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Health care workers triumph in fight for equal access to personal protective equipment

TORONTO —Unifor, working with a coalition of Ontario health care unions has succeeded in forcing the Ontario government to ensure health care workers within two meters of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient will have access to the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). “We are only going to flatten the curve and beat the COVID-19 pandemic if health care workers are provided adequate safety tools needed to safely do their jobs,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Jazz Aviation workers latest to benefit from COVID-19 wage supplement

TORONTO—Unifor welcomes the federal government’s tentative approval of Canada Emergency Wage Supplement (CEWS) funds for Jazz Aviation to maintain its workforce levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Airline workers will be the backbone of the industry’s economic recovery in a post-pandemic world,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “It makes perfect sense to help cushion the impact of the temporary downturn with federal emergency funding.”

Gaps in emergency income measures must be closed before applications open on Monday

April 3, 2020

TORONTO – Unifor is urging federal ministers to close the gaps in new emergency income programs, so that no worker is left behind.

“Canada’s workers need access to emergency benefits. The programs put forward show a commitment to support unemployed workers, but still leaves too many questions unanswered,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “When this system opens for applications on April 6, it must be fully universal  and leave no worker worse off, as they grapple with the long-term financial challenge of this viral pandemic.”

NS Health Care Workers Need Assurances on Safety Equipment

Five unions representing health care workers providing care during the COVID-19 pandemic are calling on government and employers to sign onto a safety protocol that would ensure these frontline workers feel protected and supported during this unprecedented time. 

Unifor unable to accept the Co-op Refinery final offer

March 31, 2020

REGINA—After carefully analyzing the final offer tabled on March 30, 2020 by Co-op Refinery, the Unifor Local 594 Bargaining Committee is recommending the membership reject the offer when the forced final vote is conducted by the Saskatchewan Labour Board. 

The Co-op's latest final offer, their second in five days, includes new concessions not included in the Special Mediators' report.

Unifor commends Trudeau government for moving on more significant wage replacement plan

March 31, 2020

TORONTO – Following weeks of piecemeal announcements, Unifor commends the federal government for expanding eligibility of a 75 per cent wage subsidy to include large and small employers in Canada.

“We have said from day one that no worker should be forced to bear the economic cost of flattening the curve alone. We are completely united as a country in the efforts to slow this virus, and that must include taking care of workers who have lost their income or facing layoff,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Kenney’s surprise cuts will damage education and the economy

EDMONTON—Alberta Premier Jason Kenney must reverse education cuts announced March 28, 2020 to avoid more harm to classroom education and an already fragile economy, says Unifor.

“Jason Kenney wants Albertans to think they have to choose between their children’s education and their health,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Instead of showing leadership, Kenney wants to pit Albertans against one another.”

Revised Ontario emergency powers may do more harm than good in long-term care

March 29, 2020

TORONTO— Unifor is concerned that the latest revisions to Ontario’s emergency powers could cause future health and safety issues for residents in long-term care homes, as they don’t have to report incidents or follow normal hiring guidelines. Shortages in personal support workers have already plagued the industry well before the pandemic.

Unifor salutes workers for delivering Canadian customer service in a crisis

March 27, 2020

OTTAWA – Unifor members at Bell Canada step up as shutdowns in offshore facilities combined with increased need for assistance cause a spike in calls to customer support agents.

“As millions of Canadians face sudden loss of income, Bell Canada has avoided layoffs and increased employment by bringing customer service calls back to Canada,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Unifor members across the country are stepping into new roles and taking customer service calls, keeping Canadians connected.”

Ontario fiscal update fails to provide direct financial support to workers affected by COVID-19

March 25, 2020

TORONTO—The fiscal update provided by Ontario Minister of Finance Rod Phillips today failed to enact adequate measures to protect Ontarians from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“As this deadly and costly pandemic unfolds, Ontarians deserved to see far more from their government in today’s update,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Minister Philips spoke at length about protecting the cash flow of businesses but had shockingly little to say about the cash flow of Ontarians and that’s completely unacceptable.”

After snubbing Moe’s mediators, Co-op demands more concessions

March 25, 2020

REGINA—Only 72 hours after rejecting all of the recommendations from Premier Scott Moe’s appointed mediators, Federated Co-operatives Limited has tabled new, aggressive concessions in bargaining with oil & gas workers in Regina.

Employers sabotage worker access to EI benefits, Great Canadian Casino workers speak out

March 24, 2020

TORONTO – Unifor calls on all employers to adhere to Service Canada’s demand that COVID-19 related work shortages be coded appropriately, instead of blocking workers’ access to EI.

“Some employers are sabotaging workers’ access to EI benefits and it has to stop,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Workers from across Canada are being delayed access to EI benefits because employers are miscoding Records of Employment.”

Ford must re-invest $1 billion in health care to fight COVID-19

March 24, 2020

TORONTO—Unifor is urging the Government of Ontario to strengthen its COVID-19 strategy, restore $1 billion in health spending and adopt a series of policies to protect the health and economic security of Ontarians in advance of tomorrow’s economic update.

Ottawa has stalled too long on EI reform, new action needed

March 23, 2020

TORONTO - Unifor is calling on MPs to use the special Tuesday Parliamentary session to move quickly on reform and pass emergency measures to ensure all workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have a reliable, decent paycheque.

“We are facing a crisis of catastrophic proportions that requires fast action from government. Despite promising first steps, federal progress on worker supports has stalled and I’m afraid our opportunity for quick action may have passed,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor watching closely as Ontario hospitals given emergency powers

TORONTO— Unifor health care members understand the need for the Ontario government’s temporary order giving hospitals extraordinary emergency powers to prevent the spread of COVID-19 but the union cautions employers not to exert unnecessary force, and show respect for front-line workers while enacting the order. “Unifor recognizes that this is not business as usual but we will be watching closely how hospitals use these special powers to manage this pandemic,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Health care workers understand the motive and goals of this temporary order.

Unifor leading call for retail worker protections and wage premiums

March 23, 2020

TORONTO – Unifor calls on all retailers to match wage premiums and enhanced health and safety protocols in recognition of front-line service workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We recognize the tremendous risk workers are taking and thank them for their dedication during these unprecedented times,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Unifor continues to call on retailers to recognize the importance of their front-line workers and to compensate them fairly during the crisis.”

Unifor shocked by Co-op rejection of independent mediator’s recommendations

REGINA—Unifor is shocked that Federated Co-op has rejected the recommendations of the independent mediator and is using the COVID-19 crisis to leverage even more concessions from oil & gas workers.
“FCL CEO Scott Banda’s tactics get more disgusting by the hour,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Western Canada needs a secure fuel supply and the skilled operation of the Regina refinery.

Unifor donates $30,000 to foodbank and homeless shelter in Regina

REGINA—Unifor is giving back to the community in Regina with $15,000 in emergency funds for both the Regina Food Bank and the Carmichael Outreach, a charity that combats homelessness and poverty in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

“When members of Unifor Local 594 reached out to the national union with this request, we did not hesitate to donate to the community that has been so supportive of locked out oil & gas workers at the Co-op Refinery over the last three months,” said Dias.

Unifor demands income protection for auto workers as Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler suspend operations

March 18, 2020

TORONTO—Unifor demands income protection for auto workers as Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler suspend operations across North America, throwing thousands of Canadian Unifor members out of work. 

“We understand that this pandemic requires an extraordinary response but Canadian auto workers must not bear the brunt of this crisis. Workers must be protected from this virus and from financial hardship as a result of this pandemic,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.