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Unifor members ratify new agreement with Reliance Home Comfort

TORONTO—Members of Unifor Local 1999 have voted to ratify a new collective agreement that will end the 49-day lockout by Reliance Home Comfort of 830 members at 14 locations across Ontario.

"Reliance's workers are the reason this company is successful. Our members' contribution needed to be recognized in this new collective agreement," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

The ratification ends the Ontario-wide boycott campaign launched by Unifor after the employer chose to use scabs to do the work of Local 1999 members.

Unifor begins radio ads for Reliance boycott campaign

BURLINGTON—At a rally held outside Reliance Home Comfort’s headquarters, Unifor announced new radio ads promoting the union’s ongoing boycott of the Ontario HVAC company.

“Reliance has locked out front-line COVID heroes and they’re using scabs to cross our picket lines. This unethical company can expect escalating actions in the coming weeks,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Rally in support of locked out Reliance Home Comfort workers

June 16, 2021

BURLINGTON—Unifor members will rally at Reliance Home Comfort headquarters to demand the employer end the month-long lock out of 800 workers.

"We are escalating the campaign to encourage customers take their business elsewhere as long as this greedy employer refuses to come to negotiate an end to this lockout," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor launched a province-wide boycott last week and will begin radio ads promoting the boycott this week.

Unifor to rally to save the Terra Nova

ST. JOHN’S—Supporters of the offshore oil and gas industry will hold a demonstration at the provincial legislature to demand the Furey government make a commitment to the Terra Nova.

“Building and maintaining the energy industry requires coordination and investment from all levels of government,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Premier Andrew Furey’s proposal to simply walk away is a slap in the face to the province’s energy sector and the thousands of families it helps support.”

Unifor welcomes B.C. compulsory trades certification

VANCOUVER—Skilled trades workers received a boost from the Horgan government today with the announcement that the province will re-introduce compulsory certification for ten trades, says Unifor.

“The compulsory certification of skilled trades will help keep job sites safer and make the trades more attractive to young people,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “We look forward to working with the government to see more trades added to this initial list of ten.”

Unifor slams government for undermining NL oil and gas sector

ST. JOHN’s—The Newfoundland and Labrador government’s refusal to fulfil its commitment to the Terra Nova project will kill hundreds of good local jobs and undermine the province’s entire oil and gas sector, says Unifor.

“The Furey government has betrayed Newfoundland and Labrador’s energy workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “It must live up to its commitments and ensure Terra Nova continues to serve the province as it has for 19 years. It’s not too late.”

B.C.’s transit operators show support for #EveryChildMatters

VANCOUVER— After pressure from Unifor members, transit workers across British Columbia can now show their support for residential school survivors by wearing orange on the job and can tie ribbons to bus mirrors.

“This is a grassroots campaign to demonstrate support for residential school survivors and their families,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Last week after requests from Unifor Locals 111 and 2200 in Metro Vancouver, Coast Mountain Bus Company (Translink) approved a five-day uniform policy exemption for orange t-shirts and ribbons.

Newfoundland and Labrador budget regresses to failed austerity measures

May 31, 2021

ST. JOHN’S — Newfoundland and Labrador’s ‘Change Starts Here’ budget regresses to failed old-school austerity measures, as newly-elected Premier Andrew Furey missed the opportunity to launch a progressive plan to move the province and its workers forward.  

Dias calls for action in Mexico

Unifor National President Jerry Dias told a media conference in Mexico City today that immediate and strong action is needed to ensure free and transparent union votes for Mexican workers.

Unifor donates $450,000 to MSF for work in Gaza, India and Mexico

Unifor has donated $250,000 to Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to respond to the immediate health, mental health, psychosocial and emergency response needs, and to carry out essential emergency interventions during the hostilities in Gaza.

Reliance ‘cruel’ to cut locked out workers’ disability benefits

TORONTO—Locked out Reliance Home Comfort workers on Short- and Long-Term Disability across Ontario have been cut off from their extended health and dental benefits, says Unifor.

“Reliance is sending their customers a message: the owners will be as cruel as it takes to force a deal on their workers," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "Customers aren't sheep. If they think Reliance is a ruthless corporation obsessed with profit at any cost, they won't hesitate to go elsewhere."

Unifor Local 975 ratifies agreement with Enbridge Gas

TORONTO—Members of Unifor Local 975 working at Enbridge Gas Inc. have ratified a new three-year collective agreement that secures gains in wages and benefits.

“Unifor is Canada’s energyworkers union,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Local 975’s new contract will provide fair compensation and stability so our members can continue to serve customers with pride.”

WestJet workers join Unifor

May 21, 2021

TORONTO – In a major victory for hard-hit airline workers, 531 WestJet airport agents in Calgary and Vancouver are now members of Unifor, the Canada Industrial Relations Board has declared.

Today these workers have gained a voice in their workplace during a challenging time in their industry. WestJet workers are dedicated employees who have a great deal to offer as the airline moves forward,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor to announce major organizing win

TORONTO – Unifor will be holding an online news conference Friday morning, streamed live on Facebook to announce a major organizing win in an industry battered by the COVID-19 pandemic. “It is always good news when workers join a union – and during a pandemic the key to building back better will be for more workers to gain a voice in the workplace by joining a union,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor locals demand fairness for Marine Atlantic workers

May 19, 2021

NORTH SIDNEY—Continued random alcohol testing of Marine Atlantic workers is a flagrant privacy violation and contradicts newly-established labour precedent, says Unifor.

“The continued testing by Marine Atlantic is a clear violation of workers’ privacy and the arbitrator studying this issue agrees,” said Brian Jobes, Local 4285 President. “We have escalated this issue to the highest levels of our union.”

Union coalition representing majority of Chartwell workers calls for ouster of board chair Mike Harris

The vote against Harris should be part of a broader reform in long-term care

19 May 2021—A coalition of unions, representing a majority of Chartwell’s long-term care (LTC) staff, is calling on shareholders to vote against the company’s Chair of the Board Mike Harris at its annual meeting tomorrow. They hope the withhold vote against Harris will be part of a broader reckoning in the long-term care sector, which was particularly hard-hit by COVID-19 due to long-standing structural problems in the industry.

Despite heroic sacrifices, Ontario health-care workers face real wage cuts Ford government must reconsider ill-advised wage restraint legislation

TORONTO, ON, May 18, 2021 – Health-care workers who have been there for patients and their families in every corner of Ontario throughout the COVID-19 pandemic are telling the Ford government that its wage restraint program profoundly devalues the contribution they’ve made, and that it must go now. For nearly 16 months, front-line health care staff have overcome challenge after challenge battling the coronavirus. Nearly 23,000 health-care workers have been infected with COVID-19, and 24 have died.

Unifor Local 100 VIA Rail members ratify new collective agreement

May 15, 2021 TORONTO – Members of Unifor Local 100 have voted to ratify a new collective bargaining agreement with VIA Rail that will continue to build on gains for a prosperous future. Unifor entered negotiations at the height of the pandemic, working relentlessly to secure an increase of pay and benefits for workers. “Our members have been working hard throughout the pandemic to assist in the safe transportation of people. We owed it to them to get a comprehensive deal that they could confidently rely on during these unprecedented times,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.