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Racial Justice Forums build a toolkit for tackling racism in workplaces

In order to make change with racial justice, you need not only one voice – but many, from all walks of life.

Unifor, committed to uniting, learning and supporting each other to build a truly anti-racist labour movement and world, has been actively finding solutions on how to make that a reality.

Unifor Local 240 and 1256 plant protection officers reach tentative agreement with Ford Motor Company

Unifor Locals 240 and 1256 members reached a tentative agreement with Ford Motor Company of Canada covering plant protection officers including security and emergency response workers at the Windsor Engine Plant Annex and Oakville Assembly Complex.

“I’m proud of our bargaining committees for continuing to make solid gains for our members in the auto sector during these challenging times,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “I would like to congratulate everyone involved for delivering on the key priorities identified by of our members.”

Canada has the right ingredients to be an automotive powerhouse

Originally published in The Hill Times

Jerry Dias is the national president of Unifor, the largest private-sector union in Canada. Brian Kingston is the president and CEO of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association.

As Canadians prepare to head to the polls in September, one important issue they will be weighing is the future of Canada’s economy.

“Kill the Indian in the child”: webinar examines realities of residential schools

Dozens of Unifor members participated in the webinar “Indian Residential Schools - Effects & Impacts” on September 14, 2021, the tenth in Unifor’s Turtle Island Series.

“Kill the Indian in the Child,” was the goal of the schools said respected Indigenous leader Eva Wilson-Fontaine, who led the discussion along with emcee Gina Smoke, Unifor’s Indigenous Liaison. The 90-minute event provided an unvarnished review of the goals and practices of Canada’s state-sponsored residential school system and the lasting impacts on Indigenous communities today.

Retired Workers Council goes virtual

Unifor retirees from across the country participated in the first virtual Retired Workers Council, which took place online September 7-9, 2021.

“Retirees have learned a new way of doing activism, as we have learned a new way to deliver workshops, programs and in fact this Council,” said Barb Dolan, Unifor Director of Retired Workers, as she welcomed the delegates. “We’re moving forward and doing the business that we need to do of our union and of the retired workers.”

Unifor’s Family Education Centre reopens in Port Elgin

Unifor members from across Ontario were back in the classroom this week participating in our Paid Education Leave PEL) program at the union’s Family Education Centre in Port Elgin Ontario. 

This marks the first time that Unifor members have gathered in-person for an event since the beginning of the pandemic, when the facility was closed in March of 2020.

Unifor Local 914 ratifies agreement with Clean Harbour Transport

Major advances in overtime fairness are one of the highlights of a new three-year contract signed on September 10, 2021 by Local 914.

New contract language will make the allocation of overtime fairer and the threshold for qualifying for overtime pay will be lowered significantly, from 60 hours per week to 45.

“The new contract for Unifor members at Clean Harbour Transport will put money in their pockets and settle outstanding issues with shift differentials,” said Tom Rinker, president of Unifor Local 914.

Big Reset Leaves Oil Workers in a Lurch, Just Transition Can Move them Forward

What does it mean to love Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil workers in a time of climate crisis and global energy transformations? The answer: supporting a just transition.

This is a “code red” moment for humanity as the consequences of the climate crisis unfold around the world and here at home. If nothing is done, people will suffer in myriad ways, including the careers of oil and gas workers.

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with Toronto Terminals Railway

Unifor Local 4003 has reached a tentative agreement with Toronto Terminals Railway following weeks of negotiations that opened up on July 28th.

“We want to thank the members for their support during bargaining and we are looking forward to presenting the details to members at upcoming ratification meetings,” said Jeff Ongena, Local 4003 TTR Chairperson

If ratified, the agreement reached on Sept. 9 2021 will give members a wage increase of 12.5 per cent throughout the life of the contract, which expires in 2025.

