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Rally fighting health care privatization sets tone for NOLM

Waving flags and chanting, “public health care,” Unifor members braved the -30C windchill to march in Thunder Bay to send a strong message to the Ontario government to stop cutting services and privatizing health care.

Over 100 Unifor members, along with supporters from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA), rallied Feb. 24 in front of St. Joseph Care Group on Algoma St. N. as a precursor to Unifor’s two-day Northern Ontario Leadership Meeting (NOLM).

Rail Line Volume 10, Issue 5

CN Bargaining Committees Respond to CN Communiqué

Dear Members,

This communication is to address the statement CN made after we broke off talks. We’ve also prepared a flyer to set the record straight.

Frankly speaking, CN’s communication is an attempt to prevent our bargaining units from gaining a strong strike mandate, and divide members. The Employer understands with a strong strike mandate the Union is in a better position when we return to the bargaining table in March.

Unifor opens contract negotiations with Coast Mountain Bus Company (TransLink)

SURREY—Members of Unifor Locals 111 and 2200 will open bargaining February 23 with Coast Mountain Bus Company.

Unifor members share an important goal with the region’s transit ridership: more busses and more bus service,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “Transit operators were on the front lines of the pandemic and maintenance staff kept the vehicles running. Transit workers are vital to the Lower Mainland’s economy and they deserve fair wages that keep pace with inflation.”

Pink Shirt Day 2023

February 22, 2023 is Pink Shirt Day, when we can all take a stand against bullying. We too often see communities, workplaces, and families being divided. Through these divides, some have permitted, and even encouraged, bullying behaviours in the name of their cause.

This is harmful, and no matter the reason, we should never harm each other. Tomorrow, lets all wear pink t-shirts and send a unified message that we are standing up against any form of bullying.

Bargaining underway to set pattern for hotel workers in B.C.

VICTORIA—Unifor is back at the bargaining table with the Empress Hotel to negotiate a collective agreement that can serve as a template for upcoming negotiations in the hospitality sector.

“Unifor is a strong union for hotel workers,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Unifor members are leading by example and negotiating industry-leading contracts. What happens this spring at the Empress will help lead the way for our other negotiations.”

Unifor GM St. Catharines members secure future with e-motors

ST. CATHARINES-Unifor members at the General Motors (GM) St. Catharines Propulsion Plant will be the first Detroit Three facility in Canada to produce electric vehicle propulsion systems, securing a future role in the industry’s transition to EV manufacturing. 

CN Rail workers to hold strike vote

MONTREAL - Unifor announced today that the union has broken off talks with Canadian National Rail (CN) and will be commencing strike votes early next week.

“In this climate of massive profits CN is proposing a multitude of concessions demonstrating just how out of touch they are,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Our hard-working rail workers have made CN the profitable company that it is today and will not accept an agreement that attacks our union and devalues them and their work.”

Unifor members at Windsor Salt mine to begin job action

WINDSOR—Concessionary demands for contracting out work are among the issues that will force Unifor Locals 1959 and 240 to begin legal strike action at Windsor Salt tonight at midnight.

“When the employer comes with concessions and schemes to bust the union, Unifor members are going to fight back every time,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Workers at Windsor Salt have the full backing of our union.”

CP Rail workers ratify new contract

MONTREAL - Unifor members at Canadian Pacific (CP) Rail have ratified a new two-year contract.

“Rail workers, just like workers in many sectors across Canada, are bargaining in particularly challenging conditions right now,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “The members of the 101-R bargaining committee remained focused and committed to achieving a fair agreement for their membership. I applaud them for their work and look forward to their continued efforts to improve working conditions for their members in the future.”

Rail Line Volume 10, Issue 3

Local 101R Ratifies their Tentative Agreement

Dear Members,

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules and attending the ratification and strike vote meetings. We are please to report that the Local 101R membership has ratified the tentative agreement reached on January 13, 2023.

There is no other way to put it – this was a very difficult round of bargaining. Your bargaining committee was facing an employer who purposed concessions right off the bat. We knew we had our work cut out for us.

PeopleCare long-term care workers join Unifor

Health care workers at peopleCare long term care home in Tavistock, Ont. have voted to join Unifor.

“Health care workers across the country are demanding more for themselves and those that they care for,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Joining a union is the first step in improving the working and living conditions in long-term care homes. I welcome our newest members at peopleCare and look forward to bargaining a first collective agreement that respects, protects and adequately pays our members.”

