TORONTO, Sept. 27, 2013 /CNW/ - Ontario's youth jobless rate is among the highest in Canada, prompting more than 100 young workers, students and community organizers to gather in Toronto today to outline practical policy solutions for youth un- and underemployment.
TORONTO, Sept. 25, 2013 /CNW/ - General Motors' decision to pre-pay outstanding debt to the Auto Sector Retirees Health Care Trust (asrTrust) in Canada was not unexpected, and confirms the North American auto industry is recovering rapidly, said Jerry Dias, the National President of Unifor.
TORONTO and LONDON, ON, Sept. 21, 2013 /CNW/ - All Ontarians have the right to earn a fair wage, work in a safe environment and maintain a decent standard of living, core values that the Ontario's Conservative Party will consider dismantling at their policy convention taking place this weekend, said Unifor President Jerry Dias.
TORONTO & LONDON, ON, Sept. 20, 2013 /CNW/ - All Ontarians have the right to earn a fair wage, work in a safe environment and maintain a decent standard of living, core values that the Ontario's Conservative Party will consider dismantling at their policy convention taking place this weekend, said Unifor President Jerry Dias.
TORONTO, Sept. 19, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor is calling the new $700 million investment in the Ford Oakville Assembly Plant a giant boost for the provincial and national economy.
"The benefits of this investment are enormous for the province and for the country," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias, citing studies showing that every job in the facility supports 10 jobs in total in some part of the value chain.
TORONTO, Sept. 18, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor is expressing its deep sadness for the victims of the accident involving a Via Rail train and OC Transpo bus that took place this morning in the west end of Ottawa.
LONDON, ON, Sept. 15, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor Local 88 members working at the General Motors assembly plant in Ingersoll, Ontario have voted 90% in favour of a new four-year deal following a ratification meeting in London today.
TORONTO, Sept. 14, 2013 /CNW/ - Canada's largest private sector union is calling on the federal government to update regulations in the armoured car industry to preserve public safety and the safety of armoured car drivers and guards.
LONDON, ON, Sept. 14, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor, the union representing Canada's auto workers, reached a tentative settlement with General Motors on a new collective agreement covering workers at the company's Ingersoll assembly plant late yesterday.
The union represents approximately 2700 production and skilled trades workers at the General Motors assembly complex (also known as the CAMI plant) in Ingersoll, Ontario.
TORONTO, Sept. 12, 2013 /CNW/ - The National President of Unifor has urged the federal and Ontario governments to hold onto its shares in General Motors, instead of selling them off to financial investors.
HALIFAX, Sept. 11, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor, the union representing thousands of shipbuilding workers in Nova Scotia, is raising concerns about the fate of future major investments in the province if the Liberal Party takes government in the October 8 election.
VANCOUVER AND CALGARY, Sept. 10, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor, Canada's largest private sector union, is exploring all options to protect the interests of workers in the media sector following an announcement of major restructuring and layoffs at Postmedia.
TORONTO, Sept. 6, 2013 /CNW/ - Representatives of the newly created Canadian union Unifor appeared before the Ontario panel studying minimum wages in the province today, and called for the minimum wage to be increased to $14 per hour.
The presentation was made by Jim Stanford and Jordan Brennan, both economists working in Unifor's Research Department.
VANCOUVER, Sept. 6, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor is pleased to announce that its first contract ratification is with a virtual workplace, with workers located across British Columbia and Alberta.
"This is what Unifor is all about," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said. "We want to help workers who have been left out of traditional unions."
TORONTO, Sept. 6, 2013 /CNW/ - Newly-elected Unifor National President Jerry Dias is raising concerns with the monthly job figures released this morning which see a surge in part-time jobs.
"Little by little, our economy is being built on a series of part-time, temporary, seasonal and precarious jobs - particularly for young workers now entering the workforce," said Dias.
KINGSTON, ON, Sept. 5, 2013 /CNW/ - Unifor - Canada's newest union - is calling for full disclosure of finances at Kingston Interval House women's shelter, following the abrupt resignation of its Board of Directors.
TORONTO, Sept. 3, 2013 /CNW/ - Newly-formed Canadian union Unifor is applauding the sudden about-face by U.S.-based Verizon Telecommunications in deciding not to enter the Canadian wireless market.
Unifor National President Jerry Dias said that the change of heart by Verizon is likely due to the resistance to the Verizon bid here in Canada by unions, business and privacy advocates.
In c9670 disseminated at 20:54e today, the first sentence in the fifth paragraph should have read: "Dias also cautioned that any new entrant looking to unfairly piggyback on technology built by and for Canadians without any firm commitment to jobs will meet even more resistance than Verizon did." Corrected copy follows:
Unifor applauds news of Verizon about-turn, calls for telecommunications industrial strategy
TORONTO, Sept. 2, 2013 /CNW/ - Newly-formed Canadian union Unifor is applauding the sudden about-face by U.S.-based Verizon Telecommunications in deciding not to enter the Canadian wireless market.
Unifor National President Jerry Dias said that the change of heart by Verizon is likely due to the resistance to the Verizon bid here in Canada by unions, business and privacy advocates.
TORONTO, Sept. 1, 2013 /CNW/ - The newest Canadian union, Unifor will be leading the Toronto Labour Day parade tomorrow morning, kicking off at 9:30 a.m. from Nathan Phillips Square.
Thousands of Unifor members from across the Greater Toronto Area and right across the country will gather at Nathan Phillips Square for speeches as of 8 a.m. where participants will hear from the newly-elected national president.
TORONTO, Sept. 1, 2013 /CNW/ - The newest Canadian union, Unifor will be leading the Toronto Labour Day parade tomorrow morning, kicking off at 9:30 a.m. from Nathan Phillips Square.
Thousands of Unifor members from across the Greater Toronto Area and right across the country will gather at Nathan Phillips Square for speeches as of 8 a.m. where participants will hear from the newly-elected national president.
TORONTO, Sept. 1, 2013 /CNW/ - Labour Day is a chance to spend time with friends and family one last weekend before summer closes and the rich colours of fall are upon us, to reflect on the good fortune in our lives and the fruits of our labour.
And we have a lot to be grateful for in Canada. We live in a beautiful country, full of good people who believe in caring for one another.
TORONTO, Aug. 31, 2013 /CNW/ - The Unifor founding convention got underway this morning, as the more than 3,500 delegates, formerly members of the Canadian Auto Workers union and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, voted to join together to form the country's largest private sector union. They adopted the new Unifor Constitution by a 95.5 percent majority.
TORONTO, Aug. 31, 2013 /CNW/ - The first Unifor National President will be hosting a press conference, following the election of the Unifor officers and the inaugural speech.
The election process will begin on Saturday, August 31 at 2 p.m. The inaugural speech of the first Unifor National President is scheduled for 3:15 p.m.
TORONTO, Aug. 31, 2013 /CNW/ - The first Unifor National President will be hosting a press conference, following the election of the Unifor officers and the inaugural speech.
The election process will begin on Saturday, August 31 at 2 p.m. The inaugural speech of the first Unifor National President is scheduled for 3:15 p.m.
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