!

Most who know me, know of my profound respect for central labour organizations, as a force to build solidarity among unions, and bring about change for working people. This is especially true of federations of labour and labour councils across the country, where grassroots campaigning and mobilizing happens.

As a past president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour (NLFL), I also know how challenging this is.

Unifor March for a Better NAFTA

Montreal – Unifor invites its members and the general public to join the March for a Better NAFTA to demand an agreement that protects good jobs, and respects labour, environmental, and democratic rights.

WHAT:    March for a Better NAFTA

WHERE: Rallying point at Dorchester Square (on Metcalfe north of René-Lévesque Blvd.)

WHEN:   Tuesday, January 23, 2018 11:00 a.m. ET

Unifor welcomes more affordable child care for working families in N.B.

January 17, 2018

Moncton – Unifor welcomes the New Brunswick government’s latest move to make childcare more affordable and accessible for working parents.

“This is a great step towards making childcare more affordable for working parents,” said Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director. “This is also important to advancing women’s equality and enabling women to participate more fully in the labour force.” Today the government announced that families won’t pay more than 20 per cent of their income on child care for children under five.

Bargaining Bulletin #2

As the joint committee enters the fifth week with the employer,  discussions have shifted to focus on our proposals aiming to resolve the work life balance issues, or the lack thereof, faced by our members each and every day. The union is focused on our major issues of scheduling and overtime.

Read more (PDF).

Unifor applauds NB’s free child care for low income parents

January 11, 2018

Saint John - Unifor is applauding the New Brunswick government’s $71 million investment to improve child care in the province, including today’s announcement of free childcare for all families with children under five, earning less than $37,500.

“As a long-time advocate of accessible, affordable, high quality childcare, Unifor is very pleased to see these important steps being taken by the government of New Brunswick,” said Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director.

Bargaining Bulletin #9

Bargaining Bulletin #9 in PDF

We wish you a Happy New Year and hope you have enjoyed some time with your friends and family.
As the Bargaining Committee met with Bell in Toronto during the week of December 18, you showed great solidarity and strength.

Unifor backs WTO challenge

January 10, 2018

Toronto—Unifor supports the Government of Canada’s new complaint to the World Trade Organization WTO) over the United States’ unfair trade tariffs on the forestry sector.

“The U.S. is trying to bully us, and we’re not going to stand for it,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Canada’s forestry sector is following the rules and we’re confident that we will prevail—again—in international tribunals.”

Unimin closure is unnecessary, warns Unifor

January 3, 2018

Peterborough—One of the region’s largest employers announced the unjustified closure of the Nephton mine near Havelock just days before Christmas.

“Shutting the Nephton mining operation simply does not make sense, and this decision will inevitably haunt Unimin,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Worse, this announcement comes with no commitment of job protection for the hundreds of affected families.”

Busy airports will get worse under for-profit control

December 20, 2017

Toronto—During the busiest season of the year for Canadian airports, Unifor is raising concerns about the dangers of abandoning the not-for-profit model of the nation’s airport network.

“Airports are gateways for millions of passengers and billions of dollars in goods,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Airport security and service should take priority over making a quick buck.”

Bargaining Bulletin #1

Given the numerous common issues in Ontario and Quebec, we have agreed to a set of bargaining rules of engagement in order to showcase our solidarity and strengthen our position during negotiations with the Company.

Read more (PDF).

Lock-out in Gander must end

As published in The Telegram, December 23, 2017

By Ignatius Oram
Unifor Member, Unit Chair of Local 597

I am one of 32 workers who were locked out a few days before Christmas last year by my American employer, D-J Composites, which operates an aerospace manufacturing plant in Gander, Newfoundland.

Second labour board complaint filed against D-J Composites

December 19, 2017

St. Johns – Unifor has filed a second unfair labour practice complaint alleging bad faith bargaining against an American based employer that locked out 32 aerospace workers one year ago today.

"D-J Composites refuses to abide by the normally accepted practices for collective bargaining, and clearly has no intention of fulfilling its obligations to these workers under the province’s employment laws,” said Shane Wark, Assistant to Unifor’s National President, at a rally on the steps of the Confederation Building in St. John’s.