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Unifor members ratify new contract with Sheraton Guildford Hotel

May 28, 2018

SURREY—Striking Unifor Local 3000 members at the Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel have voted 92 per cent in favour of a new three-year collective agreement, ending the four-week strike.

“Unifor is a strong union for hotel workers,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “I’m proud of Local 3000 members who fought to get what they’ve earned from this employer.”

Unifor lobbies nationally for action on public services

May 24, 2018

OTTAWA – Unifor members from across Canada are on Parliament Hill to lobby MPs for an expansion of public services, including national child care and pharmacare programs, and action on climate change.

Strike averted, tentative deal reached at Windsor Star

May 4, 2018

WINDSOR – A tentative deal has been reached with Postmedia just hours before a strike deadline at the Windsor Star.

“We are relieved to have reached a tentative agreement that we can recommend to our members who have been serving this community by providing high-quality daily local news for decades,” said Julie Kotsis, Chair of the Joint Council of Unions, which represents members of Unifor Locals 240 and 517-G, as well as Communications Workers of America-Canada Local 30553.

B.C. NDP government makes progress on trucking commitments

May 4, 2018

VANCOUVER—The wage increases and enhanced resources for reliable enforcement measures announced today by the Government of British Columbia will help container truckers earn a decent living and move closer towards peace at Vancouver’s ports, says Unifor.

“Unifor worked hard to negotiate a plan that all sides agreed to,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Unlike its predecessors, this government is moving to faithfully implement the signed plan.”

Windsor news coverage threatened as newspaper strike looms

May 3, 2018

WINDSOR - Daily local news coverage in Windsor is under threat as owners of the Windsor Star seek massive concessions, while a midnight Friday strike deadline looms.

“Our newsroom has shrunk by more than 25 per cent as Postmedia seeks multi-year wage freezes while executive compensation climbed on average 33 per cent last year,” said Julie Kotsis, Chair of the Joint Council of Unions, which is bargaining for members of Unifor Locals 240 and 517-G, as well as Communications Workers of America-Canada Local 30553.

Sheraton Guildford Hotel workers on strike

May 1, 2018

SURREY—Workers at one of Surrey’s largest hotels have walked off the job after the employer refused to bargain with the union.

“It is a total lack of respect for the workers who make that hotel a success,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Hospitality workers deserve good working conditions and fair compensation.”

Job action began at 4:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 1 after the Collective Agreement expired.

Compass Minerals mine workers on strike

April 27, 2018

GODERICH—The employer’s demand for concessions have forced mine workers at the Compass Minerals’ facility in Goderich to take legal job action.

“Our members are pivotal to the success of the Goderich mine,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Miners deserve a fair deal, not dramatic concessions.”

Unifor Lear Ajax members on strike

April 28, 2018 AJAX – Unifor members at Lear Ajax began strike action as of 12:01 a.m. April 28 after negotiations to secure a new collective agreement failed. “Unifor bargained up until the deadline but unfortunately it became clear that Lear was just unwilling to make a fair offer,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. The 320 workers, represented by Unifor Local 222, had delivered an overwhelming 99 per cent strike mandate earlier this week.

Unifor serves strike notice at Sheraton Guilford

April 27, 2018

SURREY— The employer’s refusal to respond to the union’s proposals has forced Unifor Local 3000 to serve 84-hour strike notice at one of Surrey’s largest hotels.

“Reckless bargaining by the employer is going to result in a disruption in customer service,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We’re prepared to bargain but the Sheraton hasn’t demonstrated the same commitment to getting a contract.”

Unifor welcomes news that airport privatization stalled

April 23, 2018

TORONTO—Unifor joins several stakeholders, including most Canadian airport authorities, in celebrating news that the federal government’s controversial study of airport privatization has been shelved.

“Privatization is a scam that threatens the security and service at Canadian airports,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Airports are too important to be left to privatization experiments with the private sector.”

Unifor available to comment on auto personal emergency leave review

April 21, 2018 TORONTO – Unifor National President Jerry Dias is available to comment on the government review of personal emergency leave for auto workers. The review comes after Ontario Labour Minister Kevin Flynn met with a Unifor led delegation of unionized and non-unionized auto workers. “We had a frank discussion on how regulation 502/06 creates a lesser standard of personal emergency leave for auto sector workers. It is unfair and is hurting workers and their families,” said Dias.

B.C. forestry roundtable calls on Trudeau to act

April 19, 2018

VICTORIA—A forestry roundtable convened to deal with the crisis caused by U.S. tariffs on five Canadian paper mills has resolved to protect affected communities and recruit the federal government to fight back.

“President Trump’s tariffs on paper mills are grossly unfair and may cause several mill closures,” said Scott Doherty, Executive Assistant to the Unifor National President, who was at the meeting. “The federal government needs to act now to protect forestry communities and good Canadian jobs."

Unifor welcomes British Columbia fair wage legislation

April 19, 2018

VANCOUVER—Eliminating two sub-minimum wages is an important step for reducing exploitation and poverty of some of the province’s most vulnerable workers, says Unifor.

