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PWTransit workers ratify new agreement, ending nearly two-month-long strike

COMOX, B.C.– Unifor Local 114 members at Pacific Western Transportation (PWTransit) in Comox Valley and Campbell River, B.C., have successfully ratified a new collective agreement that addresses some fixes to the public transit system.

“Congratulations to the bargaining committee and to the members for standing strong at the bargaining table and on the picket lines to make a stand for improving public transit,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor condemns Premier Smith’s anti-transgender crusade

EDMONTON—Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s new plans to block access to gender-affirming medical care for younger teens is a violation of fundamental human rights and will cause avoidable harm to transgender youth, says Unifor.

“Premier Smith has prioritized wedge politics over tackling the pressing economic issues facing Alberta’s workers and their families,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “She’s put a bullseye on our most vulnerable youth to score cheap points with ultra conservatives. It’s disgusting.”

Unifor in solidarity with striking Mexican auto workers at Audi

Independent Union of Audi Mexico Workers (SITAUDI)
César Orta, Secretary-General 

Dear Brother Orta,

Re: Unifor in solidarity with striking Mexican auto workers at Audi

On behalf of Unifor’s 315,000 members across Canada, we extend our full support and solidarity with the more that 4,000 striking auto workers represented by the Independent Union of Audi Mexico Workers (SITAUDI) at the Audi plant in Puebla, Mexico.

Jamieson Laboratories workers are on strike

WINDSOR – Unifor Local 195 members who work at Jamieson Laboratories in Windsor, Ont. went on strike at midnight after rejecting the latest offer by the employer.  

The union’s strike action stemmed primarily from disputes over wages, the duration of a proposed four-year agreement, benefits, and job security.  

Despite extensive discussions, the employer’s offer failed to meet the expectations and needs of the membership. The union emphasized the importance of reaching an agreement that upholds the livelihoods and well-being of their members.  

SPEA welcomes government support for Pickering reactor refurbishment plan

Province of Ontario’s investment supports made in Canada low-carbon energy solution

Refurbishing units at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station is a win for Ontario’s energy workers, the economy, and a net-zero future, says the Society of Professional Engineers and Associates (SPEA-Unifor).

BIWOC Conference celebrates a decade of victories and stories

The 2023 Black, Indigenous and Workers of Colour Conference theme was “growing together,” celebrating 10 years of Unifor’s victories through the lens of BIWOC communities and continuing to build on these victories. Check out the powerful and joyous moments that reflect on a decade of solidarity.

Unifor Celebrates Black Excellence: Statement on Black History Month 2024

As we embark on the vibrant and empowering month of February, Unifor celebrates and reflects on the incredible contributions and resilience of Black communities, who throughout history, have played pivotal roles in shaping societies, breaking barriers, and inspiring profound and positive change. 

Scott Moe is overseeing record job losses at SaskTel

SaskTel is a Crown corporation held in high regard for its customer service and province-wide coverage. Under the Scott Moe government, it has been experiencing a troubling trend: the gradual but steady contracting out of union jobs.

This shift, marked by a reduction of approximately 300 good jobs in the last four years—10% of the unionized workforce—poses a threat not just to workers but to the very ethos of what a Crown corporation represents in Saskatchewan.

Contracting out at SaskTel are not isolated incidents but part of a broader, worrying pattern under the Sask Party.

Unifor demands Northern Pulp extend pension recall rights

HALIFAX - Unifor is demanding Northern Pulp reverse its decision to end pension recall rights for members of Unifor Local 440.

“Unifor gave a strong recommendation to Northern Pulp to wait until the CCAA proceedings are resolved before making any decisions that affect members of Local 440,” said Atlantic Regional Director Jennifer Murray. “Extending pension recall rights costs the company absolutely nothing out of pocket but they chose to snub the group of people who have been their most ardent supporters.”

Unifor is disappointed by indefinite curtailment of Crofton mill

VANCOUVER-Unifor is calling for an immediate response by all levels of government to support the Vancouver Island forestry sector following Paper Excellence’s announcement to curtail operations at its Crofton pulp mill indefinitely.

“An indefinite curtailment is an immeasurable loss for too many workers and their families who deserve so much better from Paper Excellence,” said National President Lana Payne. “These companies must be held to account and Canada and B.C. must support a value-added forestry industry that creates good, union jobs for generations to come.”

RailLine Volume 11 – Issue 3

Tentative Agreement Reached With Autoport Eastern Passage 

Dear Members,

We are pleased to announce that after a series of intensive negotiations, the bargaining team at Autoport Eastern Passage has reached a tentative agreement with the employer. This marks a significant milestone in our collective bargaining process, which began back on September 28, 2023.

Unifor Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On this solemn occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Unifor stands in solidarity to honor the memory of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. The Holocaust a systematic genocide, orchestrated by Nazi Germany during World War II, resulted in the mass persecution and murder of approximately six million European Jews, along with millions of others targeted based on ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, sexuality, and disabilities. 

