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Unifor welcomes new long-term care funding in Ontario

TORONTO — Unifor welcomes the Ontario government’s announcement to provide an additional $270 million this year for long-term care homes to help increase direct care for residents to three hours by the end of the fiscal year.

World Day for Decent Work Artwork

A series of affirmations to unite the young and old

To mark this year’s World Day for Decent Work, we enlisted a freelance graphic artist by the name of Hana Shafi, also known as Frizz Kid, to help us develop three collective affirmations from a young workers’ perspective.

Shafi is known for her colourful and vibrant style and those elements are on full display in the artwork she created for us.

Here are details about each affirmation and what it means:

Young Workers Profiled: Tanika Chaisson

Tanika Chaisson is a member of Unifor local 707-A in Fort McMurray, Alberta and a member of the Prairie's Young Workers Committee member. She spoke to us about the importance of increasing the number of young workers who are unionized.

What do you think is an important issue for young workers today?

Young workers are facing many challenges, not just one. They are all a piece of a much larger puzzle. If I were to choose one, I would say unionization rates in Canada and across the globe.

Young Workers Profiled: Japna Sidhu-Brar

Japna Sidhu-Brar is a member of local 4005 and works at the Discovery Centre in Halifax. She is Unifor's Atlantic Racial Justice Liaison, and she spoke to us about why she thinks climate change is one of the most important issues facing young workers today.

Unifor Local 2301 ratifies new contract with Rio Tinto

After 69 days on the picket line at the Kitimat/Kemano aluminum smelter, members of Unifor Local 2301 have ratified a new collective agreement with the international mining giant Rio Tinto.

“When you take on a company with deep pockets like Rio Tinto, you’ve got to have outstanding solidarity and a determination to get what you deserve,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “I congratulate Local 2301 on a successful and hard-fought victory.” 

Brink’s members improve wages in new contract

Members at Brink’s Canada Ltd. in Ontario and British Columbia ratified a new collective agreement that improves wages, incentives and premiums, and includes new advocacy measures.

“This new contract contains significant wage gains for these essential workers while also incorporating social activism with the creation of a Women’s Advocate position, and the additions of a moment of silence on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and the Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a holiday,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor mourns the loss of Local 111 member, killed on the job

Unifor member Charanjit Parhar was killed on the job on Sept. 28, 2021 at Coast Mountain Bus Company in downtown Vancouver where he was a transit operator for more than 20 years.

The loss of Parhar was felt intensely by his fellow Unifor members, who knew him as a friendly and humble co-worker who always had a smile on his face.

“Everyone at Local 111 is grieving this terrible loss. Charanjit was loved in the workplace and we extend our most sincere condolences to his family,” said Balbir Mann, Unifor Local 111 president.

Joie Warnock retires

Dear members,

I want to recognize the outstanding achievements of my friend and life-long labour activist Joie Warnock on her retirement from Unifor.

Young Workers Profile: Nikki Lyons-Macfarlane

In a lead up to the World Day for Decent Work on October 7, 2021, we are speaking to five Unifor young workers to learn more about them and the issues they want to see addressed to ensure a bright and equitable future for all.

Rise up for long-term care rally

As the Ontario Legislature opened on October 4, long-term care activists came together to send a clear message to MPPs: No more broken promises. No more substandard care. We demand real action now!

Rejecting the PERT Fishery Recommendations; Protecting Rural NL

By Lisa Smith, FFAW-Unifor Policy Lead

In the Premier’s Economic Recovery Team Report (better known as the PERT Report or Greene Report), Dame Moya Green recommends corporate concentration in the fisheries as a necessary measure for our economic recovery, but the fishery is already thriving. The industry continues to fuel a prosperous inshore sector with lucrative species, essential employment, and economic benefits that flow to communities throughout the province. Changing that will remove value from Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Young workers are concerned about their future and ready to take action

From across Canada, a dozen members 35 years-old and younger met for an informal Zoom gathering on Sunday, Oct. 3. 2021.

Despite it being a relaxed event, the tone got serious as members opened up about the issues they are facing as young workers.   

Work-life balance, high cost of child care, systemic barriers, employment equity and pension were just a few of the issues that were brought up.

International Day of Older Persons Statement 2021

On October 1st we celebrate the International Day of Older Persons.

First observed in 1991, the General Assembly of the United Nations designated this day to draw attention to the important contribution of seniors and to changing demographics: the greying of the population, or the "age of aging."

The 2021 Theme: Digital Equity for all Ages

Unifor urges Premier Ford to protect COVID heroes from anti-vaccine protesters

TORONTO — Unifor is calling on the Ontario government to enact legislation to ban anti-vaccine protests near hospitals, schools, daycares and COVID-19 immunization and testing clinics.

“Anti-vaccine protests not only put the health and safety of our members but the entire community at risk,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “These COVID heroes have sacrificed so much for the betterment of society and to have a group of people intimidating them while working is unacceptable. Our COVID heroes deserve better.”

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with Brink's Canada Ltd.