“Liquor servers and others struggling under the sub-minimum wage deserve a raise,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We look forward to working with the British Columbia government to use employment standards improvements to make these wage gains go even further.”

Unifor launches people’s trade town hall tour

April 19, 2018

HAMILTON - On Friday April 20, Unifor launches its cross country town hall tour to explore a progressive trade agenda.

“Canada’s approach to trade has been flawed and now is the time to do things differently,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “There is an opening to talk about the failures of free trade and an opportunity to imagine a new approach – a different kind of trade agenda, one that is for people not profits, and that is truly progressive.”

Plan calls for maintaining aerospace advantage

April 12, 2018

TORONTO - Strategic investments in workforce development coupled with wise regulation will help Canada maintain its unique aerospace advantage, according to a new policy paper published today by Unifor.

“The success of the Canadian aerospace industry is no accident,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Maintaining our advantage will take collaborative planning from industry, labour, and all levels of government.”

Unifor auto delegation to meet Ontario Labour Minister

April 11, 2018 TORONTO – Unifor National President Jerry Dias will lead a delegation of auto workers to meet with Ontario Labour Minister Kevin Flynn about personal emergency leave exemptions that unfairly punish those employed in the sector. “Employment standards should be fairly applied to all workers - full stop,” said Dias. “Auto workers have the same need for personal emergency leave as everyone else, they too have family members to mourn and care for.

Unifor fights to save five Canadian mills from Trump

April 11, 2018

TORONTO—Unifor has published a video with interviews of Canadians directly impacted by the new U.S. tariffs levied against paper mills in Newfoundland & Labrador, Québec, and British Columbia.

“Right now Donald Trump is poised to do irreversible damage to five small communities across Canada,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The Canadian government needs to act, and it needs to act now to protect local economies and good jobs.”

Moe’s first budget continues failed policies

April 10, 2018

REGINA—Unifor says Saskatchewan families are getting more of the same from rookie premier Scott Moe: public service cuts and reckless disregard for the province’s most vulnerable residents.

“Scott Moe’s imagination doesn’t go beyond cutting services and experimenting with privatization,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “It’s simply more of the same and more suffering ahead for Saskatchewan families trying to make ends meet.”

CRTC fails to protect Chinese language local news

April 10, 2018

TORONTO- The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission’s rejection of Unifor’s complaint against Roger’s contracting out its Chinese language newscasts is a huge loss to local news says Unifor, Canada’s largest media union.

“Local news is essential and licensed news broadcasts are not playing cards to be swapped with the only competing TV station in the community,” said Jerry Dias, National President.  “Rogers promised not to do this. They did it anyway.”

Locked out workers reject D-J Composites offer

April 9, 2018 GANDER - Aerospace workers in Gander, Newfoundland voted 97 per cent against the latest offer from D-J Composites, their American employer who locked them out of work 16 months ago.

Workers at Moncton Honda vote to strike

April 5, 2018

MONCTON – Workers at Moncton Honda have given their bargaining committee a strike mandate after negotiations between Unifor Local 4501 and the dealership reached an impasse.

“This is incredibly disappointing as the bargaining committee has given Moncton Honda every opportunity to reach a deal,” said Christian Laforge, Unit Chair, Unifor Local 4501.  “Our members have been working without a contract since December 31, 2017 and yet the dealership is continuing to drag this out by refusing to address key issues.”

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with New Flyer

March 29, 2018

WINNIPEG—The union at one of Canada’s largest heavy-duty transit manufacturers has reached a tentative agreement with their employer, New Flyer Industries.

“I commend the bargaining committee for holding the line on their defined benefit pension plan,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “These Unifor members have earned their defined benefits plans, and it’s an issue worth fighting for.”

N.S. misses mark on domestic violence leave

March 29, 2018

HALIFAX-Failing to make domestic violence leave paid leave allows a major barrier to remain for Nova Scotia women who need to flee violent homes says Unifor.

“Protected leave is important so women do not lose their jobs for missing work. but we know that economic security is critical when a woman decides to escape a violent situation and today’s legislation misses this critical fact,” said Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director.

Ontario budget pledges progressive investments

March 28, 2018

TORONTO- The Ontario budget’s investments in public services show continued momentum towards social justice and the effectiveness of political activism.

Unifor hosts NAFTA: A Worker’s View Roundtable

March 28, 2018

OTTAWA – Unifor National President Jerry Dias will host NAFTA: A Worker’s View Roundtable, featuring Mexican and Canadian labour leaders, Canada’s Chief NAFTA negotiator Steve Verheul and members of Canadian civil society groups.

“This is a critical time for the voices of workers to be heard on the true impact of NAFTA in both nations,” said Dias. “There is real danger that the sudden push by the U.S. for a rush deal could lead to a further deterioration of living standards for workers.”

Unifor to comment on Ontario budget

March 28, 2018

TORONTO- Unifor representatives will be available to comment following the release of the 2018 Ontario provincial budget.

“The Liberals’ announcement of free public childcare for preschool children shows the pressure that workers are putting on this government is being felt,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.