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SEIU Healthcare, CUPE and Unifor to protest healthcare failures in Ontario budget at Finance Minister’s constituency office

PICKERING- SEIU Healthcare, CUPE and Unifor will protest healthcare failures in the Ontario budget, including the lack of sufficient measures to reverse the staff exodus from low-paying precarious jobs, the omission of paid sick days, and refusal to make the temporary wage increase permanent for all healthcare workers, at Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy’s constituency office. This action will observe COVID-19 safety protocols. What: Ontario budget healthcare funding protest When: Thursday, March 25, 2021 11 a.m.

Unifor members meet with B.C. government MLAs

VANCOUVER—Unifor took its campaign for workers’ rights directly to provincial government legislators during an intensive online lobby session this week in British Columbia.

“Speaking directly with key decision-makers is a key part of our strategy for change,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “MLAs heard from Unifor members in dozens of sectors speaking directly about their experience on the shop floor. We also presented research to help make the case for a suite of new worker-friendly policies.”

Pallister moves to criminalize dissent

WINNIPEG—Unifor will resist the Brian Pallister government’s new attempt to ban peaceful protest and public dissent.

“We’ve seen this tactic before. When your record in office is a disaster, create a distraction,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Thankfully our right to free speech, to assemble, to protest, and to picket are all protected by the constitution.”

Workers mark the one-year anniversary of federal inaction on aviation

TORONTO—One year has passed since government-levied travel bans, but despite growing aviation sector job losses, there has been no action to bolster Canada’s struggling aviation industry.

“Governments around the world acted swiftly to support their aviation sector. The Government of Canada disturbingly stands alone when it comes to turning its back on aviation workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Canada can’t have a safe economic recovery without a healthy aviation sector.”

Unifor shares community concerns with SNRI flaring in Chetwynd

March 12, 2021

CHETWYND—Massive unannounced sour gas flaring at the SNRI gas plant has prompted outcry from workers and the local community.

"SNRI has to answer for this behaviour," said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. "The company has no right to pollute the air of the Chetwynd region."

Aviation workers demand action on relief funding

March 12, 2021

TORONTO—On the eve of the anniversary of government-initiated travel bans, Canada’s aviation workers will issue a renewed call for funding to save the industry from total collapse.

“Canadian workers and businesses need a healthy aviation sector,” said Unifor National President, Jerry Dias. “Federal inaction continues to pose an existential threat for an industry that employs tens of thousands of Canadians and supports virtually every sector of the economy.”

Unifor news conference to announce Ontario budget priorities

 March 8, 2021

TORONTO–Unifor will host a virtual news conference to outline budget recommendations, as the union conducts its pre-budget lobby week to advocate for critical priorities for workers.

“Unifor members are meeting with Cabinet Ministers and MPPs to discuss a dual strategy to keep Ontarians protected from COVID-19 while putting programs and infrastructure in place to build a better economy following this crisis,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Healthcare workers launch International Women’s Day actions with message to premier Ford: “respect us. protect us. pay us.”

Unions representing 175,000 workers serving on the frontlines of this pandemic demand the Ford government support this female majority workforce TORONTO, ON – Today, SEIU Healthcare, Unifor, and CUPE, unions representing 175,000 healthcare workers across Ontario, held a virtual media conference to announce the launch of International Women’s Day actions with a clear message to Premier Ford: “Respect Us. Protect Us.

CUPE, Unifor and SEIU Healthcare media conference to launch ‘Respect Us. Protect Us. Pay Us.’ campaign for Ontario health care workers

TORONTO- SEIU Healthcare, CUPE, and Unifor to announce ‘Respect Us. Protect Us. Pay Us.’ campaign on behalf of the unions’ 175,000 combined health care members across Ontario.

Following the overstress of health care resources and failure of Ontario’s long-term care system during the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers are uniting to demand action from the Ford government. 

Hydro report denies Pallister the easy path to privatization

WINNIPEG—While full-scale privatization of Manitoba Hydro was not part of former Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall’s new report, it does suggest incremental privatization, says Unifor.

“We can’t trust Brad Wall to advise anybody but Brad Wall,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “As premier he never acted in the best interests of working people. Nothing has changed.”

Alberta budget falls short for working families

EDMONTON—For Albertan families struggling under a pandemic and a slumping economy, the budget cuts introduced today will only make matters worse, says Unifor.

“Jason Kenney doesn’t get it: Albertans don’t need an experiment in austerity. They need good jobs and high-quality public services to weather these challenging times,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Program for 6,000 new PSWs, “tip of what’s needed, gravity of shortage requires Ontario double that number to tackle long-term care staffing crisis,” say health care unions

Long-term care staffing in Ontario remain far below pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. The gravity of the staffing shortage requires a substantive and comprehensive recruitment, training and retention workforce strategy, say health care unions representing approximately 70,000 Personal Support Workers (PSWs).

Unifor sets federal budget priorities to Build Back Better

Unifor is calling on the federal government to prioritize improvements to income security, pandemic supports, industrial strategy, critical infrastructure, and public services in the union’s federal budget recommendations, with the goal to #BuildBackBetter from COVID-19.

Unifor Sunwing pilots reach tentative agreement

TORONTO—Pilots represented by Unifor Local 7378 have ratified a new four -year agreement with Sunwing Airlines.

“In the most unprecedented of times while the entire aviation industry in Canada has been shuttered, our pilots came together and this agreement provides a road forward and a plan for all of our members who are suffering financially,” said Barret Armann, President of Unifor Local 7378.

CTV cuts hitting every part of Canada

As details continue to emerge about the cuts announced by CTV Bell Media last week, it is becoming increasingly clear that we are witnessing a severe reduction in the news media that Canadians rely on every day, by a company still making good profits.

Bus drivers remain at risk as schools reopen

February 8, 2021

TORONTO – Unifor is calling for enhanced safety precautions for school bus drivers as schools reopen across Ontario in the midst of a second wave of the pandemic that is still not under control and as more infectious new variants take hold.

“Keeping school bus drivers safe means keeping students safe. They are all crammed into the same confined space for the ride to school,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.