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Letter to Premier Ford re: Rapid Testing at Airports

December 15, 2020

Honourable Doug Ford, Office of the Premier
Legislative Building, Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

sent via e-mail: @email

Dear Premier Ford,

I was pleased to read of your support for the addition of rapid testing to the safe and healthy border control measures here in Ontario.

Lack of PPE for health workers contributes to outbreak at Windsor long-term care home

December 15, 2020

WINDSOR – A lack of access to PPEs at The Village at St. Clair, a long-term care facility, has contributed to an outbreak of COVID-19 cases.

“The Ontario Government made it clear that all health care workers will have access to proper PPE including N-95,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “This outbreak is evidence of a blatant disregard of the directive and the safety of residents and workers.”

There are currently 48 confirmed cases among the 256 residents at the facility and 25 among its staff.

Migrants Day Statement

Unifor joins with the United Nations, migrant worker organizations and social justice advocates around the world to recognize December 18, International Migrants Day. On this day we demand equal protection for the human rights of migrants and appreciation for their contributions to Canada and the global community.

Letter to Premier Ford re: Rapid Testing at Airports

December 15, 2020

Honourable Doug Ford, Office of the Premier
Legislative Building, Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Dear Premier Ford,

I was pleased to read of your support for the addition of rapid testing to the safe and healthy border control measures here in Ontario.

Energy workers speak out for good jobs

Unifor’s Energy Council has published a new video that features rank-and-file members in the energy sector talking about the union’s campaign

Information Bulletin #4

Sisters and Brothers,

Negotiations with the Company continued this week in Ottawa via Zoom. The Union and the Company have exchanged proposals and have started to work through the non-monetary demands.  We have engaged the Mobilization Committee, to distribute an educational document regarding the process of Federal Bargaining.  We will continue to keep you updated as the process unfolds.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee