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Unifor supports request for Northern Pulp decision Supreme Court review

January 23, 2020

HALIFAX – Unifor has joined with Northern Pulp and nine individuals representing the broader forestry industry in a request for judicial review filed today in Nova Scotia Supreme Court.  The application seeks a review of Nova Scotia Environment’s (NSE) December 17, 2019 decision regarding Northern Pulp’s proposed effluent treatment facility (ETF) project.

Unifor National President to update union’s efforts to end lockout

REGINA—Unifor’s National President Jerry Dias will provide an update on the latest development in the union’s attempt to return to the bargaining table and reach an agreement to end the 48-day lock out of nearly 800 refinery workers.

“The only way to end this dispute is to return to the bargaining table and Federated Co-operatives Limited knows this,” said Dias.

Hundreds of activists have descended on Regina this week to support Unifor Local 594 members in their fight with the Co-op Refinery after Regina Police arrested 14 people on a legal picket line.

Unifor-GRT talks break off

Talks broke off between Unifor and Grand River Transit as it became clear that the employer was not willing to offer new proposals.

Unifor outraged at extreme police escalation at Co-op Refinery

REGINA−After hundreds of Unifor members from across Canada came out to peacefully support locked out Co-op Refinery workers, the Regina Police chose to escalate the situation with heavy handed and extreme tactics, including the arrest of Unifor National President Jerry Dias and Western Regional Director Gavin McGarrigle.

Unifor 4304 President available to speak with media on GRT picket line

KITCHENER- Tim Jewell, Unifor Local 4304 President, will be available to speak with media as Grand River Transit employees begin strike action Tuesday morning.

“Job action is always a last resort. Transit workers face difficult working conditions, and our members are united in our goal of reaching a fair contract with Grand River Transit,” said Jewell.

Where:                 Unifor 4304 picket line, 250 Strasburg Rd, Kitchener, ON N2E 3M6

When:                  8:15 a.m., Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Unifor members set to strike at GRT

KITCHENER – Unifor Local 4304 members working at Grand River Transit are preparing to begin strike action after rejecting the tentative agreement negotiated with the transit service last week.

“The membership has made a very strong statement today that GRT must do better at the bargaining table,” said Local 4304 Local President Tim Jewell.

Unifor reaches tentative deal with Air Canada

TORONTO— Unifor Local 2002, the union representing customer service agents in call centres and airports, customer journey management and customer relations representatives have reached a tentative agreement with Air Canada. “Congratulations to the bargaining committee, who have worked tirelessly for more than a year to reach a fair deal for our hard-working members at Air Canada,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

Unifor and GRT reach deal on new collective agreement

KITCHENER – Unifor Local 4304 and Grand River Transit have negotiated a tentative collective agreement, averting a strike at the transit utility.

“This new collective agreement ­addresses the top concerns of members and ensures that the buses will be on the road Tuesday morning,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias, who was at the talks Monday.

Canadian air traffic controllers reach tentative deal

OTTAWA—Unifor Local 5454 members who work as Canadian air traffic controllers have reached a tentative agreement with Nav Canada. “I congratulate the bargaining team for remaining united throughout this round of negotiations,” said Jerry Dias Unifor National President. “The skill shown by the bargaining team and their tenacity in reaching this tentative agreement is inspiring.” The tentative agreement will be presented to the members for ratification votes over the course of the next week.

Unifor National President to address media on GRT talks

KITCHENER – Unifor National President Jerry Dias will update the media Monday morning on the ongoing contract talks between Unifor Local 4304 and Grand River Transit. 

Dias will meet with the Local’s bargaining team that morning as they prepare for a day of bargaining ahead of a strike deadline one minute after midnight that night, and then address the media.

Premier McNeil throws away 2,700 rural jobs in Nova Scotia

December 20, 2019

HALIFAX – Unifor members at Northern Pulp are devastated following the announcement by Premier McNeil that he will not allow enough time for the company to complete the regulatory assessment requested by his own government.

Unifor blasts Nova Scotia Environment decision as an “irresponsible” delay

HALIFAX - Unifor is deeply concerned about the high likelihood of widespread job loss across rural Nova Scotia following the Minister of Environment’s request for yet another series of studies on the Northern Pulp effluent treatment facility (ETF) project leading up to the Boat Harbour deadline.

Unifor encouraged by CUSMA improvements

December 10, 2019 TORONTO – Unifor is encouraged by announced amendments to the CUSMA, which clear the path to ratification of a deal to replace the damaging NAFTA trade agreement. “NAFTA has been a train-wreck of a trade deal for 25 years, causing great harm to Canada’s manufacturing industries and the rights of workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The new CUSMA, while far from perfect, provides a road map to implement necessary changes in trade policy to benefit workers.

Unifor disappointed by Regina Police Service siding with Co-op Refinery to push through picket lines

December 10, 2019

REGINA—The Regina Police Service (RPS) has supported Co-op Refinery’s anti-union mandate by escorting vehicles through legal picket lines late Monday night, says Unifor.

“By intervening without a court order, RPS has shown not only highly questionable judgement, but also contempt for the highly-skilled workers fighting back against the company’s aggressive demand for concessions,” says Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Unifor members have kept the picket lines rock solid and respectful.”

Unifor Ontario Regional Council joins in solidarity with education worker unions

December 07, 2019 TORONTO – In a show of solidarity for education workers, Harvey Bischof, OSSTF President, Sam Hammond, ETFO President, Liz Stuart, OECTA President and Smokey Thomas, OPSEU President joined Unifor National President Jerry Dias at Unifor’s Ontario Regional Council today. “Together we’re sending a message to Doug Ford that when he picks a fight with one of us, he picks a fight with all of us,” said Dias. “This is personal. It’s personal when they attack our kids.” Hammond echoed the call for workers and unions to join forces.

Locked out Co-op Refinery workers to hold rally

December 5, 2019

REGINA—Members of Unifor Local 594 and their supporters will send a strong message to Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) and the Co-op Refinery Complex (CRC) to stop the attack on hard-earned pension plans.

“A refinery clearing $3 million a day in profit can easily afford to meet pension obligations to a highly skilled workforce,” said Scott Doherty, lead Unifor negotiator and Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President.

Ontario Regional Council delegates mobilize against Ford cuts

December 05, 2019 TORONTO – Delegates representing Locals from across the province will mobilize against Doug Ford cuts during Unifor’s Ontario Regional Council, taking place December 6-7, 2019 at the Sheraton Centre, 123 Queen St. W Toronto. On December 6, delegates will commemorate the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women with a march and vigil at Queen’s Park to protest funding cuts to women’s shelters and programs.

No Cuts to Education. Unifor supports OSSTF

Unifor’s 168,000 members in Ontario are united behind the support staff and teachers of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) on their one-day strike action, and in their sustained campaign for a fair contract.