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Unifor urges all levels of government to ensure sustainable funding for BC transit

VANCOUVER— Unifor is calling on all levels of government to collaborate and ensure adequate public funding for BC's public transit systems. 

"We need strategic collaboration to fund public transit to keep our cities moving and to support good union jobs," said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. "Governments must work together to solve this funding crisis and protect our transit systems."

Global News layoffs magnify news deserts across Canada

TORONTO – Unifor is deeply concerned after Corus Entertainment Inc. – which owns Global News – announced job cuts that will affect Unifor media workers and journalists across the country.

“Every time an announcement like this comes in the media sector, it’s both heartbreaking and boils my blood,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

Unifor members at GATX Rail ratify new agreement

RED DEER, AB – Members of Unifor Local 21-A at GATX Rail Canada in Red Deer, Alberta, have ratified a new four-year collective agreement with the company.

"This agreement reflects Unifor’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of our members," said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. "The wage increases, enhanced benefits, and improved pensions are a testament to the strength and solidarity of our union."

Unifor members ratify new collective agreement with Shell

EDMONTON—Wage increases and a plan to move the Scotford refinery’s contract more in line with the Unifor Energy Bargaining Program are highlights of a four-year collective agreement ratified by Local 530-A members.

“I want to congratulate our members on standing up to a powerful employer and getting an incredible contract,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Achieving these gains was only possible because our members stood shoulder to shoulder to achieve fairness, and move all energy workers forward.”

Unifor members ratify contract with Coast Coal Harbour Hotel

VANCOUVER—Significant wage increases and a reduction in housekeeping workloads are highlights of a collective agreement ratified by Unifor Local 3000 members at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel.

“This agreement raises the bar in the hospitality industry for all hotel workers,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The bargaining committee could not have achieved these gains without the strength and solidarity from the members on the floor.”

Paladin security screeners at Calgary airport restricted from water, bathroom breaks

CALGARY–On the first day of the Calgary Stampede, Unifor is holding a rally at Calgary International Airport on July 5 to shine a spotlight on Paladin, after the security company’s refusal to provide bathroom breaks and water to workers.

“Access to water and washrooms are the most basic of asks in a workplace,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

Calgary airport security workers to protest lack of access to water and breaks

CALGARY—Unifor Local 2002 members and supporters at Calgary International Airport will rally on Friday, July 5 at noon to protest human rights violations by Paladin Security, which has prevented workers from accessing bathroom breaks and water.

“When a company prevents workers from rest breaks and hydration, it is both a human rights and a health and safety issue,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor applauds Ontario government direction of ad spends to Canadian journalism organizations

TORONTO—Unifor supports the Ontario government’s announcement today that it will direct key provincial agencies to ensure at least 25% of their ad spends will go to Ontario publishers, a move that encourages saving local news.

“We all know that community, regional and national news publishers have been facing and struggling with declining ad sales,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Bell Media continues to slash and burn jobs before Canada Day long weekend

TORONTO – Unifor is deeply concerned and outraged that Bell Media has once again announced restructuring plans, this time, giving notice to close to 50 Unifor media workers.

“This is a corporation that has made billions of profits at the end of last year and they continue to carry on with their profit-over-people principle,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. 

“This is yet another blow to journalism and democracy and a step towards bigger swaths of news deserts across Canada.”

Unifor members vote to strike at Coast Coal Harbour Hotel

VANCOUVER—Unifor Local 3000 members have voted 98% in favour of strike action after contract negotiations broke off this month. 

“Over the term of the last contract, inflation was the highest we’ve seen in four decades,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “At the same time, we know the hospitality industry has bounced back to pre-COVID levels and is making more money than ever.”

Unifor members ratify new collective agreement with SaskTel

REGINA—New protocols for discussing working conditions are some of the highlights of a new three-year collective agreement ratified by members of Unifor Locals 1-S and 2-S.