Unifor opens its doors — and arms — to locals

Unifor locals embraced the opportunity to meet-and-greet with the union’s leadership and various departments at an Open House at the national office in Toronto on Jan. 24.

“We’re pleased to welcome our members to their union’s national office,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “A lot of great work happens here, and our work is for and with members every single day.”

Unifor Local 4005 Members at Wajax Power Systems Ratify New Collective Agreement

Members of Unifor Local 4005 at Wajax Power Systems, a small unit of 14 predominantly skilled trades workers, have overwhelmingly ratified a new collective agreement following successful negotiations. Union members at Wajax provide maintenance, parts sales, and supply services to heavy truck operators in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Change in benefit coverage contradicts Bell’s pledge to mental health support

Today, on Bell Let's Talk Day 2024, Unifor wrote to Bell Canada to address recent changes in mental health coverage at Bell Technical Solutions (BTS). Despite Bell Canada's commitment to mental health, the shift from Industrial Alliance to the Manulife Omni-flex plan at BTS has resulted in reduced mental health services for our members.

Bus drivers at Ro-Bus in Chateauguay take strike action

The 55 school bus drivers of Local 510 working for the Chateauguay-based carrier Ro-bus went on strike on January 24 to demand better working conditions.

A formal strike notice was filed with the employer and the government on January 12, indicating that the strike would be called if no satisfactory agreement was reached by 00:01 on January 24.

Unifor Quebec Director Daniel Cloutier begins provincial tour

Unifor's Quebec Director, Daniel Cloutier, began a tour of Quebec's regions on January 24 to meet with members. The purpose of this series of meetings is to strengthen ties and enable direct dialogue between the Quebec Director and members of Quebec locals.

Each meeting will provide members with an opportunity to discuss the challenges they face in their respective workplaces and communities, ask questions, share concerns and discuss union priorities. Cloutier will also address recent developments, future challenges and the union's initiatives to strengthen workers' rights.

Unifor members demand compensation from CBMC for lost wages

VANCOUVER—Coast Mountain Bus Company’s (CMBC) refusal to find a solution in the ongoing negotiations with transit supervisors resulted in two days of lost wages for transit operators and maintenance staff.

“I have been very clear with our members: they are not going to pay the price for CMBC’s inability to get their house in order,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “We encourage CMBC to get back to the bargaining table and find a solution before further disruptions occur.”

Media Advisory - Unifor media availability about Metro Vancouver transit strike

NEW WESTMINSTER—Media are invited to an update about the 5,100 Unifor members working at Coast Mountain Bus Company (Translink) during transit supervisor negotiations.

“Translink has made a mess of things and they must fix it as soon as possible,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “Workers nor transit riders want this disruption in the region’s transportation network.”

What: Statement on transit strike action

Solidarity with Argentina unions National General Strike

Unifor stands in solidarity with workers in Argentina as they unite in a national general strike to oppose far-reaching anti-worker reforms being introduced by President Javier Milei. These reforms would grossly undermine basic workers’ rights and protections across the country, leaving millions of workers open to rampant abuse and exploitation.

Read our letters of support to:

Unifor members ratify contract with Linde Canada

On January 17 members of Unifor Local 866-O voted 100% in favour of a new three-year contract with Linde Canada.

The new collective agreement includes annual wage increases of 4.25%, 4.00%, and 3.75%. It also improves bereavement benefits, adds three vacation days, and a signing bonus.

Uncertain Future:  Will Privatization Derail the Dreams of Young Workers at VIA Rail?

Welcome to VIA Vignettes, where the heartbeat of Canadian rail travel is shared through the eyes of those dedicated to bringing you home. In this series, we explore the personal journeys of VIA Rail's employees, those who ensure your travel is more than a mere transfer from point A to B but a passage woven into the fabric of Canadian life.

O’Regan’s BMW mechanics ratify first collective agreement

HALIFAX - Mechanics and service technicians at O’Regan’s BMW ratified their first collective agreement making them the first unionized service centre at a Halifax-area car dealership.

“Sitting across the table from the boss and having a say in your working conditions is at the heart of workplace democracy,” said National President Lana Payne. “Through collective bargaining, these workers have fought to build an agreement that supported their priorities. These members should be very proud of what they have accomplished.”

Unifor members at Swipe Jobs strike to improve poverty wages

The 71 members of Local 222 who work for the agency Swipe Jobs – which is on contract to Del Monte Fresh in Oshawa, Ont. to supply workers – are on strike to fight for a living wage.

“Del Monte has contracted out Swipe Jobs to provide workers at their facility, all the while not taking responsibility for the subpar wages and lack of benefits, making it impossible for our members to make a decent living,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Five Trends Trade Unionists Should Follow in 2024

By Angelo DiCaro

The past twelve months represented a positive step forward for working people in Canada. It was a period marked by low unemployment and high inflation (the conditions that typically create bargaining leverage for workers). It was also a period, on the heels of the COVID pandemic, when workers realized how integral their labour is to the health and success of the economy – and how, for years, that economy hasn’t delivered for them.