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National Aboriginal Day

On the 20th Anniversary of National Aboriginal Day we celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of Indigenous peoples. We also acknowledge the tremendous contributions of Indigenous people to our union, our communities and the broader movement for social justice.

BC Liberal government to spend transit cash on Chinese buses

WINNIPEG, June 17, 2016 /CNW/ - Workers at Canadian bus manufacturers New Flyer and Nova Bus are disappointed to learn that a massive public funding injection to BC Transit will be spent oversees at the expense of Canadian manufacturing.

Electoral Reform Is An Important Debate For This Country

Published in the Huffington Post June 16, 2016

Vote with your heart. Vote for the person in your area and the national party you believe will best address your biggest concerns.

That is the ideal of how elections are meant to work, and the guiding principle of those who have long advocated electoral reform to replace our current first past the post system with some form of proportional representation.

World Refugee Day 2016

Canada has been accepting refugees for over 200 years, but its refugee policies have not always reflected the generous, humanitarian values that inform the world view of Canadians.  There have been times where Canada has lived up to its international commitments and moral obligations and willing accepted large numbers of displaced persons. Equally, there are times when Canada has enacted policies or taken action which has increased the vulnerability of refugees.  

Atlantic Unifor members gather in St. John's for annual regional council

ST. JOHN'S, June 17, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor members from across the Atlantic provinces are gathering this weekend in St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador for the annual regional council. This event provides a venue for democratic discussion on a range of topics that will direct the actions of local unions in the coming year.

Don't ratify the TPP urges Unifor

TORONTO, June 15, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor National President, Jerry Dias, spoke at a Town Hall in Toronto, calling on the federal government to not ratify the current Trans Pacific Partnership, but think boldly about trade.

Unifor supports CRTC commitment to local television news

TORONTO, June 15, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor supports the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission's (CRTC) decision to entrench the value of local news as the civic responsibility of the large media companies (VIs) holding licenses for local TV stations.

Pallister singles out most vulnerable workers for first labour attack

WINNIPEG, June 15, 2016 /CNW/ - Manitoba's most vulnerable workers will have fewer rights if Bill 7 becomes law, says Unifor.

"Brian Pallister is a bully who picks on those who can't defend themselves," said Jerry Dias, Unifor's National President. "Bill 7 was designed to keep Manitoba's most vulnerable workers poor and powerless."

Unifor at TPP rally and town hall

Unifor’s campaign to stop ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal ramped up in Toronto on June 15 with a community rally and Town Hall that featured National President Jerry Dias. To read the complete story, click here.

Media Advisory Unifor National President to speak at Toronto Town Hall on TPP

TORONTO, June 14, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor National President, Jerry Dias will participate in a public town hall to discuss the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement on Wednesday, June 15 at the University of Toronto.

The town hall meeting is organized by Global Affairs Canada and is part of a series of public consultations on the TPP being conducted by the federal government across the country.

Strike averted: Unifor and VIA reach tentative agreement

TORONTO, June 12, 2016 /CNW/ - Unifor has reached a tentative agreement with VIA Rail, avoiding a work stoppage that could have begun as early as Monday morning.  The new four-year tentative agreement was reached about an hour before the strike deadline of Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

General Motors Canada job creation a positive step

GM Canada has announced plans to hire up to 750 engineers over the next two years, increasing its Canadian Research and Development staff to about 1,000. Unifor, representing 23,000 auto workers, calls the creation of new R&D jobs a positive step.

New products key to auto bargaining

This was published in the Huffington Post Friday June 10, 2016.

Unifor’s Auto Council made a momentous decision recently about the all-important contract talks to get underway this summer.

In two unanimous votes, the 120 delegates passed resolutions calling for each company to commit to bringing new products to Canada, and to specific investment mandates for Canada for assembly and powertrain operations.

That means there will be no deals with GM, Ford or Fiat-Chrysler without specific commitments from each that we will have new products made right here in Canada.