Letter to B.C. Minister of Labour Harry Bains re: Paid Sick Days

September 8, 2021    
Via: Email

Honourable Harry Bains 
Minister of Labour
West Annex Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

RE: Paid Sick Leave

Dear Minister Bains,

I'm writing as a follow up to our many conversations about paid sick leave, including the broad-based lobbying effort undertaken by Unifor members this spring.

Union members won’t fall for Conservative con job

Jerry Dias
Originally published in the Toronto Sun

Canada’s federal parties are trying, very hard, to win the support of union members this election.

It makes sense.

There are around 5 million card-carrying union members in Canada, making up roughly 30 percent of the working population.

Union members are well versed in democracy, practiced through union and workplace elections. 

Unifor Racial Justice forums kick off next week

Unifor is hosting seven online forums beginning next week that will shine a spotlight on racial justice in the workplace over the next month.

The sessions – kicking off Sept. 16, 2021 in the Atlantic region – will bring together union leadership, activists, employers and community organizations to brainstorm new ideas, tools, strategies and policies for racial justice, whether in union locals, workplaces and communities.

Revera to cut long-term care jobs at Hallowell House during pandemic

August 26, 2021

PICTON —Revera plans to cut long-term care jobs at Hallowell House in Picton, Ontario during the fourth wave of COVID-19.

"Clearly Revera has learned nothing during this pandemic," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. "Revera is determined to maintain skeleton staff levels to care for residents as it continues its profit over people business model."

NEB Statement on Comprehensive Workplace Immunization Programs and Mandatory Vaccinations

August 2021

Despite significant progress made in Canada’s campaign to stop the spread of COVID-19 over recent months, including nearly three-quarters of eligible people being fully vaccinated, the country is staring down a fourth wave of the virus.

Sadly, this comes as little surprise. Epidemiologists the world over continue to warn that until vaccines reach a critical mass of people, globally, variants will spread – evolving into more highly transmissible and potentially deadlier strains. 

‘Big Reset’ will deepen economic crisis

By Kaylie Tiessen, Unifor Research

While Premier Andrew Furey is contemplating cutting wages and regressing working conditions for people across the province, as recommended by Moya Greene in her Premier’s Economic Recovery Team (PERT) ‘Big Reset’ Report,  governments and advisors the world over are talking about building back better with inclusive growth policies that ensure no one gets left behind.

Meet the new Unifor website

Unifor’s national website has undergone a substantial makeover with a modern new design to make it easier for members to stay up to date, connect with campaigns, and connect with their union. 
Unifor’s communications department has spent months redesigning to better meet the union’s needs with an updated, mobile friendly theme. 
The new website supports the union’s multi-media campaigns to make help ensure that the voice of workers is loud and clear online in Canada.

Backgrounder - Unifor Health Accord Campaign

“A new Liberal government will re-engage on Canadian health care and negotiate a new Health Accord with provinces and territories, including a long-term agreement on funding.”

Health Spending In Canada

 Canada’s total health spending for 2015 is expected to be $219.1 billion, an increase of $3.4 billion that represents 10.9% of our country’s GDP. 

Unifor's Newfoundland and Labrador Election Questionnaire

The following message was sent to Unifor's Newfoundland and Labrador Locals on April 16, 2019

Dear Newfoundland and Labrador Unifor Locals

A provincial election is expected to be called any day.

This election, Unifor will be demanding improved workers rights for all workers.

We have prepared a questionnaire for all the main political parties. It is attached for your information. We will provide a report on the responses we receive to you and your members.

Media Advisory: De Havilland workers rally to protect 700 aerospace jobs

August 23, 2021

TORONTO–Unifor will hold a rally and news conference at the De Havilland picket line on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, where workers are on strike to stop their wealthy corporate owners from moving Dash 8 aircraft production, putting 700 jobs at the Toronto facility at risk.  

Unifor condemns injunction against striking De Havilland workers

August 20, 2021

TORONTO–An overreaching injunction issued by Justice Fred Myers against Unifor members who are on strike and picketing at De Havilland Aircraft of Canada is an affront to workers’ rights, says Canada’s largest private sector union.