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CUPE Ontario, Unifor and SEIU Healthcare to hold a press conference calling on the government to pass the Time to Care Act

CUPE Ontario, Unifor and SEIU Healthcare are calling on the Ontario Legislative Assembly to take a critical step in addressing the long-term care crisis by passing Bill 13, the Time to Care Act.

The private member’s bill, introduced by NDP MPP Teresa Armstrong, will legislate a minimum care standard of four hours of daily hands-on care averaged across residents, requiring higher staffing levels, in line with expert recommendations. The legislation will be debated at second reading on Wednesday, October 28.

Striking Dominion workers relocate secondary picket to Weston’s Bakery

October 26, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Striking Dominion workers have relocated their secondary picket line from the Loblaw Distribution Centre to Weston's Bakery, located at 17 Bruce St., Mount Pearl. The bakery is owned by George Weston Ltd., which also operates Dominion’s parent company Loblaw Companies Limited. “Strike activity will continue to escalate as long as Loblaw Co. refuses to come to the negotiating table in good faith,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor welcomes B.C. election results

VANCOUVER—Unifor members are celebrating the provincial election results in B.C. as expectations remain high for the BCNDP’s second term.

“Unifor members worked very hard for a BCNDP majority government,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Electing John Horgan’s team is the means to an end. There is still a lot of work to be done to undo the damage from 16 years of B.C. Liberal cuts.”

Bargaining Update: Local 100 VIA Rail

Dear members,
Your bargaining committee has bargained all day during 8 of the last 10 days, and we’re pleased to report significant progress with the company. 
The committee has been focussed on Rules and VIA Rail’s corridor fleet replacement program.

Court ruling on secondary picket reserved until October 26

After hearing from Unifor and Loblaw Companies Limited legal representatives today in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Honourable Valerie L. Marshall has reserved her decision on the injunction application against striking Dominion workers secondary picket at the Loblaw distribution centre in St. John’s.

A new green auto strategy for Canada

The collective agreement ratified by Unifor members at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles this past weekend is a vital step in the rebuilding of the Canadian auto industry for the future.

The deal commits FCA to investing up to $1.5 billion in a new platform to build both Hybrid Vehicles and Battery Electric Vehicles in Windsor, with at least one new model by 2025.

It follows the pattern established by Ford members when they ratified a new collective agreement last month that also included a commitment to BEVs, and puts Canada well on the road to revitalizing the auto industry.

Dominion workers set up round the clock picket at Loblaw Co. distribution centre

October 20, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Dominion workers have set up a round the clock picket at the Loblaw Co. Distribution Centre in St. John’s, following the company’s continued refusal to negotiate a fair collective agreement. “The Loblaw Co. business model is to tie wages for frontline grocery workers to minimum wage while refusing to classify jobs as full-time to avoid sick days, vacation and benefits, all with the end goal of enriching the Weston family and their shareholders while their workers struggle to make ends meet,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “If Loblaw Co.

Desperate B.C. Liberals lash out at working people province-wide

VANCOUVER—Trailing badly in the polls, the B.C. Liberals have begun attacking the very working people who are poised to re-elect John Horgan and the BCNDP government.

“John Horgan and his BCNDP government have delivered results for working families,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “After a decade of scandals and ideological funding cuts, it should be no surprise that the BCNDP is the choice of working people.”

Unifor statement on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

This year marks the 27th consecutive year that the United Nations has designated October 17 as a day to commit to ending global poverty.  But 2020 finds humanity confronting a global pandemic and a consequent economic crisis that will see global poverty increase for the first time in 30 years. The United Nations warns that all of the gains against extreme poverty since 1990 may be reversed and that 500 million additional people may be poor by the end of this year.

Container truck drivers endorse John Horgan and the BC NDP

SURREY—The largest union representing truck drivers at Port Metro Vancouver has endorsed the BCNDP’s re-election effort in the 2020 provincial election.

“The John Horgan government delivered on key priorities for this complex sector,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “This isn’t a ‘one-and-done’ project. Vancouver’s ports are sophisticated portals of economic activity that require ongoing attention to ensure corrupt employers aren’t threatening the integrity of port transportation.”

Letter to the Premier RE: Long-Term Care Staffing Crisis

October 15, 2020 

Honourable Doug Ford, Office of the Premier                 sent via e-mail: @email

Legislative Building, Queen’s Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A1


Dear Premier Ford;

I am writing once again, in follow-up to my letter of September 4, 2020 regarding the long-term care staffing crisis and the pending tragedy as COVID-19 cases continue to rise.

Financial Appeal - Dominion Stores, Local 597 (Newfoundland)

September 25, 2020

To: All Local President and Recording Secretaries


As you have seen, 1,400 courageous grocery store workers across the province of Newfoundland and Labrador have been on strike since August 22, 2020.

They have taken on one of Canada’s richest families, the Westons, who own the Loblaws chain of supermarkets across Canada. The corporation slashed pandemic pay for front-line workers who risked their own health and safety during the pandemic.