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/R E P E A T -- Unifor Ontario Council meets/

TORONTO, Dec. 3, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor leaders and activists from across Ontario will meet in Toronto this weekend to discuss what lies ahead for workers in the province, with a new federal government and major auto talks planned for 2016.

"This will be a very important meeting as we plan for the year ahead," said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Katha Fortier.

Unifor Ontario Council meets

TORONTO, Dec. 3, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor leaders and activists from across Ontario will meet in Toronto this weekend to discuss what lies ahead for workers in the province, with a new federal government and major auto talks planned for 2016.

"This will be a very important meeting as we plan for the year ahead," said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Katha Fortier.

Unifor school bus drivers encouraged by Auditor-General report

TORONTO, Dec. 2, 2015 /CNW/ - Ontario's largest school bus driver's union is encouraged by many of the recommendations issued today by the Auditor-General that focus on improvements to service quality, ensuring government accountability and better tracking the impact of driver turnover on safety.

Unifor reaches new agreements with six container trucking companies

VANCOUVER, Nov. 29, 2015 /CNW/ - Container truck drivers at several Metro Vancouver trucking companies have voted to ratify collective agreements with Unifor today after several days of around-the-clock bargaining. Companies with new collective agreements include AG, Aheer, Forward, Prudential, and Sunlover.

Media Advisory - Unifor to join climate change activists in Paris at COP21

TORONTO, Nov. 27, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor National President Jerry Dias and a delegation of other leaders will be travelling to Paris to participate in the global gathering of labour and non-governmental organizations coinciding with the United Nations Conference on Climate Change ("COP21").

Alberta climate panel's report achieves the right balance

EDMONTON, Nov. 22, 2015 /CNW/ - The Premier's Climate Change Advisory Panel report makes sensible recommendations that, once implemented, will make significant impacts on Alberta's greenhouse gas emissions and provide real solutions for affected industries and communities.

Unifor responds to latest offer from Coventry Connections, hoping to put an end to three month taxi lockout

OTTAWA, Nov. 16, 2015 /CNW/ - /CNW/ Unifor has responded positively to Coventry Connections' most recent offer, hoping to make progress towards a resolution of the lockout that started in early August.

"We want nothing more than to reach a deal that is fair for everyone and our members are eager to get back to work. Unfortunately Coventry is spreading misinformation regarding the dispute," said Bob Orr, assistant to the Secretary Treasurer.

Unifor occupies Coventry Connections

OTTAWA, Nov. 13, 2015 /CNW/ - After more than three months locked out by an employer demanding that taxi drivers accept a drastic cut in pay, the drivers and their supporters this morning occupied the offices of Coventry Connections, the company that owns all the cabs in the city.

"We have been forced into this action by a company and an airport authority that have refused to engage in real dialogue on this issue," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

/R E P E A T - Day of Action for taxi drivers/

OTTAWA, Nov. 12, 2015 /CNW/ - A mass rally will be held Friday morning in support of locked out Ottawa taxi drivers, members of Unifor Local 1688, more than three months after their employer locked them out after they refused to accept a drastic pay cut.

Day of Action for taxi drivers

OTTAWA, Nov. 12, 2015 /CNW/ - A mass rally will be held Friday morning in support of locked out Ottawa taxi drivers, members of Unifor Local 1688, more than three months after their employer locked them out after they refused to accept a drastic pay cut.

Unifor welcomes crack down on trucking companies

VANCOUVER, Nov. 6, 2015 /CNW/ - Container Trucking Commissioner Corinne Bell's renewed call to Metro Vancouver's port trucking companies to pay their drivers is a step in the right direction and important to avoid work stoppages later this winter during bargaining, says the largest union in the sector.

Time to fix TPP mistakes: Unifor

TORONTO, Nov. 5, 2015 /CNW/ - With the release of the full text of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal today, Unifor is calling on the federal government to thoroughly consult with Canadians on the agreement's impact on this country and to revise the provisions that will damage key Canadian industries.

