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Unifor energy workers ratify historic national agreement

June 7, 2019

TORONTO—Representatives from Unifor’s energy unions have ratified the tentative agreement that establishes the pattern for 8,500 members of the National Energy Program.

“Our energy members came together and used their collective power to make significant gains,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Energy workers are a critical part of Canada’s economy.”

Unifor hosts rally and BBQ to support Tandus Carpets workers

June 6, 2019

TRURO, Nova Scotia – Unifor is hosting a rally and BBQ to support Tandus Carpets workers, and to demand the company meet to negotiate a closure agreement.

Since the closure announcement, Unifor has made repeated requests to meet with the company in an effort to negotiate a fair closure agreement.

Conference examines ways non-profit news organizations can save local news

Media Advisory

MONTREAL – Unifor’s Media Council Conference will host a special guest speaker with a unique perspective on how to save local news. Advertising revenues are shrinking, forcing local newsrooms to shut down and leaving communities unable to access information that is important to them. Under this growing threat of extinction, local news organizations must find new and creative ways to survive and thrive.

Grand River Hospital workers rally to stop layoffs and service reduction

KITCHENER - On Wednesday, May 22, Grand River Hospital health care workers represented by Unifor, Ontario Nurses Association, Ontario Public Service Employees Union and United Steel Workers will rally to stop layoffs, service reductions and demand the employer respect the commitment made to the unions on moving to the pension plan that covers hospital workers across the province.

Unifor files common employer application at Expertech aimed at Bell Canada


TORONTO- Unifor has filed an application with the CIRB claiming that Bell Canada is the rightful employer of technicians and clerical workers at Expertech, insisting that members should be bargaining with Bell Canada.

“What we’re saying is that Expertech is a puppet, owned and controlled wholly by Bell Canada,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We don’t bargain with puppets. Unifor members deserve to sit across the table from their employer, Bell Canada.”

Unifor to respond to CRTC on multi-ethnic TV License

TORONTO –Unifor is available to respond to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission’s ruling, expected this week, to award the coveted license (BNOC 2018-127) for a national, multilingual multi-ethnic television service offering news and information programming.

Unifor welcomes removal of aluminum and steel tariffs

TORONTO—Canada’s largest union in the private sector is relieved that unfair and illegal U.S. tariffs on Canadian aluminum and steel have been lifted.

“This is great news for Canadian resource workers, we have been pushing against quotas for months now,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “It was critical that the Canadian government stand firm against the demands for hard quotas. The Trudeau government and Minister Freeland deserve credit for not folding under U.S. pressure.”

Unifor energy workers sign historic pattern deal

May 15, 2019

MONTREAL— Unifor has achieved a new tentative agreement that establishes the pattern for 8,500 members of the National Energy Program.

“The energy and chemical sector continues to be an important economic driver in Canada. By working together, our members have used their collective power to make much-deserved significant gains,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Energy and chemical jobs continue to be good jobs in communities right across the country.”

Shorter blood ban still discriminatory; behaviour-based survey needed

TORONTO– Unifor calls for a complete end to the blood ban and a shift to a behaviour-based blood donation survey in Canada.

This week Health Canada announced the one-year deferral period for men who have sex with men and trans women from donating blood will be reduced to 3 months.

“A ban is a ban. Canada faces a chronic shortage of blood and organ donation, but still turns away donors based on sexual orientation,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We need blood donation policies that ensure a safe supply without reinforcing discrimination.”

Saskatchewan’s crown workers rally in countdown to legal strike position

May 4, 2019

REGINA – Unifor workers from Saskatchewan’s seven crown corporations say the clock is ticking and they deserve a fair collective agreement.

“The Premier needs to get serious about negotiations to avoid a major disruption in Crown services,” said Unifor President Jerry Dias. “The province is trying to cut costs on the backs of workers who have helped the Crowns be successful and strengthen Saskatchewan’s economy.”

Media Advisory - Crown corporation workers rally in countdown to legal strike position

May 3, 2019

REGINA - Unifor members from seven crown corporations will send a strong message to the Saskatchewan government on Saturday May 4: The clock is ticking and we deserve a fair collective agreement!

Five thousand Unifor members work at SaskTel, SaskEnergy, SaskPower, SaskWater, the Saskatchewan Water Authority, Directwest and SecurTek. All have expired collective agreements.

B.C.’s Labour Code changes are good news for workers

April 30, 2019

VANCOUVER – Unifor applauds B.C.’s NDP government for new laws that will end contract flipping by employers.

“Many of our members have lost their jobs because of this heartless, money grab by employers,” said Unifor President Jerry Dias.  “We commend the BC NDP for changing the labour code to ensure greater stability in the workplace.”

The changes mean that workers who have built up fair wages and job security over years of hard work and dedication do not see those stripped away when contracts are re-tendered.

Unifor will defend Ontario’s public healthcare system against Conservative privatization

Toronto – The passing of Bill 74 will strengthen Unifor’s commitment in fighting for Ontarians and against Doug Ford’s health care privatization and cuts.

“By passing Bill 74, Doug Ford has made it clear that he has an agenda of cutting and privatizing our healthcare system in Ontario,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “This regressive law has the potential to destroy our public health care system. Unifor is committed to building a major fightback campaign against Ford’s privatization plan.”

UCP majority means Alberta workers must unite to defend just and equal future

Edmonton – Unifor pledges to continue building progressive organizing in Alberta following the election of a majority United Conservative Party (UCP) government. “Through a difficult and heated election, voters made it clear that they were worried about the future of good jobs for Albertans,” said Unifor President Jerry Dias. “If implemented, Jason Kenney’s plan will threaten good jobs in the energy sector and will mean outright cuts to public sector jobs in education and healthcare.

Oil Patch workers campaign in last minute push for NDP before election

Media Advisory – Photo Opportunity

Calgary – Workers from Alberta’s oil sands and Unifor members who are worried about the future of the industry if the UCP forms government will be campaigning  in support of the NDP today.  Photo and interview opportunities are available while they door knock and engage voters, in a last minute push to support NDP candidates before the election.

What:   Campaigning – photo op and interviews

When:   April 15, 2019

What oil sands companies are not saying in this election (but should)

April 12, 2019

CALGARY - Workers from Alberta’s energy sector are calling on oil sands company executives to speak out about the threat Jason Kenney’s policies represent to the future of the oil sands.

“The CEOS and executives at Alberta’s biggest oil sands companies know the NDP got it right,” said Kim Conway, Chair of Unifor’s Energy Council.

Media Advisory - Workers from the energy sector call on oil companies to speak out about a serious threat to the industry’s future

April 11, 2019

CALGARY - Workers from the front lines of the energy sector are calling on the oil companies to speak out about the serious threat Kenney’s policies will have on their future. They know that the industry must change. Diversification is the only way it will survive and the NDP’s plan will save Alberta from economic ruination in the energy sector. 

The oil patch CEOs know it too. Suncor’s CEO once said, “Kenney’s approach of ignoring what our potential customers really want puts both investment and jobs at risk.”

Ford’s first budget pushes piecemeal programs to distract from lack of vision

April 11, 2019

TORONTO – Ford’s first budget threatens future growth and prosperity with dramatic tightening of public service spending and lack of leadership on manufacturing.  

"Conservatives have failed to reflect the priorities of working families in Ontario,” said Naureen Rizvi, Unifor Ontario Regional Director. “Essentially freezing government spending on education, health and social services won’t go unnoticed in public services that are already underfunded and in dire need of core funding.”