TORONTO–Unifor has negotiated a tentative collective agreement with Brink's Canada Ltd. on behalf of more than 900 workers in British Columbia and Ontario.

"These armoured car drivers and messengers continued to provide services to banks, stores and ATM’s to keep our economy running throughout the pandemic,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. "I congratulate representatives from 12 Unifor locals on uniting to negotiate improved conditions for workers across both provinces.

Workers at 20 Ontario Food Basics stores reach tentative agreement

TORONTO–Unifor Local 414 and Food Basics have reached a tentative collective agreement, covering approximately 1,400 workers at 20 southern Ontario Food Basics stores.

“The pandemic proved how much we rely on these essential workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “This contract delivers concrete gains to build on as Unifor continues its work to improve standards and provide the respect that grocery workers deserve.”

Unifor welcomes new electric delivery truck production for CAMI Assembly Plant

INGERSOLL–Unifor welcomes today's announcement from General Motors BrightDrop that its newest electric light commercial vehicle will be built at the CAMI assembly plant in Ingersoll, Ontario.

“Our highly skilled members at CAMI are the best fit to deliver large scale production of both models of GM's zero-emission electric delivery vehicles and meet increasing global demand,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor webinar outlines policies surrounding workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandates

More than 500 Unifor local union leadership came together on September 27 to get an update on Unifor’s statement on Comprehensive Workplace Immunization Programs and Mandatory Vaccinations and advice on what tools and resources locals can use to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“To be clear, vaccine mandates are but one tool that must be implemented to keep everyone safe and finally end this pandemic,” explained Unifor’s Secretary-Treasurer Lana Payne during the session.

The Hard Math About Deficits, Debt, and Public Services

By Jim Stanford

Fiscal conservatives always claim that the necessity of balancing the government’s budget is a matter of ‘hard mathematics’. A government only takes in so much revenue. Basic arithmetic implies that’s all it can spend – at least in the long run. Cue the requisite analogy to household finances, and the image of prudent pilgrims sitting at their kitchen tables, trying to balance their own budgets. “Ma and Pa know they can only spend as much as they take in; it’s time governments learned the same thing.”

Raising $1million for shelter only a start

We shouldn’t have to fundraise but we do. Every year my son and I partner with Halton Women’s Place for a fundraising event that raises huge amounts of money they would be devastated without.

Over the years, our efforts in the Hope in High Heels walk – in which we literally walk a mile in women’s shoes, bright pink high-heeled shoes, including this past weekend – has raised $1-million for Halton Women’s Place.

I also sit on the board of Halton Women’s Place, and am incredibly proud of the work done at the shelter and others like it.

Halton Women’s Place recognizes Jerry Dias’ $1 million donation milestone

TORONTO–Today, Halton Women’s Place recognized Unifor National President Jerry Dias as he reached the milestone of $1 million in lifetime donations at the union’s ‘Hope in High Heels’ event in Toronto.

“When Jerry and the Unifor team walk every year, year after year, they’re showing women that they are not alone, they’re showing women that we are standing behind you,” said Laurie Hepburn, Executive Director of Halton Women’s Place.

Media Advisory: Food Basics workers warn customers of pre-Thanksgiving strike deadline

TORONTO —Food Basics workers at grocery stores across Ontario are warning customers of a pre-Thanksgiving September 29 strike deadline.  

“More than 85% of our Food Basics members are in part-time positions, making barely above the minimum wage with no paid sick days,” said Gord Currie, President of Unifor Local 414. “Despite the fact that these workers remained on the frontline throughout the pandemic, now Food Basics wants to eliminate the highest paid full-time jobs in these stores and offer the rest substandard wages.”

Dias commits to fighting for the future of media

Speaking at Unifor Media Council Wednesday, National President Jerry Dias committed the union to picking up the fight for a stable media sector in the wake of this week’s federal election.

“I have already been on the phone with the PMO,” Dias told the online gathering. “We are going to continue to fight for the future of your industry.”

‘2021 O’Toole’ goes to scrap yard

It’s clear voters weren’t buying the empty promises Erin O'Toole was selling in this election. So we have scrapped the failed "2021 O’Toole" truck, and sent it to the junk yard where it belongs, along with its' namesake’s outdated conservative ideology.

Unifor calls on Liberals and NDP to work together to benefit workers

OTTAWA- Unifor is calling on the Liberal and NDP leaders to work together to implement progressive change to benefit workers.

“In this election Canadians didn’t endorse any one party, instead opting for MPs to continue to work together in a minority parliament.” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “I’m asking Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh to cut through the politics and agree on mutual priorities so government can act quickly to strengthen our economy and the services that Canadians depend upon.” 

Unifor requests joint meeting with Trudeau and Singh

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada

Prime Minister Trudeau,

Let me begin by offering my sincere congratulations on your reelection as Prime Minster of Canada. I look forward to continuing to work with your government to improve the lives of working people throughout this great nation.

With the election campaign in the rear view mirror, it is time to focus on the road towards a fair and equitable recovery from the pandemic.