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Unifor urges all parties to support NDP’s new anti-scab bill

December 3, 2020

OTTAWA—Unifor is urging all members of parliament to support Canada’s workers and swiftly pass a private members bill introduced today by Scott Duvall, NDP MP for Hamilton Mountain, to ban employers in federally regulated sectors from hiring scabs during a legal strike or lockout.

Canadian Air Traffic Controllers Speak Out Against Layoff and Service Reduction

December 2, 2020

OTTAWA - Over the past three months, NAV Canada has announced their intention to close seven air traffic control towers and reduce the level of service at their respective airports. Additionally, NAV Canada has served the Union notice of their intent to further reduce the air traffic control workforce outside these units.

Unifor calls for additional transit security to enforce mask requirement

November 27, 2020 VANCOUVER – As British Columbia’s largest transit worker union, Unifor is calling for additional transit security resources to enforce COVID-19 mask requirements. “Insufficient transit security and police presence has put drivers in the dangerous position of dealing with passengers who refuse to comply with public health regulations that require masks onboard public busses,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor cautiously optimistic about federal net-zero emissions plan

November 19, 2020

TORONTO—The federal government’s new legislation to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 is a step in the right direction, says Unifor.

“Canada can meet international climate change obligations and create good jobs at the same time,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Workers must be involved in decisions about our jobs and our communities. Nothing about us without us.”

Conservative election complaints against Unifor thrown out

November 18, 2020

WINNIPEG—Elections Manitoba has dismissed all complaints filed against Unifor by the Progressive Conservative Party during the 2019 provincial election.

“Brian Pallister attempted to use Manitoba’s election financing laws to bully one of his most effective critics. He failed,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Pallister was looking for any excuse to distract voters from his record in office.”

Dominion workers in Newfoundland ratify contract

November 13, 2020 ST. JOHN’S – Dominion workers have ratified a new collective agreement, ending a 12-week long strike action at stores across Newfoundland. “These workers were the first to undertake meaningful strike action to draw attention to a business model in Canadian retail that fails workers,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Striking Dominion workers to vote on company’s final offer

November 07, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Today Unifor received a final offer to 1,400 striking Dominion workers from Loblaw Companies Limited (Loblaw Co.) through the provincially appointed mediator Wayne Fowler. The bargaining committee has agreed to present the final offer to the members of Unifor 597 for ratification votes. Details of the offer will be presented to members on Monday, when voting will begin. A full meeting schedule will be provided to members tomorrow. The ratification votes will take place at picket lines across the province during the week of November 9, 2020.

Court refuses Weston Foods emergency injunction against Weston bakery picket

November 07, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–The Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador has again refused to grant Weston Foods Canada Ltd. an emergency injunction against a secondary picket by striking Dominion workers at the company’s bakery in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland. “Weston Foods has repeatedly tried to use the courts to stop this peaceful secondary picket and has once again been denied,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Ontario budget sets an underwhelming path to economic recovery, leaves workers with questions

TORONTO- Ontario budget begins to set the course for economic recovery, but Ontario workers must maintain pressure for a fair and equitable vision.

“Unifor members were wanting to see signs of investment in telecommunications and a made-in-Ontario manufacturing plan,” Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Though we saw some of those steps in today’s budget, we will keep up the pressure until we see economic recovery that benefits all workers.”

Unifor resumes secondary picket at Weston’s bakery

Unifor has resumed a secondary picket line at the Weston’s bakery in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, as part of escalating action by the province’s 1,400 Dominion store workers, in week 11 of an ongoing strike against Loblaw Companies Limited (Loblaw Co.).

Unifor to continue negotiations and extend General Motors strike deadline

TORONTO—Unifor’s master bargaining committee has decided to continue bargaining with General Motors Canada past the strike deadline of 11:59 p.m. tonight.

“The master bargaining committee is ready to negotiate all night if needed to fight for our members in St. Catharines, Oshawa and Woodstock to give GM ample opportunity to work with us to achieve a fair settlement and avoid a work stoppage,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor welcomes overdue CTRC move on Canadian content

Unifor welcomes the announcement today that the CRTC will be given the power to compel foreign internet giants to create, stream and broadcast more Canadian content, something that is long overdue.

Unifor to file lawsuit against Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

October 30, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Unifor, on behalf of striking Dominion workers, is filing a lawsuit against the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC) for violating the rights of workers at a legal picket location. “The RNC brought tactical and riot squads to a peaceful picket location where police officers proceeded to threaten workers with criminal charges,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Negotiations between Unifor and Loblaw fail to reach strike settlement

October 30, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Negotiations between Unifor Local 597 and Loblaw Companies Limited (Loblaw Co.) have failed to reach a settlement of the ten-week long strike at 11 Dominion store locations across Newfoundland. “It’s disappointing that Loblaw Co. is still unwilling to address the workers’ key concerns, including earning a living wage,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. Negotiations broke down today after the two parties failed to come to agreement at a bargaining session in St. John’s.

Unifor to hold news conference on Royal Newfoundland Constabulary action

October 30, 2020

ST. JOHN’S—Unifor will hold a news conference to outline the union’s response to police action taken by the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary during a peaceful picket by striking Dominion workers earlier this week. 

“There was no valid reason for any police presence and certainly none to deploy the tactical and riot units to threaten workers with criminal charges at a legal picket line,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

SMS Equipment layoffs grow to 99 workers in Fort McMurray

FORT MCMURRAY—Dozens of members of Unifor Local 707A working at SMS Equipment have been laid off as the global oil price slump continues to impact the Wood Buffalo economy.

“Canada’s oil and gas companies and their workers are suffering. It is causing real hardship in communities across Alberta and across the country,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Alberta’s energy industry needs investment now so it can be a key part of the economic recovery.”