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Information Bulletin #7

Sisters and Brothers,

Your Bargaining Committee remains engaged in negotiations with the Company via Zoom and will remain at the bargaining table until we reach a tentative agreement or find ourselves at an impasse. If either of those events occur, your Local Bargaining Delegates will be advised and a communication sent out informing the bargaining unit of the positional change.

The Committee is given strength by your continued patience and support.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Unifor condemns journalism cuts at Bell Media

Unifor is condemning a round of cuts being made to CTV newsrooms across much of Bell Media this week, saying the layoffs will cost the network many valued media workers just when their communities need them most.

Questions and Answers on Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations

February 2, 2021

Q. Can the government mandate COVID-19 vaccinations?

A. Governments can pass reasonable regulation and legislation related to vaccination, but at this time, neither the federal or provincial governments have indicated they will require vaccination of all citizens. It is more likely that vaccination will be required for workers employed in specific settings including health-care, long-term care, and group living situations.

Q. Is my employer allowed to ask me for proof of vaccination against COVID-19?

Tentative Agreement Reached


Your bargaining committee is excited to announce that tentative agreements have been reached on Agreement 1, 2, and 3.

We would like to thank the membership for your continuing show of support. This round of negotiations has faced truly unprecedented challenges, but through our unity and strength, we reached this settlement.

Your bargaining committee unanimously endorses the tentative agreement.

Votes on the collective agreement will be conducted in the coming weeks, information on the voting process will be provided by your Local Union.

BC basic income report calls for sweeping labour law reform

VANCOUVER—Significant Labour Relations Code and Employment Standard changes are needed to reduce income inequality, according to the final report issued by the British Columbia Basic Income Panel.

“If you’re working, forming a union is one of the best anti-poverty strategies there is,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The protections offered by a union go well beyond bargaining leverage for wages and benefits. Being a part of a union means your voice matters at work.”