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AV Nackawic Mill in NB

May 26, 2020


The Honourable Blaine Higgs, M.L.A.

Premier of New Brunswick

Dr. Jennifer Wylie-Russell

Chief Medical Officer of Health, New Brunswick


The Honourable Hugh J.A. Flemming, Q.C., M.L.A.

Minister of Health, New Brunswick

Digital news conference to demand federal government fix CERB

Unifor’s National President and local union leaders will be speaking out tomorrow to highlight an unfair gap in the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) that is hurting thousands of workers in the auto, rail, marine, steel, aerospace, health care and other sectors.

Torstar sale shows the depth of crisis in media

Canada’s conservatives must be popping champagne corks today after the sale of Canada’s largest newspaper to two of its avid supporters.

The Toronto Star has been a consistent voice for working class Canadians for more than 100 years, leading the debate on issues Conservatives can’t stand to talk about – decent wages and working conditions, the rights of marginalized Canadians, reasonable immigration policies, and more. 

Locked out oil and gas workers picket five Co-op properties in rural Saskatchewan

May 26, 2020

SOUTHEY— Premier Scott Moe’s endless dithering on whether or not to impose a settlement from the mediators in the Co-op Refinery lockout has prompted workers to establish information pickets at five rural Co-op properties.

“It boggles the mind why Scott Moe can’t finish the job he started,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Why did he appoint the nation’s best mediators if he was just going to sit on their recommendations? It doesn’t make any sense.”

Unifor partners with Hospitality Workers Training Centre to support hotel and food service workers

May 25, 2020

TORONTO—Unifor is proud to partner with the Hospitality Workers Training Centre to support laid off workers in hospitality and food service across the Greater Toronto Area.

“Hotel and food service workers are among the hardest hit by the pandemic,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “That’s why our union acted immediately to ensure workers could access vital services from the Centre for job training, food and housing security, and mental health supports.”

Unifor tells Federal Finance Committee to close gap in CERB

May 21, 2020

TORONTO–Unifor reiterated its call for the federal government to grant workers receiving the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to receive the Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB) they would be entitled to under normal layoff circumstances, during testimony today before the Federal Finance Committee.

Unifor considers escalating complaint against Regina Police

May 20, 2020

REGINA—After revelations that the Regina Police Service kept secret a bomb threat against picketing members, Unifor will examine its options for expanding an existing complaint against the RPS.

“Regina police have been at the beck and call of the company from the beginning of the lockout,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Now there is clear evidence that their loyalty to the refinery has veered into a recklessness that could have cost lives.”

Ford’s long-term care inquiry long overdue

May 20, 2020

TORONTO – Unifor welcomes the Ontario government’s announcement to launch an independent commission to investigate Ontario's Long-Term Care (LTC) system, so long as a manageable patient to staff ratio is put in place and recent changes such as pay increases and worker protection are maintained.

Regina Police silence over bomb threat a dangerous game

It’s shocking enough that a bomb threat was made against picketers at the Co-op Refinery, but to learn that no one – not Regina Police, not the mayor, not the province – lifted a finger to warn anyone puts every citizen of Regina in danger.

Think about it. A bomb at a refinery. An explosion there would put thousands of lives at risk far beyond the picket line – so you have to ask why would anyone bury such a threat.

Secondary picket line goes up at Foam Lake cardlock

May 19, 2020

FOAM LAKE—Federated Co-operatives Limited’s refusal to accept the recommendations of Premier Scott Moe’s mediators has again affected the fuel supply for farmers, says Unifor.

“It will not be business as usual for the refinery while they’ve locked out highly skilled workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “This lockout must end with the mediators’ terms.”

Unifor celebrates Personal Support Worker Day

Unifor celebrates personal support workers (PSWs) in Ontario, and Continuing Care Assistants (CCAs) in Nova Scotia on May 19, Personal Support Worker Day.

Across Canada these workers provide the highest quality patient-centred care every day in our communities, our homes, and in long-term care homes and hospitals.

Unifor celebrates the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: In 2020, Shout Your Pride

May 17, 2020

Unifor marks the 2020 International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT) with love and solidarity for people of all sexual and gender minorities.

Despite the challenging and unprecedented times we are living through, Unifor remains resolved to continue the fight against homophobia and transphobia.

As we resurface after this crisis and begin to build a better world, that world must do away with the inequalities and oppression that lead to discrimination.

Unifor comment and recommendations on government plans to restart the Ontario economy

Hon. Rod Phillips
Ontario Minister of Finance

Date: May 11, 2020

Minister Phillips,

Unifor represents 315,000 people working in Canada, including over 160,000 members in Ontario, across a diverse range of public and private sector workplaces. In the past three months, we have coordinated with many employers, including those in workplaces deemed “essential”, to develop proper workplace protocols and safety procedures to protect the health and wellbeing of workers and the public. 

Unifor thanks nurses for quality care and support during pandemic

Unifor stands with workers across the country and around the globe in recognizing and celebrating the outstanding contributions of nurses through the release of report highlighting contribution of RPNs and LPNs during National Nursing Week May 11 - 17, 2020.

Nurses across the country need our support and solidarity amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses, along with all health care workers, are on the front line, battling the deadly virus each day. The work of RPNs and LPNs is invaluable to providing care for Canadians at all hours of the day.

Unifor thanks nurses for quality care and support during pandemic

May 11, 2020

TORONTO - Unifor stands with workers across the country and around the globe in recognizing and celebrating the outstanding contributions of nurses through the release of a report highlighting the contribution of RPNs and LPNs during National Nursing Week May 11 - 17, 2020.