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Armoured car workers lobby on Parliament Hill

Taskforce on armoured car sector needed

OTTAWA, Feb. 13, 2014 /CNW/ - Workers in the armoured car sector are on Parliament Hill today to urge the Minister of Public Safety Steven Blaney and Members of Parliament to strike a taskforce on safety in the industry. The lobby takes place on the heels of two robberies of armoured cars in Montreal and Toronto.

Bill C-525 Employees’ Voting Rights Act

Unifor opposes Bill C-525.


Bill C-525 is not about employee democracy as its title suggests. It is about eroding the ability of employees in Canada to contribute to the decisions that affect their lives by choosing to participate in collective bargaining.

The Bill would place unreasonable obstacles in the way of union organizing, making it more difficult for a group of employees in a workplace to make a democratic choice to be represented by a union.

Unifor Rights at Work campaign comes to Ottawa

TORONTO, Feb. 13, 2014 /CNW/ - Canada's largest union in the private sector is bringing its national campaign to defend the rights of working people to the Nation's Capital this afternoon.

The meeting, just two days after the federal government handed down its 2014 budget, will focus much of its attention on challenges to workers' rights coming from the Harper government.

Budget 2014: Children in Poverty Wait while Surplus Accumulates

Budget 2014: Children in Poverty Wait while Surplus Accumulates

TORONTO, Feb. 12, 2014 /CNW/ - The 2014 Federal Budget has no clear strategies to address Canada's 14.3% child poverty rate and is out of step with Canadian values of caring about our neighbours' children. "Canadians are deeply committed to their communities and neighbours and they understand that eradicating child poverty is a collective responsibility," said Laurel Rothman, National Coordinator of Campaign 2000.

Bring your family

Ever thought of taking a family holiday with your union? Want to meet people from across Canada...

Low impact budget won't do the job

TORONTO, Feb. 11, 2014 /CNW/ - "As every Canadian knows, budgets are about choices," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. "Today the federal government made some good choices, but far too many bad ones."

"The best way to address pocketbook issues is through quality employment - and our government has once again missed the opportunity."

Media Advisory - Unifor Rights at Work campaign comes to Ottawa

TORONTO, Feb. 11, 2014 /CNW/ - Canada's largest union in the private sector is bringing its national campaign to defend the rights of working people to the Nation's Capital this Thursday.

The meeting, just two days after the federal government hands down its 2014 budget, will focus much of its attention on challenges to workers' rights coming from the Harper government.

Media Advisory - Unifor to comment on BC Speech from the Throne

VICTORIA, Feb. 11, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor Western Director Scott Doherty will be available for comment following the delivery of the BC Speech from the Throne.

"British Columbians want good jobs with decent benefits. So far, the premier's jobs plan hasn't delivered on her big promises," said Doherty. "The premier has relied on weaving a fantasy about the benefits of fracking or pipelines that bleed jobs. We want to see a broader vision of job creation grounded in reality."

Unifor wins Kitimat arbitration case

VANCOUVER, Feb. 8, 2014 /CNW/ - Canada's largest union in the private sector won a key arbitration award that will see nine retiring workers from Local 298 and Local 1127 receive the compensation they were promised when West Fraser closed its Eurocan pulp mill.

"We were fighting for retirees who were short-changed," said Unifor Western Director Scott Doherty. "This ruling confirms that workers have the right to rescind notice of retirement."

Chetwynd pulp mill to re-open in 2014

VANCOUVER, Feb. 8, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor Local 448 is celebrating the planned activation of the pulp mill in northern British Columbia town of Chetwynd.

"We're proud to have been a part of the negotiations to get people back to work," said Scott Doherty, Unifor Western Director. "Resource industry jobs are good jobs."

Chetwynd pulp mill to re-open in 2014

“BC’s pulp industry has been decimated by the BC Liberals. Hopefully, this will be an example for the industry to follow,” said Doherty.

Navistar Updates

Navistar Updates … These are the updates to the proceedings with regards to Navistar …

Rail abandonment disastrous for passenger service in New Brunswick, says rail union

Unifor calls on federal government for funds to keep rail service in the region

MONCTON, NB, Feb. 5, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor is expressing its disappointment that Canadian National Railway will abandon a 70 kilometer section of railway and is raising concerns about the impact it could have on passenger rail in the region. The union is calling for a public consultation before the section of rail can be abandoned.