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Striking Dominion workers threatened with arrest at peaceful picket

October 27, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Striking Dominion workers are being threatened with arrest by the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC) while conducting a peaceful picket at the Weston's Bakery in Mount Pearl, NF. “It’s outrageous that the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary is intimidating peaceful picketers with police doing the bidding of Loblaw Companies Limited,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Long-term care unions urge government to listen to experts on minimum care standards and pass Bill 13

October 27, 2020

TORONTO, ON – CUPE Ontario, SEIU Healthcare and Unifor held a joint press conference on Tuesday morning, calling on the Ontario government to legislate a minimum care standard of four hours of hands-on care in long-term care homes by immediately passing Bill 13, the Time to Care Act.
Based on the latest pre-pandemic calculations by the Ontario Health Coalition, Ontario’s long-term care homes average about 2.7 hours of daily care. The calculation is based on worked hours of care, as opposed to paid hours.

Unifor commits to protecting Sask Crowns and workers’ rights after provincial election

REGINA—Canada’s largest union in the private sector will continue to fight for good jobs and workers’ rights in Saskatchewan, after Scott Moe’s Sask Party was elected to another term.

“Crown corporations help make life more affordable for Saskatchewan families and they provide thousands of good jobs,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “Unifor is committed to standing up for Crowns and Crown workers against Sask Party politicians who can’t wait to privatize cherished public services.”

Alberta’s workers have had enough of Jason Kenney

October 26, 2020

EDMONTON—Unifor supports the wildcat actions carried out by Alberta Union of Public Employees (AUPE) members in response to Premier Jason Kenney’s relentless attacks on the province’s public services.

“From education workers and frontline health care staff to the Albertans who rely on them, few workers have escaped Kenney’s heartless cuts and attacks on basic workplace rights,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We salute the workers at AUPE who are taking direct action today.”

CUPE Ontario, Unifor and SEIU Healthcare to hold a press conference calling on the government to pass the Time to Care Act

CUPE Ontario, Unifor and SEIU Healthcare are calling on the Ontario Legislative Assembly to take a critical step in addressing the long-term care crisis by passing Bill 13, the Time to Care Act.

The private member’s bill, introduced by NDP MPP Teresa Armstrong, will legislate a minimum care standard of four hours of daily hands-on care averaged across residents, requiring higher staffing levels, in line with expert recommendations. The legislation will be debated at second reading on Wednesday, October 28.

Striking Dominion workers relocate secondary picket to Weston’s Bakery

October 26, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Striking Dominion workers have relocated their secondary picket line from the Loblaw Distribution Centre to Weston's Bakery, located at 17 Bruce St., Mount Pearl. The bakery is owned by George Weston Ltd., which also operates Dominion’s parent company Loblaw Companies Limited. “Strike activity will continue to escalate as long as Loblaw Co. refuses to come to the negotiating table in good faith,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor welcomes B.C. election results

VANCOUVER—Unifor members are celebrating the provincial election results in B.C. as expectations remain high for the BCNDP’s second term.

“Unifor members worked very hard for a BCNDP majority government,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Electing John Horgan’s team is the means to an end. There is still a lot of work to be done to undo the damage from 16 years of B.C. Liberal cuts.”

Court ruling on secondary picket reserved until October 26

After hearing from Unifor and Loblaw Companies Limited legal representatives today in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, the Honourable Valerie L. Marshall has reserved her decision on the injunction application against striking Dominion workers secondary picket at the Loblaw distribution centre in St. John’s.

Dominion workers set up round the clock picket at Loblaw Co. distribution centre

October 20, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Dominion workers have set up a round the clock picket at the Loblaw Co. Distribution Centre in St. John’s, following the company’s continued refusal to negotiate a fair collective agreement. “The Loblaw Co. business model is to tie wages for frontline grocery workers to minimum wage while refusing to classify jobs as full-time to avoid sick days, vacation and benefits, all with the end goal of enriching the Weston family and their shareholders while their workers struggle to make ends meet,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “If Loblaw Co.

Desperate B.C. Liberals lash out at working people province-wide

VANCOUVER—Trailing badly in the polls, the B.C. Liberals have begun attacking the very working people who are poised to re-elect John Horgan and the BCNDP government.

“John Horgan and his BCNDP government have delivered results for working families,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “After a decade of scandals and ideological funding cuts, it should be no surprise that the BCNDP is the choice of working people.”

Container truck drivers endorse John Horgan and the BC NDP

SURREY—The largest union representing truck drivers at Port Metro Vancouver has endorsed the BCNDP’s re-election effort in the 2020 provincial election.

“The John Horgan government delivered on key priorities for this complex sector,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “This isn’t a ‘one-and-done’ project. Vancouver’s ports are sophisticated portals of economic activity that require ongoing attention to ensure corrupt employers aren’t threatening the integrity of port transportation.”

Striking Dominion workers demonstrate at Loblaw distribution centre

October 15, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–In the eighth week of escalating strike action, Dominion workers have begun picketing at the Loblaw Distribution Centre in St. John’s. “These frontline grocery workers have been on the picket line for almost two months. In that time Loblaw Co. has continued to rake in increased profits across the country due to COVID-19 but the company has refused to improve its failed offer to Dominion workers by one red cent,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

Unifor’s Master Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement for 9000 members working at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, averting a midnight strike at its Canadian plants in Windsor, Brampton, Etobicoke, Mississauga, Montreal, and Red Deer.

Rapid COVID-19 test approval welcomed by aviation workers

TORONTO—Health Canada’s approval of the use of rapid testing kits presents an opportunity to accelerate economic recovery and a safe return to travel, says Unifor. 

“By investing in scientifically-proven technology to detect and track COVID-19, Canada can achieve an economic recovery that also keeps people safe,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Rapid testing is a safe alternative to the 14-day quarantine that has decimated air travel during the pandemic.” 

Striking Dominion workers form human solidarity chain at St. John’s No Frills

October 8, 2020 ST. JOHN’S–Striking Dominion workers have formed a human solidarity chain at Kevin’s No Frills in St. John’s, a partner of Dominion parent company Loblaw Companies Limited. “Today’s strike action is part of our ongoing campaign to get Loblaw to return to the bargaining table with a fair offer,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias.

Judges quash Nemak plant closure decision

A panel of judges of the Ontario Divisional Court has set aside a November 2019 arbitrator’s decision that allowed the closure of Nemak’s Windsor plant. The arbitrator cleared the way for the transfer of specialized General Motors work to Mexico causing the loss of approximately 200 jobs.

BCNDP platform shows leadership during challenging times

October 6, 2020

VANCOUVER—The targeted action for transit users, renters, and working people in premier John Horgan’s platform helps form a vision for B.C.’s future that leaves no one behind, says Unifor.

“John Horgan is the right leader to help navigate British Columbia through challenging times,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The platform released by Horgan today shows that he wants to continue supporting people through this pandemic while helping make life more affordable for working families.”

Health care unions welcome significantly improved COVID-19 protections for 400,000 health care workers

TORONTO – Today the Chief Medical Officer of Health issued Directive #5, which provides clear guidance that N-95 or superior protection masks, face shields and other equipment are to be provided to health care staff working on the front line in long-term care facilities or hospitals dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks, among other improvements. “The updated standards in Directive #5 are the culmination of many hours of frank and open collaboration with the Ministry of Health.