“Unifor members are at the core of successful Saskatchewan Crown corporations like SaskTel,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “This agreement helps make workers part of the discussion to maintain high-quality services while protecting good jobs.”

Unifor members ratify new contract with Taseko, ending strike at Gibraltar mine

WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C.—Significant wage increases and equity measures are key features of a three-year collective agreement ratified this evening by Unifor Local 3018.

“Unifor members in Williams Lake have successfully negotiated a collective agreement that reflects their important contribution to the success of Taseko,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The bargaining committee showed great leadership in demanding new equity practices. The members’ solid support for their committee during this 18-day strike was critical to being successful.”

Sustainable Jobs Act a positive step forward for workers and the net-zero transition

OTTAWA—Unifor welcomes Bill C-50, the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act, passing third reading as an important milestone for workers in the transition to net-zero.

“Passing Bill C-50 puts Canada on the right path to creating and sustaining the jobs of today and tomorrow in an economy in transition,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor celebrates Senate passing of anti-scab legislation

OTTAWA—Unifor is celebrating the passage of anti-scab legislation after Bill C-58 was adopted by the Senate at third reading without amendment.

“This is a watershed moment for Canadian workers as after more than a century of struggle legislation will finally prevent the use of scabs in federally governed workplaces,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Now Unifor will continue the fight to enact strong and meaningful anti-scab legislation in every province and territory to ensure that the bargaining power of all workers across the country is protected.”

Unifor members reject mediator’s recommendations, setting up strike vote at Shell

EDMONTON—Unifor Local 530-A members at Shell Scotford have voted overwhelmingly to reject a mediator’s recommendations for terms of settlement that would have kept the refinery workers well-below industry standards for compensation.

“We have been clear from the start: Shell workers deserve wages and benefits consistent with other Unifor energy workers,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Local 530-A will not settle for second class status.”

Basic protections for B.C. gig workers are a step forward

VANCOUVER—A wage floor and access to workers' compensation for gig workers are among the positive changes to employment standards regulations announced June 12 by the Government of B.C.

“B.C. is leading the way to enshrine the basic rights of the gig workers,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Today’s proposals will take gig workers one step closer to economic fairness.”

Unifor members vote to strike at Manitoba Hydro

WINNIPEG—Manitoba Hydro Utility Service’s management’s refusal to grant the public sector pattern wage increases has led to an overwhelming strike vote at Unifor Local 681.

“If Manitoba Hydro intends to widen compensation gaps within its workforce, we’re going to have a problem,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Local 681 members will have the support of Unifor members from coast to coast as they pursue a fair contract.”

Unifor sounds alarm over Enbridge Gas cuts to emergency response

TORONTO—Enbridge Gas’ proposal to eliminate the evening and overnight emergency response shift will jeopardize the lives of customers and nearby residents, says Unifor.

“The disregard for public safety is breath-taking,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “If the company does not have enough workers to fulfil critical emergency roles, it is because it has laid off too many workers in pursuit of returns for shareholders.”

Unifor Expertech members ratify new collective agreements

MONTREAL/TORONTO- Unifor members employed by Expertech, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bell Canada Enterprises Inc., ratified new collective agreements following several weeks of voting in Quebec and Ontario.  The new agreements cover approximately 730 members who work in clerical and technical capacities. 

Unifor applauds CRTC for supporting local news

TORONTO—Unifor applauds the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)’s announcement today of new supports for local Canadian news, in conjunction with its regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework.

“Unifor has been advocating for American streamers to pay their fair share to the Canadian broadcasting system for over 15 years,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor members begin strike at Gibraltar copper mine

WILLIAMS LAKE—Unifor members at Local 3018 were forced to take strike action at the Gibraltar copper mine on June 1, 2024 after the company refused to negotiate basic terms of a new collective agreement.

“A fair collective agreement, with wages and benefits that reflect the significant contributions of our members, is not too much to ask. The disruption that began earlier today is entirely the company's doing,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.