New team announces candidacy for Ontario Federation of Labour

TORONTO, Nov. 5, 2015 /CNW/ - Ontario unions and local union activists have put forward a team of three principled, determined and experienced trade unionists to run for the election at the upcoming convention of the Ontario Federation of Labour. The team is running under the banner of FedForward, with the goal of uniting the labour movement in Ontario and advocating for progressive labour law reform.

Unifor No Frills grocery store workers reach tentative agreement

TORONTO, Oct. 30, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor members of Local 414 have reached a tentative agreement with No Frills grocery stores.  The unit includes 1,265 workers at 19 stores across Ontario.  

"We continue to break new ground within the retail sector," said Christine Connor, President of Unifor Local 414. "Details of the deal will be made available once it is ratified by the members."

Streetcar delays must be addressed without risking good jobs: Unifor

TORONTO, Oct. 26, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor is expressing its commitment to working with all of the parties to resolve concerns related to the delay in the delivery of new streetcars.

Earlier this month, Bombardier Transportation advised the Toronto Transit Commission that the delivery schedule of the new streetcars will not be fully met. The streetcars are built at Bombardier's Thunder Bay facility, which is employs 1,200 people, 900 of whom are members of Unifor Local 1075.

Unifor celebrates defeat of Harper Conservatives

TORONTO, Oct. 19, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor is celebrating the defeat of the Harper Conservatives and calling on the Liberals and NDP to cooperate to rebuild Canada.

"Tonight's election results offer Canadians an opportunity to rebuild our country," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "Canadians have sent a clear message that the Harper Conservative agenda is not one that represents our interests and needs."

Media Advisory - "We haven't forgotten": Community to rally against Harper during photo-op at aerospace facility

ABBOTSFORD, BC, Oct. 18, 2015 /CNW/ - Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper's last campaign stop will be met with a noisy protest of his failure to protect and create good jobs.

"The Harper record on job creation and economic growth is dismal—it's the worst in the post-war era," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "The Fraser Valley region is no different. This community owes the Harper government nothing."

Unifor supporting retirees hit by U.S. Steel decision

TORONTO, Oct. 14, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor is closely monitoring a recent court decision stripping U.S. Steel retirees of their health benefits, on behalf of 300 Unifor retirees from the former Stelpipe and Welland Pipe plants in Welland.

"U.S. Steel has truly let down the retirees and the people of Welland with its heavy-handed tactics leading to this court decision," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said.

Unifor economist Jim Stanford invites Jeff Watson to open debate on TPP

TORONTO, Oct. 14, 2015 /CNW/ - Unifor National Economist Jim Stanford has extended an invitation to debate Conservative candidate Jeff Watson in Essex County on the impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Canada's auto sector. Watson has refused, but Stanford will proceed with an open forum where all members of the public and media are invited to attend.

Unifor reaches tentative deal with OLG

TORONTO, Oct. 11, 2015 /CNW/ - Locked out OLG workers, members of Unifor working at Sudbury Downs, Casino Brantford and Woodbine Racetrack, have reached a tentative agreement with the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation.

As part of the OLG's modernization plan, OLG workers are no longer eligible for their current pension plan. Talks broke down regarding the terms of a new retirement plan. Workers were locked out on September 19.

Unifor calls for immediate release of full TPP text

TORONTO, Oct. 9, 2015 /CNW/ - Amidst growing public concern that the federal government is hiding key details of the newly signed Trans-Pacific Partnership, Unifor has joined others calling for the full text to be released immediately, so that Canadians have sufficient opportunity to study the landmark trade deal well before the federal election.

Unifor welcomes new port trucking commissioner

VANCOUVER, Oct. 6, 2015 /CNW/ - The largest union in the city's container trucking industry welcomes the appointment of Corinne Bell as the Acting Commissioner for the sector. Bell takes on the role after the sudden departure of Andy Smith on September 16.

Harper Conservatives acknowledge TPP risk to auto sector

TORONTO, Oct. 6, 2015 /CNW/ - With today's announcement of future funding for the auto industry, the Harper Conservatives have acknowledged that the newly signed Trans-Pacific Partnership will adversely impact the sector, according to Unifor.