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RailLine Volume 11 – Issue 13

CNTL Strike Vote Results & Next Steps

Dear Members,

We want to extend our sincerest thanks to all who participated in the recent Canadian National Translation Ltd (CNTL) strike vote, which concluded at midnight yesterday. Your active involvement is crucial to our collective bargaining efforts.

We are pleased to announce that a decisive 82% majority have voted in favour of authorizing a strike should negotiations with the employer fail to reach an agreement.

MDA workers launch strike action at company’s global space headquarters

BRAMPTON—Fifty workers at MDA’s new global headquarters and space robotics centre launched strike action on April 8 following the company’s refusal to negotiate. 

“Fair wages shouldn’t be light years away for workers at an incredibly profitable company such as MDA,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “The facility houses some of the most skilled workers in the industry and they deserve a fair contract that reflects their contribution to MDA’s bottom line.”

Agropur Dairy Cooperative in Nova Scotia ratifies new contract

The 135 Unifor members working at the Agropur Dairy Cooperative production plant in Bedford, N.S. have signed a new five-year contract that has wage increases of over 16.4% over the life of the agreement, including a 5% pay bump in the first year.

Unifor calls out GreenShield’s misrepresentations

Rather than focusing on reaching a settlement with Unifor, GreenShield Canada (GSC) has chosen a publicity campaign that is further inflaming the five-week dispute. 

Unifor represents more than 600 members, mostly women, who work in the company’s Windsor and Toronto offices and have been on strike since March 1.

Forestry, transit, and pay equity on the agenda for Unifor meetings with B.C. government caucus

VICTORIA—More than fifty Unifor members from across the province participated in meetings during April 2–4 with MLAs from their regions and cabinet ministers overseeing key economic sectors.

“This was a great opportunity to directly communicate the ideas and concerns of working people with the very decision-makers who update B.C.’s laws and regulations to improve working conditions for all,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “Lobby meetings are an important tool in our broader approach to affecting change for workers.”

Unifor members at Windsor Salt facing lay-offs

Windsor Salt is blaming market conditions for an impending idling of its mining operations in Windsor, Ontario. 

The cessation of operations could result in up to 150 Unifor members receiving lay-off notice. Unifor Local 1959 and 240 are currently in negotiations with the company on which workers will remain for maintenance procedures.

“Our goal in the next few days is to negotiate an aggressive return-to-work protocol to ensure the lay-off period is as short as possible,” said Local 1959 President Doug Shaw.

Unifor ratifies agreement with CN Autoport

HALIFAX— Unifor members at CN Autoport have ratified a three-year collective agreement, ending a 37-day strike at the transshipment facility in Eastern Passage, N.S.

Unifor welcomes federal support for a national food program

Unifor applauds the federal government’s announcement that the upcoming budget will include a $1 billion investment to help provide healthy meals for children and assist families during the affordability crisis.

“With high grocery costs and a surge in food bank usage across the country – with one-third of them being children – we need a structured national school nutrition program now,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

Unifor reaches tentative agreement with CN Autoport

HALIFAX–Unifor and CN Autoport reached a tentative agreement today, after the conciliator invited the union back to the negotiating table at the company’s request. 

Details will be shared with Autoport members first at meetings scheduled for tomorrow, April 3, 2024, where members will vote on the tentative agreement.

Picket lines at the Autoport in Eastern Passage will remain active until a collective agreement is ratified.

Unifor members at Marine Atlantic begin collective bargaining

The bargaining committee representing Marine Atlantic workers at Unifor Local 4285 and 4286 met with the employer from March 26-28 to begin negotiations.
Marine Atlantic members service ferry routes that traverse from North Sydney, N.S. to Port Aux Basques, N.L. and Argentia, N.L. 

Unifor calls for worker solidarity on Trans Day of Visibility

Solidarity among workers forms the backbone of progress. Standing united against transphobia and hate is not just our responsibility as a union, but a fundamental act of protecting the dignity and rights of every individual in Canada.

Unifor National President Lana Payne visits striking CN Autoport workers

Unifor National President Lana Payne was at the CN Autoport picket lines in Halifax, Nova Scotia to support Local 100 members who have been on strike for more than 4 weeks. 

CN chose to bring in scabs on day one of the strike while anti-scab legislation is welcomed federally and in some provinces. 

Lana recently spoke to the House of Commons about the urgent need for the anti-scab legislation NOW, not months from now. 

Expertech workers move towards strike action

TORONTO— The bargaining committee representing members of Expertech, a wholly owned Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. company, is gearing up for a crucial strike vote, signaling the potential for imminent strike action. Following months of negotiation and the intervention of conciliation, Bell Expertech has yet to present a substantive monetary offer or commit to limit outsourcing to third-party contractors rather than investing in its own workforce.

20th Anniversary of the Westray Law

Atlantic Regional Director Jennifer Murray pays respects to the 26 victims of the Westray Mine Disaster, at a March 26 service at Their Light Will Always Shine Memorial Park in New Glasgow, N.S.

20th Anniversary of the Westray Law

Unifor is marking the 20th anniversary of the Westray Law with a renewed call on regulators, police and government to avail of this law to bring those who grossly violate workplace health and safety to justice. 

Griffin Wheel workers strike over pension plans and forced overtime

WINNIPEG – Unifor members who work at Griffin Wheel, a foundry that manufactures train wheels in Winnipeg, went on strike this morning at 9 a.m., after the company’s latest offer would erode pensions, seniority rights and work-life balance issues.

RailLine Volume 11 – Issue 12

CN Transportation Ltd. (CNTL) Bargaining Update

As you are aware, the previous tentative memorandum of settlement (MOS) that was negotiated with CNTL on January 16, 2024, was not ratified by the membership. 

2024 B.C. Forestry Workers' Summit

On March 12, 2024, forestry workers from three unions convened for a summit to address the crisis in the industry and to develop sustainable solutions centred around job preservation. This meeting was unprecedented and signifies a new phase in the forestry workers' efforts to prevent the industry's collapse.


2024 Unifor National Scholarship application period now open

Embarking on a journey towards higher education comes with financial challenges. Recognizing this, Unifor takes pride in announcing the commencement of the application period for the 2024 Unifor National Scholarship program, designed to support individuals pursuing post-secondary education.

This year, we are pleased to offer 28 scholarships, each valued at $2,000. These scholarships are open to the children of Unifor members, as well as Unifor members themselves who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies.

Unifor auto sector leadership considering escalatory action amid CN’s use of scab labour at Autoport Halifax

Unifor auto sector leadership are considering escalatory actions against Autoport, as the employer and its parent company CN Rail continue the use of scab labour.

“CN is showing blatant disrespect for its workers and their fundamental right to fair and free collective bargaining” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “After convening a meeting of our auto sector leadership, CN may be about to learn a very hard lesson.”

Letter to CN Rail and Autoport


To: Tracy Robinson, CEO, Canadian National Railway
      Olivier Chouc, President, Autoport

As the elected representatives of Canada’s 20,000 auto sector members at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, we are writing to denounce your company and its subsidiary’s decision to use scab labour at Autoport in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

On March 22, 2024, we met to discuss the situation unfolding in Nova Scotia as well as a range of potential solidarity actions in support of Unifor Local 100 members affected by this dispute.