Unifor Media Council releases discussion paper spotlighting harassment against media workers

TORONTO – Unifor Media Council is launching a new media discussion paper—Breaking the News: Media Workers Under Attack—which focuses on confronting the increasing harassment of media workers.

“We hear stories from our media members all the time about the hate, racism, homophobia and misogyny they face on a daily basis, online and in-the-field,” said Unifor Media Council Chair Julie Kotsis.

Unifor media workers honoured at CJFE gala for fighting back against harassment

Three women journalists, two of whom are Unifor members, were recognized tonight at the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression gala in Toronto for their brave efforts to fight back against misogyny and their online abusers.

This year’s Tara Singh Hayer Award was presented to Toronto Star podcast co-host and producer Saba Eitizaz and Global News political reporter Rachel Gilmore, both Unifor members, and The Hill Times journalist Erica Ifill.

Prioritize retiree’s pensions in bankruptcy, says Unifor to Senate Committee

A private member’s bill with all-party support in the House of Commons currently before a Senate Committee could fundamentally improve pension security for retirees across the country.

Bill C-228, An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, would amend bankruptcy and insolvency legislation to give “super-priority” to funding the deficit of a pension plan.

Unifor members ratify new contract with Mosaic

ESTERHAZY, SK—Wage increases form the cornerstone of a new collective agreement ratified February 13, 2023 between Unifor Local 892 and Mosaic Potash Esterhazy Limited.

“Unifor members working at Mosaic stood united in their demands for a fair contract,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “They can be very proud of what they accomplished.”

Unifor condemns alleged editorial interference from ownership of QP Briefing

TORONTO – Unifor is extremely concerned about the reported editorial interference at Queen’s Park Briefing (QP Briefing). These are serious allegations that undermine the integrity necessary for independent, fact-based journalism.

Unifor was made aware of allegations of editorial interference at QP Briefing late last week, which propelled a journalist and a management editor to resign in protest. The union strongly condemns any action that leads to this kind of editorial interference. 

Unifor backs taxi drivers in case against City of Ottawa

OTTAWA—Regulators at the City of Ottawa acted irresponsibly when they rushed through ride-sharing approvals without a plan to mitigate the impacts on the city’s taxi fleet, says Unifor.

“By capitulating to the demands of multinational tech giants, the local government set up a race to the bottom in the taxi industry and, in many cases, stripped workers of their retirement security,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “The resulting two-tiered system was devastating for hundreds of families relying on incomes from taxi services.”

Appeal Court sides with Unifor on EVAS pilot hearing jurisdiction

ST. JOHN’S - The Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal has ruled that Unifor’s challenge of an arbitrator’s decision affecting Exploits Valley Air Services (EVAS) pilots can go forward.

“The employer took advantage of the pandemic and denied pilots their recall rights as airline operations ramped back up, forcing them to unfairly re-start their careers upon their return,” said Jennifer Murray, Atlantic Regional Director. “Unifor will continue to fight for EVAS pilots and protect the rights enshrined in their collective agreement.”

Compass Minerals salt workers ratify collective agreement

Members of Unifor Local 677 in Unity, Sask. voted to ratify a new collective agreement, securing wage increases and the introduction of paid sick days.

“All workers need access to paid sick days, to keep our co-workers safe and so that people can take the time they need to get well when they’re under the weather. I’m proud that this contract makes paid sick days a reality for members,” said Ken Coons, Unifor Local 677 President.

Unifor Skilled Trades

The Unifor Skilled Trades Council and national Skilled Trades department are dedicated to raising standards and strengthening the Skilled Trades across Canada.

Unifor donates $75,000 to Syrian and Turkish earthquake recovery

TORONTO – Unifor’s Social Justice Fund is making a $75,000 donation to the Humanitarian Coalition for the Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Relief Fund.

“The scale of the damage and suffering caused by these earthquakes is overwhelming, and the response must match the scale of the crisis,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The Humanitarian Coalition is bringing together international partners to support search and rescue and family reunification, as well as deliver vital aid including physical and mental health supports.”

Unifor raises more than $70K for “One Night” for homeless prevention programs

They huddled in sleeping bags in the back of their cars and set up tents in parking lots in locations across Canada in a show of solidarity to tackle homelessness.

Unifor locals, members and staff participated in Raising the Roof’s “One Night” event on Feb. 7, 2023 to raise awareness and money for the organization’s homelessness prevention programs. Unifor's fundraising efforts reached over $70,000, contributing approximately half of the $142,261 total raised nation-wide at One Night events.