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Contract negotiations begin for 4,200 Bell clerical workers in Ontario, Quebec

TORONTO- Unifor members at Bell Canada opened negotiations with a united front and a demand to protect good jobs in the telecommunications industry.

“Our message in this year’s negotiations is simple. Telecommunications is a vital part of Canada’s economy, and Bell has a responsibility to deliver not only well paid, good jobs but also to maintain domestic capacity in this sector,” said Chris MacDonald, Unifor Assistant to the National President.

Family Day weekend rally for Sea to Sky transit workers

WHISTLER—The region’s transit workers and their supporters will gather in Whistler Village on the Family Day weekend to send B.C. Transit a message that workers and community members are united.

“Transit workers help connect our communities and keep the economy moving,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “It’s time B.C. Transit recognize the important work done by transit workers in the Sea to Sky corridor.”

School bus drivers support possible strike if negotiations collapse

AJAX/WHITBY– School bus drivers employed by the multinational operator First Student voted overwhelmingly to support strike action if necessary, with 95% in favour, if a tentative agreement is not reached.

“We will be working hard to resolve this impasse but at the end of the day these drivers have a huge responsibility and the employer, school boards and the provincial government need to recognize and appropriately compensate them for their work,” said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Naureen Rizvi.

Retirees donate $46,000 to help sick children

Retirees from Unifor Local 1520 have barely been able to get together since the beginning of the pandemic, saving them money on meeting costs, while the pandemic has cut into fundraising at the nearby Children’s Hospital of London.

So the retirees, from the former Ford plant in St. Thomas, thought that maybe the hospital could use the money they’d been setting aside.

iGaming is exciting, but the Ontario government needs to hit pause

Ask yourself: would you ever give up billions of dollars that could be invested in hospitals and schools, thousands of good-paying local jobs and millions from municipal budgets in exchange for a plan to let a hundred casinos open and take their profits offshore? The Ontario government risks making this bad bet if they continue pursuing their current iGaming plan.

Lifting of federal travel restrictions relief for aviation workers

TORONTO – Unifor welcomes today’s announcement by the federal government to lift several travel restrictions as of Feb. 28, 2022.

“Canadians are ready to travel for work and for pleasure,” said Scott Doherty, the Executive Assistant to Unifor's National President. “Having these rules lifted will not only encourage more people to want to travel, but it removes some of the red tape for those returning to Canada.”

Unifor files appeal on behalf of EVAS members

ST. JOHN’S-Unifor filed a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador in response to its recent ruling regarding Exploits Valley Air Services (EVAS) members.

Oakville transit drivers give 72-hour strike notice

OAKVILLE – Unifor Local 1256 announced Monday it was giving Oakville Transit 72 hours’ strike notice after the company’s latest offer was rejected by its members.

“No one should be surprised that these essential workers at Oakville Transit are frustrated and rejected the company’s offer,” said Tim Mitchell, Unifor National Representative. “The issues on the table are both monetary in nature as well as related to working conditions, at a time of uncertainty, with COVID fatigue and high inflation.”

Letter to Steven Del Duca, Leader Liberal Party Ontario

Steven Del Duca, Leader
Ontario Liberal Party

Dear Steven,

Re: Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) in Ontario

I am writing to you on behalf of the 4,000 Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) represented by Unifor who have stepped up during this pandemic for the people of Ontario.

Letter to Premier Ford regarding retention bonus for nurses

Dear Premier Ford,

We write on behalf of unions that represent over 150,000 dedicated Ontario health care workers, to address the announcement of a one-time $5,000 retention bonus for front-line nurses. Together our unions represent 25,000 Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and we write to ensure that these nurses are explicitly covered by any retention bonus. Furthermore, we are calling on your government to ensure workers who deliver critical services in Ontario’s retirement homes also receive this retention bonus.

Unifor condemns 'Freedom Convoy' actions

Like so many of you, the National Union and its officers are monitoring the so-called ‘Freedom Convoy’ demonstrations taking place at Parliament Hill, at various border crossings and other locations throughout the country. The actions that convoy protestors have taken in recent weeks are troubling and, in some cases, reprehensible. 

Rail line Volume 9, Issue 2

A New Passenger Rail Campaign

Dear members,

We have some exciting news to share with you.

In addition to our bargaining campaign, the national union, alongside Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100, has developed a multi-prong national rail campaign, "Get Canada Back On Track. Invest In Passenger Rail".

Our campaign has three key goals:

Atlantic and Clerical members reach Maintenance of Activities agreement with Bell

Bargaining Update: Bell Aliant and Bell Clerical Negotiations

The Bargaining Committees of Unifor Atlantic Communication Locals (ACL) and Bell Clerical workers are pleased to report that we reached a Maintenance of Activities (MOA) agreement with the employer. Bargaining will begin on February 15, 2022 for the Bell Clerical group and on February 18, 2022 for the Bell workers in the Atlantic.

Both bargaining units reached agreements that are consistent with previous MOAs.

Save the date for the International Women’s Day Online Event

Mark your calendars for March 8 and make a plan to join us for an International Women’s Day Online Event at 7:00 p.m. ET!

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on the victories we’ve made toward equality, and look forward to the next challenges that we can prepare to face together. This year, we also welcome Tracey Ramsey as the new Unifor Women’s Department Director!

WHAT: IWD Online Event
WHEN: March 8, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. ET

Wages, benefits improved at TODA Advanced Materials

Unifor Local 914 members working at Advanced Materials in Sarnia have ratified a new four-year agreement.

“Congratulations to the members of Local 914 for achieving a collective agreement that reflects their skilled contributions to the success of TODA Advanced Materials,” said Unit Chair Steve Pallin.

After reaching a tentative deal at the strike deadline on February 4, Local 914 members ratified the agreement by a margin of 77%.

Biden's electric vehicle rebate shows why Canada needs a strong auto strategy

Unifor's testimony on Canada-US trade policy delivered by Assistant to the National President Shane Wark, pushes for a comprehensive auto strategy that protects and grows unionized auto and parts jobs, secures a Canadian carve-in for US electric vehicle rebates, and strengthens our electric vehicle supply chain.

Jerry Dias: a moment of endless possibilities for gig workers

This column was originally published in the Toronto Star

For gig firms, the walls are closing in. 

No one – not governments, not Uber, and certainly not any labour unions – believes that the gig economy can continue to operate in a regulatory vacuum. European governments are taking action.

Platform companies know that. Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has even said it is practicable. 

RPNs demand changes to Ontario health system

TORONTO — Unifor representatives and frontline Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) met with Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliott on February 7, 2022 to discuss systemic issues and offer concrete solutions to retain and recruit health care workers in Ontario.

Unifor supports Green Party’s VIA Rail Canada Act

OTTAWA— Unifor welcomes Green Party MP Elizabeth May’s private members’ bill VIA Rail Canada Act (C-236).

“This bill alone won’t solve all the challenges VIA Rail is facing,” said Scott Doherty, Unifor’s lead rail negotiator and Executive Assistant to the Unifor National President. “However it’s a long overdue step in the right direction and establishes a foundation and necessary building blocks that we can use to improve public passenger rail service in Canada.”